Kirill Lavrov - biography, photos, personal life, filmography



Kirill Yuryevich Lavrov - Soviet actor and cinema actor, People's Artist of the USSR, Artistic Director of BDT (1989-2007), All-Union Fame acquired after the execution of major roles in the "Living and Dead" films, "Brothers Karamazov", "My tender and gentle beast" .

Kirill Lavrov is a favorite actor of millions of viewers. He played dozens of roles in famous performances and religious Soviet films. It seemed fate predetermined the future of the boy.

Actor Kirill Lavrov

The future actor was born on September 15, 1925 in Leningrad, in the acting family. Father worked in BDT, the mother often recorded the programs on the radio, performed as a literary reader. Since childhood, Kirill Yuryevich grew up in a creative atmosphere, which did not prevent him from being buried and hooligan among peers. His teenage passion was football - he succeeded so much as he was part of the Leningrad "Spartak".

When a wave of repression in Leningrad went in the intellectual circles, Lavrov's parents moved to Kiev for several years. The boy stayed at her grandmother who raised him. Kirill Yuryevich often spoke in an interview that he was in love with St. Petersburg.

During the Great Patriotic Laurels were evacuated to the Kirov region. In 1942, Kirill Yurevich was evicted to Novosibirsk, he worked as a turner at the local factory. In those years, his sole dream was the scene - he wanted to conquer the whole world with his talent.

Kirill Lavrov in childhood with his father

After a year of work at the 17-year-old plant, the young man called in the army. After three years of service, he studied at the military aviation mechanic and worked for five years in the specialty on the basis of bombers on Kurilh. But with a dream, Kirill Lavrov did not part. True, all metropolitan theatrical schools refused to him. Then the guy went to Kiev, where his father lived and worked. Yuri Lavrov was a respected actor in the theater. Lesia Ukrainka, he helped his son.

Cyril Lavrov was not only a successful actor, but also a noticeable political figure. He had a serious impact on the decisions of the Government of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the field of theatrical art and cinema.

Lavrov took the theater with a trial period. At first, the novice went on stage only in the crowd, but the director of the theater saw his talent and the potential, so soon Lavrov received a permanent job. In 1955, the actor returned to Leningrad at the invitation of the Grand Drama Theater. To this theater, he remained faithful to all his life.

Kirill Lavrov in youth

Spectators saw him in almost 60 performances. He played silence in the "grief from the mind", astrova in the "Uncle Vana", salty in the "Three Sisters", Governing in the "Revior". These roles were so accurately and thinned to him that no other viewers did not even imagine.

In 1989, Kirill Yuryevich Lavrov headed the BDT and led them until his death.


Cyril Lavrov's film took place in 1955 in the film "Vassek Trubachev". Then followed new offers and new roles. The cult has become his role in the film "Live and Dead", shot in 1964 by the prose of Konstantin Simonov. Lavrov played a military correspondent of Sintsov - a courageous, honest, ideological man. The actor recalled that it was these qualities that bribed him into a hero, whose character he tried to transfer from the screen. The film "Live and Dead" watched more than 40 million spectators, which became an absolute record. The film also played Anatoly Papanov and Oleg Efremov. In 1967, the shooting of the continuation of the film was completed - the Military Drama "Retribution".

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In 1964, Kirill Lavrov tried on the role of Antigger, fulfilling the role of Vora-Rezidivist Alexei Lapina in the criminal film "Believe me, people." The actor managed to recreate the controversial character of the character, his desire for the right life. The picture came out in 1965 and became the leader of the rolled. A year later, the shooting of Melodrama Gennady Schapalikov "Long happy life" about love at first glance between Elena and Viktor, who played Inna Gray and Kirill Lavrov. The film was received by the Major Prize at the International Cinema Film Festival in Bergamo.

In 1968, the audience saw Kirill Lavrov in the film "Brothers Karamazov". On the shooting, the actor met Mikhail Ulyanov, since then their friendship began. In the same year, Lavrov reincarnated to the smuggler sailor in a film "Our acquaintances", as well as on the ship's commander in the full-length film "Neutral Waters".

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A year later, Kirill Lavrov came to the main acting staff of the Tchaikovsky's biographical drama, where he fulfilled the role of the student Peter Ilyich - the musician Vladislav Pakhulsky. The chief hero of the kinocartine brilliantly performed by Innokenty Smoktunovsky. In 1970, the premiere of the revolutionary drama "Love Yarovaya" took place, in which Lavrov reincarnated again to the sailor, this time - a convinced Marxist. On the working platform, the star cast was collected - Lyudmila Chursin, Vasily Lanova, Vasily Shukshin.

