Andrei Bilanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Andrei Bilanov is a popular, in demand, in whose skill no one doubts. However, when watching movies with their participation, he torments the thought that it could be done better, and hopes that the viewer will not notice roughness. Closing the filmography of up to 50 points, Bilanov said it is only the beginning."By the age of 70, I will try to organize my film studio, where I will shoot the films that I want. And, I hope, I will be removed myself. If not to bloom and keep yourself in shape, it is quite possible. "

Childhood and youth

On September 5, 1968, Andrei Bilanov was born in Nikopol (Dnepropetrovsk region). When he was coming a year, his parents left for earnings to the extreme north. Father worked as a driver of heavy trucks, mother - on a knitted factory and nurse. The childhood of the future actor passed among endless snow and ice, in the harsh climate. Once a year, the family was chosen on vacation, these short trips made a variety of northerners. Andrei returned to Ukraine when he was 11 years old.

In the youth of Bilanov became interested in art and dreamed of becoming an actor and movie actor, but dreams did not interfere with him in sports. He earned the title of Master of Sports of the USSR on Judo and Master of Sports of Russia in Sambo. Then he got carried away with fitness and habitually brought the hobby to such a level that he won the country championship and took the 3rd place at the European Championships.

After school, Andrei went to the army, his service place is a presidential regiment in Moscow. Demobilizing, entered the Academy of Physical Education and, passing by Vgika, decided to try good luck to the course Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. As a result, Bilanov graduated from both universities and settled in the Moscow New Drama Theater. From there, it was not wishing to work on the second roles for a wage unworthy for a man, "stuck holes", smile, wondering the work.


Bilanov's cinematic biography began in adulthood. The artist was not invited to the movies for a long time: he played the first role in 33 years in the film "Adamov Tears". Andrei so flawlessly handed over the character of his hero that his career was rapidly going up.

In a textured actor with a sports physique (height 190 cm, weight of 100 kg) a lot of fans, with each new role there are more and more. Andrei Bilanov is familiar to the audience on the series "Paradise apples", "native people", "happy together" and others. Bodyguards, employees of special forces, officers of the army and the police are one of the role of Bilanov, director willingly invite him to such roles.

In 2008, Andrei Bilanov played the failed groom heroine Irina Apeximova in melodrame "Contrary to common sense." In the series "Such an ordinary life" of his hero, a pathologically honest businessman, marries one woman, being in love with another, just to cause jealousy, but over time begins to experience real feelings.

In 2011, the actor starred with Alexander Radnikov and Evgenia Loza in the Mini-TV series "Polysevidelnitsa". The iconic genre becomes melodramas. Andrei plays in the Ukrainian belt "Forest Lake", showing how two worlds collided on two shores of the reservoir: the village and cottages inhabited by relaxing citizens.

Then the actor appears in the melodramatic series "My New Life", reincarnated in the entrepreneur in another picture about the collision of the village and the city - the "Rustic Story". In the same year, the artist fulfills the main roles in three films: "Love as an accident", "Cat for sale" and "Reverse ticket".

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In 2013, the actor is involved in the main roles in the full-length projects "Paradise", "Pier of Love and Hope", "My White and Fluffy". Shooting in melodramas "The Human Factor" and "Surprise for Love" dilutes the detective "in one breath" on the novel by Tatiana Ustinova.

A year later, Bilanov embodied on the screen a through character from works belonging to Peru Marina Serovoy. Anna Tarautkina, Dmitry Mazurov, Danil Yakushev, Anna Miklosh, was partners of Andrei.

In December 2016, the actor played a major role in the entrepreneurial play "Men on schedule", which was shown in Murmansk. Sergey Kolesnikov, Elena Biryukova, Alexey Shevchenkov and Victor Loginov became the colleagues of Bilanov.

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In the same year, Andrei Bilanov announced that the "Heroes of Our Time" film festival, whose president he was, received the official recognition and status of the All-Russian event, as well as state financial support of the Ministry of Culture. Just in that year, the festival was not carried out due to lack of financing.

However, according to the actor, from next year, the film forum will become annual and will be held on Tambovshchina in early September. The goal of the Bilanov Festival sees motivation for young Russian directors to shoot films, supporting the Soviet traditions of filmmaking.

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In 2018, Kursk Cossacks assigned to Andrei Bilanov the title of colonel of the Cossack troops on the screen of the gallery of positive images of this man. Such a person, straightforward, with a complex character and an exacerbate sense of justice, the artist played in the TV series "Menting Wars".

