Alexey Voevoda - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Bobsleist, Deputy 2021



Alexey Voevoda is a Russian athlete, a three-time world champion and a three-time winner of the World Cup among Arm wrestling professionals, the winner of the Olympic Games on Bobslej in Twos and Fours. His bogatyr strength has become a parable in the towns, and its maintenance of a vegetarian diet still seems to many fans of the sports talent of Aleksey by an unprecedented fairy tale.

Childhood and youth

The athlete was born in the village of Kalinovitsa Chernihiv region and lived there up to 5 years. Then he moved along with his parents to Sochi, where his father, the party employee, was transferred to the position of First Deputy Chairman of the City Executive Committee. Alexey was in love with childhood.

At the age of 6, he fell into the Section of Oriental Martial Arts, he was engaged in several types of karate, as well as judo, in which he became a candidate for the master of sports. Later, the boy was impressed with the strength of his grandfather, who turned his coins with his fingers, and began to develop his strength.

After school, Alexey planned to enter the highest school of the police, but could not pass on physical training standards, therefore he became a student of the Faculty of Economics in the Sochi branch of RUDN.

Soon he was transferred to Sochi University of Tourism and Resort and graduated from the Faculty of Tourism, Service and Sports. In the student years, the future athlete worked as a security guard at the enterprise. After receiving a higher education diploma, Alexey entered the graduate school in the specialties of the "Economics" and "Psychology", but did not complete his studies.

Personal life

In the youth of the voivod, I was leaked by Lovelace, in front of which it is difficult to resist any girlfriend. He claims that he has always been respectful to his ladies. At one time Alexey was not solved for a long relationship. As Bobsleist explained later in an interview, the reason for this was the unfortunate youthful love for the red-haired beauty, which was called Anna.

Later in his personal life, a chosen appeared, who took all the thoughts of the athlete. The girl Aurora he calls the greatest love of his life. According to some reports, the lady of the heart became the wife of the governor. There are no children in the family of Alexey.

Voevoda - Vegetarian. The athlete consciously refused meat and began to adhere to a vegetarian diet, since such a diet helps him improve not only well-being, but also sports results.

Originally, the bogatyr became raw. He needed to reduce body weight before competition, but he could not - apathy and decay of forces began, and the protein diet caused excessive intoxication of the body. Raw foods have become a way out for an athlete from the current situation. For 3 months, such a diet of the governor felt a surge of strength, while his weight fell, and the muscular mass remained.

However, Alexey as a person who should show an excellent physical form, needed amino acids, which means in protein, therefore over time he moved to vegetarianism.

Bobsleist was also convinced of the insolvency of meat eating. According to the athlete, it not only does not restore the strength, but also shares the body. The governor also realized that it was unable to kill the animal, which was the ethical cause of vegetarianism.

Now the athlete breakfast consists of a glass of water, salads and rolls. In the evening, Alexey consumes vegetables, fruits and juices. According to the athlete, such a diet is saturated with a large number of essential nutrients. For several years of the vegan diet, he formed his own system of nutrition, which is going to protect the candidate dissertation.

A bobsleist repeatedly told on the ether of the transfer of Elena Malysheva "To live great!". Alexey often becomes the hero of the TV show, and not only the channel "Match TV". In 2019, he visited the TV show "Direct Ether", as well as in the children's program "Good night, kids." Bobsleist speaks on the radio stations "Our Radio", "Romance" and others.

Alexey Voevod has no own website, and the old page in the VKontakte network has been deleted. But the deputy and an athlete leads a personal microblogging in "Instagram", where hosts photos from important working events.

Arm wrestling

Alexey Voevoda, the first sporting glory, acquired as a professional arm wrestler. In this sport, he began to study in high school, training together with his father, a fan of such competitions. But in professional sports, it was implanted, by chance he heard that the "Zodiac" bar will soon be held the competition "Iron Hand Sochi", to participate in which the starting fee is needed. Alexey did not have the right money, but they helped friends, so it was impossible to refuse.

In the competition of the voivode, a furyor was made, easily defeats all rivals, including the European Cote Mesmadze champion, who had previously been considered invincible before that moment. Kote was so impressed with the talent of a young man that he took him under his wing and became the first professional coach in Alexey's life.

During the year, the workouts of the Voivode became the world champion in Arm Wrestling, then twice repeated this achievement, and even three times raised the World Cup head, organized by the Nemiroff Holding. Alexei's best performances are considered to be fights with John Brzenkom, Michael Todd, Travis Badget. Sparring partner Silly for a long time was Denis Chicks. Since both athletes were engaged in one coach, they never went to the playground against each other.

