Yusuf Raisov - biography, personal life, photo, news, fighting, growth, revenge, weight, "instagram", MMA fighter, record 2021



Yusuf Raisov, known under the pseudonym Borz (translated from Chechensky means "Wolf"), - a fighter of mixed martial arts in lightweight, promising star MMA. Yusuf is a workaholic and a purposeful person, ready to train to exhaustion and sacrifice all for the success of the case. Specifically, these qualities helped the athlete to occupy the second line of the ACA rating (Absolute Championship Akhmat).

Childhood and youth

Yusuf Said-Magomedovich Raisov was born on June 22, 1995 in the city of Engels of the Saratov region, where he conducted childhood. By nationality, Yusuf - Chechen, Mom - Minat Geniyevna, Father - Said-Magomed Mohadinovich. In 1995, the family was forced to leave Chechnya due to the start of the fighting.

At the age of seven Yusuf and his brother Magomet for the first time crossed the gym threshold. On the karate sons led the father, other sections in the city was simply not. As a child, Raisov was distinguished by quick-tempered, often hit the alterations, hooliganil and conflict in school. The guy loved to fight, compete, and peers perceived as rivals. At the same time managed to learn 4 and 5 and more threatened to the exact sciences.

According to the elder brother Yusuf Abdullah, the most serious punishment that the Father could come up with for them is to prohibit attending the section.

After 3 years, Yusuf became interested in combat sambo. Vladimir Chykmarev became the first coach. From now on, than only Raisov did not do: judo, hand-to-hand fight, Jiu-Jitsu.

Raisov's coach for Ghrupling and the struggle of Arbi Muradov notes that Yusuf is a real hard worker, seriously related to the case. What is indicative, during preparation for battle, it completely disables the phone and other means of communication.

Mixed martial arts

In 2013, the Raisov family returned to Grozny. There, in March 2014, a debut fight athlete with Vyacheslav Gagiyev, who ended with the victory of Chechen on glasses. The struggle issued heavy - the young athlete broke his hand.

After Yusuf laid 5 rivals in a row on Parter 5, the fighter was offered a contract with the ABSOLUTE CHAMPIONSHIP BERKUT.

In the DCA, a talented guy won 4 more victories and was able to claim the belt in a featherweight weight. However, in a duel on the DESER 50, according to the unanimous decision of the judges, the title of Ossetian Marat Balaevo lost. The first defeat forced Yusuf still stubborn to go to the desired belt and more intensively train. At the DSU 77, the athlete laid Alexander Peduson, deserving the title of the Temporary League Champion. Now Raisov had the opportunity to fight again for the title. Revenge with Balaev ended in the last Sabmichn.

Yusuf Raisov and Egor Karovtsov

In a featherweight weight, Yusuf spent 13 fighting and became the youngest winner of mixed martial arts.

When I turn again to the lightweight category, Raisov held a victorious series of 3 fights with Englishman Andre Winner, Brazilians Luis Nogaira and Raimundo Batistan.

In 2019, a fight took place on Ghrupling with Dagestani Maurif Piraev, who was too strong fighter for Yusuf. In March of the same year, Yusuf rejected the UFC proposal, as the Asa Guide was against the care of an athlete.

In 2020, Risov accepted the challenge of the Kazakh fighter Artem Reznikov. This confrontation was preceded by a scandalous oven: at first Yusuf did not agree to battle. Reznikov did not accept and tried to hook a board:

"You boldly stated that you do not see danger in my skills. Well! I saw your "struggle" skills with Marat Balaev. And you know, I will not have any problems to translate you to the parter! "

The trusted Chechen said he was ready to kill to defeat in the upcoming duel:

"If someone insults me, I will devote my life to find this person."

But Reznikov unexpectedly transferred the date of the fight, Raisova was so not tolerated to cling to the offender that the fighter accused Artem in the simulation of injury. According to Yusuf, it does not exchange a fight with the cuttechnik even to a contract with UFC.

Yusuf Raisov and Artem Reznikov

The long-awaited fight occurred on September 19, 2020 at ASA 111, where the Borz was played by a separate decision of the judges for his career. In an interview with the Sports Canal, Yusuf admitted that the revenge of the fight with Rubnikov was possible and the latter was not even against, but Artem wanted to fight in the spring, and Muslims at this time passes a big religious holiday - Ramadan, and Raisov refused this idea. Nevertheless, Borps banned Artem Reznikov even to pronounce his name.

On December 13, 2020, a fight with Yegor was held at ASA 119. After the victory in this fight, Raisov became a free agent.

It is not known about the doping in the training of Raisov, however, in 2018, the ASV experts published a list of fighters held by doping control on the DRES 50. Among them - Albert Duraev, Adlan Batayev, Aslambek Saidov, Yusuf Raisov, Beslan Isaev (3 of 5 "Clean "). However, it was not indicated who exactly from the athletes was exploring the use of prohibited drugs.

April 20, 2020, remaining without a contract with ASA, Russian fighter Yusuf Raisov signed a contract with the organization AMC Fight Nights.

Personal life

Now the personal life of Yusuf Raisov is almost nothing known. In December 2018, the bearded handsome man married. He has a son.

The athlete leads accounts in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, where the photos of the fights are laid out. His weight is 65.8 kg (light weight category), height is 175 cm.

Yusuf Raisov Now

Alexey Makhno became the next probable rival of Borza, and the duel, according to forecasts, was to be held on July 16. Despite the long-standing dream to fight UFC, they rummed that Yusuf could get Bellator, where Russian fighters go more often.

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In 2021, the fighter continues to improve his skills and persistently prepares for the next battle with Makhno. In addition, an athlete believes that it would be interesting to fight with Nusullo Aliyev, Nariman Abbasov and Edward Vartanyan.


  • 2017 - ACB Temporary Champion in Height Weight
  • 2018 - ACB champion in the height weight
  • 2020 - Participant of the Best Battle of the Evening (against Artemia Reznikova)

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