The authors of the project attracted Bilanov to give plot lines more lively, because his character appeared in the 11th season, and during this time the viewer "was heard." According to the scenario, the wrestler wrestlers in the pursuit of Roman Shilov performed by Alexander Ustyugov conflicts with the head of the slaughter department, whose role was given to Andrei.

Personal life

Andrei Bilanov was married three times. Two spouses gave him children, but the family did not save it. From the first marriage with Alla Shadura, the actor remained daughter Katya, who chose the profession of architect. Relations with Tatyana Rubis, he did not register. In the third, also a civilian, with Inna Bulkova, the son of Ilya was born, who is still not thinking about the future, but the questions of the Father replies that he wants to become a cook and induces delicacies of their own preparation.

According to the actor, he was not disappointed in women after divorces, because both are to blame the relationship. But Andrei hesover herself to be guilty to a greater extent, because there is little time spending at home, it does not always evaluate the situation objectively. Now Bilanov, on their own recognition, "happy and not alone".

Free Time A man pays for children, photographs, engaged in modeling, collects ships and travels. In 2019, the artist became Sant - Catherine presented him with his granddaughter.

In May 2017, Andrei posted his biography on the official website and appeal to fans, in which the fans did not believe the rumors distributed on the Internet, and not trust information from third-party sources. A year later, by the video on Youtube Bilanov, explained that she personally leads a page in "Instagram", publishes photos, and this is the only platform for communication with friends and colleagues.

The account is tied to Facebook and Twitter, so the posts are duplicated on these resources. Subscribers have the right to ask questions about creativity, but not about personal life, mood or internal experiences. Those who allow themselves incorrect statements, Andrei blocks goodly blocking.

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Bilanov adores late autumn evenings when there is no rain and sun. His favorite dish - fried potatoes with tomatoes. He prefers a simple and comfortable semi-self-style clothing. When the actor has time, he gladly looks at Soviet films, something learns from Matters Cinema.

Andrei tries himself and in musical creativity - he recorded the Debut album "My heartbeat", which was included in both the songs and poems in his performance.

The actor does not hide what plans to leave Russia. While he is in demand, he can provide a worthy life to himself and children. But it is recognized that I would not like to retire at $ 100-150, forgotten by colleagues and fans.

Andrei Bilanov now

At the beginning of 2019, the actor who embodied the dozens of the investigators on the screen, he himself fell under the cross recruitment of the experts of the program "On Said." Andrei came to the studio to place points over I in a relationship with such Evgeny Kashayeva. The girl argued that Bilanov had to her father. But in the conversation it turned out that Zhenya Laskala.

The results of secretly made by Andrei DNA test, the probability of his fatherhood made up 0%. Later, the media wrote that Eugene for a couple with his sister Ksenia participated in other shows, and play the performance in Dmitry Shepelev's project, they did not make difficulty.

Now Andrei Bilanov produces the shooting of the documentary "Do not judge," dedicated to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Moreover, the characters of the picture - participants in combat operations on both sides of the front. The authors will listen to the stories of fighters about how life has arisen after the war, what live today and that they want to wish to descend.

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The main question is whether the soldiers of the Soviet army and the Wehrmacht will give each other's hands. In the final, the actors will meet in St. Petersburg. The film is already presented at Pitching the International Festival of Motivational Cinema and Sport Bridge of Arts. It is planned to participate in international and Russian film festivals and showing in Germany.

Andrei Bilanova's hero in the series "Sunny Bunny" - a man who knows the price of words and actions, loves truly wise and able to forgive. The actor says that the script hooked as soon as he began to read it. That's just when the picture shot back in 2015 will reach the viewer, it is unknown. In addition, several different scenarios were created specifically for Bilanov, including comedies and mystical thriller. A question arose about financing filming.


  • 2003 - "Undina"
  • 2006 - "Alban's pseudonym"
  • 2007 - "Cats-Mouse"
  • 2008 - "Labires of Love"
  • 2009 - "Paradise apples. Life goes on"
  • 2010 - "Such an ordinary life"
  • 2011 - "Indian Summer"
  • 2011 - "Slices"
  • 2012 - "Rustic Story"
  • 2013 - "All Treasures of the World"
  • 2014 - "In one breath"
  • 2014 - "Private Detective Tatyana Ivanova"
  • 2017-2018 - "Menting Wars-11"

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