Due to the fact that Alexey fulfilled all the necessary standards to get the title of Honored Master of Sports in Arm Westing a little more than a year, a certain incident arose. The fact is that, according to the rules, this title is awarded only after five years of training. There was a curious precedent, who, to the honor of the sports federation, was resolved in favor of Alexey Governor.

In 2016, the athlete spoke at Arm Wrestling Competitions, where the American Tim Bresnan became his opponent. But over the years of the career in Bobsle, the voivode lost the skill of the arm wrestler, as a result, lost in five rounds from six. After the tournament, the Russian congratulated the opponent and promised to engage in the popularization of this sport among young people.


Almost by chance an athlete whose growth is 194 cm, and the weight is 116 kg, and in bobsles. After conquering the next title of champion in Arm Westing, he noticed that only one small note was devoted to his victory in the sports press, while Bobsleists who took only the 8th place at the Olympics in American Salt Lake City, a whole newspaper turn was assigned.

Alexey Voevod decided to learn what kind of sport, went to the location of the national team and on test runs with 100-kilogram sleigh overtook all team members. Valery Lichenko's team coach immediately turned on the voyage and made it accelerating in pairs and fours.

During the sports career in Bobsle, the Governor survived two dangerous falls. For the first time it happened in Vancouver, during the opening of the route. Then Alexei had long hair, which during the jump was embarrassed from under the helmet, and they strongly looked, which could lead to serious consequences. The athlete after the rental made himself a short haircut.

The second time Bobsleist was thrown out of Bob during the competitions in Calgary. From serious injuries, Alexey saved the muscular corset, but he dug two bundles after all. For 2 years, he dropped out of Bobsleya and dedicated to their arm wrestling, where he continued to conquer all sorts of prizes. After the operation and the full recovery of the voivode returned to Sani and in 2006 at the Olympic Games in Turin became a silver medalist, and in 2010 the owner of the bronze medal.

No less significant results athlete distinguished himself at the World Championships. In 2008, in Cesan, his twice came to the final of the third, and in 2011, the Governor, together with the pilot Alexander Zubkov, won gold in Königsze.

In 2013, the athlete entered the team of the Schi-2014 ambassadors and did a lot to popularize the upcoming Olympiad. It was originally planned to participate in the competition in competitions, but a month before the start, I still took an invitation of coaches and proved that he was in a great form: at the home Olympics, Alexey won two gold medals in the fourth crew and twice crew, becoming the Olympic champion.

Then Alexey Voevod received an invitation to the first channel and became a member of the new entertainment program "without insurance", which the television began to broadcast at the end of January 2016. This is an extreme sports show, where celebrities in a couple with professional gymnasts had to demonstrate the most complicated equilibristic numbers.

In 2017, hearings were held at the Special Commission of the IOC, on which the decision was made to deprive the Russian national team of three gold medals conquered at the Olympics in Sochi. Two of them belonged to Alexander Zubkov and Alexey Voevod. Against the pilot was put forward charged doping. Later, the governor was also declared in the substitution of doping samples and lifelongly removed from participation in the OI. Later, this measure was replaced by refusal to participate only in the Olympic Games in Korea.

Political career

In 2016, the biography of the athlete reached a new round: Alexey became a member of the United Russia party. In September, he took part in the elections of the deputies of the State Duma from the Krasnodar Territory, where the majority of votes scored. Voevod headed the Ecology and Environmental Protection Committee.

In 2017, an athlete established a nominal prize for the Arm Wrestling Counterting Participants at the Greenlanda Festival, which was held already on the 25th time on Vyatka Land on the initiative of the State Duma Deputy of the Russian Federation Oleg Valenchuk.

In September, Alexey spoke with comments on the termination of the Doping WADA investigation in relation to 95 Russian athletes. Voevod said that this is another victory of the Russian side in a great information war.

Alexey Voevoda now

Now the main activity of Alexey remains political and social activities. State Duma deputy is receiving citizens on social issues. In 2019, the Governor became the guest of the International Congress of the Winter Sports, Tourism and Active Recreation of WinterCongress-2019, where he made congratulations to the winners of one of the nominations - the Sperats of the North Caucasus JSC.

In early February 2020, a reasons of the reality show "The Last Hero" started, whose participant was the famous Bobsleist. In addition to Alexey, Natalia Bardo, Ptah (David Nuriev), Nadezhda Angarskaya and others were decided to test his strength on the desert island.


  • 2006 - Silver Medal of the Olympics in Turin
  • 2008 - Bronze Medal of the World Cup
  • 2008 - Gold Medal of the European Championship
  • 2010 - Bronze Medal of Olympics in Vancouver
  • 2011 - Gold Medal of the World Cup
  • 2011 - Gold Medal of the European Championship

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