In 1971, the filmography of Artist was replenished with the main role of Coach Chudinova in the film "Time of the White Queen". In the sports drama speech about the turning point in the life of a ski instructor. The role of Andrei Bashkirtseva in the "Taming of Fire" brought Lavrov to the State Prize. The viewers also remember the films "My tender and gentle beast", "Glass of water", "long happy life", in which Kirill Lavrov was shot.

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In the social drama of 1974, the release "Still in the evening", Kirill Lavrov appeared in the acting duet along with Inna Makarova. A year later, the actor received the role of Vladimir Lenin in the historical drama "Trust" on recognition by the Soviet state of Independence of Finland. Judging by the photo, Lavrov reached a portrait similarity with Vladimir Ilyich. In the image of the leader of the world proletariat, Kirill Lavrov appeared on the screen back in 1981, fulfilled the main role in the film "December 20".

In the cinematic biography of Lavrov, there are also works in multi-sized televisionilists, the first of which was the image of Maxim Stogov from the film "Salt of Earth". In the film of the main characters, the famous Coriferations of Soviet Cinema Natalia Fateeva also played, Mikhail Glovsky, Ivan Pereverzev, Anatoly Romashin. In the 1980s, with the participation of Lavrov, movies "on the pomegranate islands" are published in the lead role, "a date with youth", "from the life of the criminal investigation department", "Choker Charlotte".

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In 1988, the showing of the work of A. Pushkin "Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky" started a show, where the actor reincarnated in the father of the chief hero of Vladimir (Mikhail Efremov) - Andrei Dubrovsky.

In the early 2000th Lavrov appeared in the role of Baron in the first season of the "gangster Petersburg". Kirill Yuryevich was familiar with the man whom he played, personally. Once the prototype of Baron went to the actor on the street, left a business card and offered help in any difficult issues.

In 2005, Cyril Lavrov reincarnated in Pontius Pilate in the film entertainment M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" created by the director Vladimir Bortko. In the same year, a deadly sick artist fulfilled the last major role in the criminal melodrama "All Gold World", where Igor Livanov also played, Igor Sklyar, Polina Kuttzov, Yuri Galtsev.

Personal life

A beautiful and successful actor was a dream of thousands of women. But in his personal life there was only one real love - Valentina Nikolaev spouse. Artists got acquainted in the theater them. Lesia Ukrainka, where she worked at the time. They fell in love, got married, together moved to Leningrad.

Kirill Lavrov and Valentina Nikolaev with children

In 1955, the first of the children was born in the family - Son Sergey, and after 10 years the daughter of Maria appeared. Lavrov happily lived in marriage for 40 years.

Kirill Lavrov and Anastasia Lozovskaya

On June 5, 2002, Valentina Nikolayevna died, the loss of his native man handed over Lavrov. But soon he met Anastasia Lozovskaya, who worked as a costume at the theater. She was younger than Cyril Lavrov for almost 50 years. The couple lived together for three years, to the death of Cyril Yuryevich. In the sidelines, their union burly discussed, but, as the daughter of Actor Maria said, Anastasia really sincerely loved her father.


He up to 80 years old went on stage, but in the fall of 2006, Lavrov felt ailments. The director of the theater, who looked at him to visit him, called "ambulance". After the survey, it turned out that Kirill Lavrov needs a bone marrow transplant. The donor became his daughter Maria. After the operation, the actor returned to the scene, but not long - leukemia began to progress.

Tomb Kirill Lavrov and Valentina Nikolaev

On April 27, 2007, Kirill Lavrov did not. He was fang in Leushinsky Pozdav, where many years ago parents baptized her son. I buried the actor at the Theological Cemetery, next to the grave of my wife.


  • 1956 - "Honeymoon"
  • 1959 - "Quarrel in Lukashah"
  • 1964 - "Live and Dead"
  • 1966 - "Long Happy Life"
  • 1968 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 1971 - "Before White Queen"
  • 1978 - "My tender and gentle beast"
  • 1978 - "Salt of Earth"
  • 1982 - "Date with youth"
  • 1984 - "Charlotte Necklaces"
  • 1988 - "Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky"
  • 2000 - "Gangster Petersburg-1"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"

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