Umar Kremlin - biography, personal life, photo, news, nationality, wife, "instagram", boxing, Olga Buzova 2021



Not many Russian functionaries occupy senior posts in international sports organizations. To the head of the International Federation of Fencing Alisor Usmanov and the head of the International Federation of Sports Shooting, Vladimir Lisin, Umar Kremlin joined December 12, 2020, who became the President of the International Boxing Association (AIBA).

Childhood and youth

Umar was born on November 1, 1982. About parents and early biography of men know a little. Since childhood, he was fond of sports, playing football, but Boxing became his beloved species. Kremlin is confident that it contains everything you need to maintain health: cardionloads, power and general training.

The guy was engaged in coach Alexei Galeev, who subsequently brought up the Dmitry brothers and Fyodor Chudinovy ​​- world boxing champions among professionals. However, by 19 years, Umar decided to leave the sport and focused on the care of the bread. Kremlin received higher education in the Moscow State Academy of Communal Services and Construction.

Career and business

Kremlin was looking for ways to earn. Taxi, cargo transportation, construction, security, catering - In these areas, tried to build a business Umar. As his business moved at that time - it is unknown, since they spoke about the businessman only when he decided to become a sports functionar.

As a Niva for the cultivation of the Kremlin chose a box - a sport that was fond of his youth. He founded the promotional company "Patriot", which was engaged in organizing fighting and promoting professional athletes. From there and began the path of Umar to leadership in sports organizations.

The first step was to get into the federation of the Federation of Boxing of the Russian Federation, where the Kremlin soon Doros to the position of the Secretary-General. On debt service had to make events of a different scale, including major international fights. At the initiative of Umar in Russia, international boxing forums were held twice.

In 2018, the Kremlin fell into the Executive Committee of the International Boxing Association (AIBA), becoming the first Russian representative in it. There, a man entrusted the responsible post of head of the marketing commission, and also appointed one of the first persons in the European Boxing Confederation. The rapid ascent of the functionar was obvious, but not everyone agreed with the justice of such appointments.

In 2019, the Sovetsky Sport newspaper published the results of the journalistic investigation, according to which dark spots were found in the biography of Umar. Doubted the success of the head of the Patriotic Boxing Federation, the state of which, according to the authors, was only worsened during his leadership. In addition to professional complaints, personal ones were also presented. It was stated that Kremlin had repeated criminal records, the information about which he deliberately cleared.

They wrote that the real surname Umar - Lutfulloyev, and it is precisely on her about accuses of extortion and beatings. It was suggested that the "pro-government" surname got him from his wife.

Materials about the estimated past of the functioner were sent to the AIBA disciplinary commission on ethics, but in the process of consideration were recognized as dubious. The Kremlin provided evidence with reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the General Directorate of Economic Security and to counter corruption on the absence of a criminal past.

And therefore, all suspicions, the International Boxing Association found the candidacy of the Kremlin's candidacy of the president's post, voting for him by most votes. Having come to the place of Gafura Rakhimov, Kremlin said that he was taking a course on reforms. Among the primary tasks is to clean the image of boxing from doping suspicions, the fight against biased judging, repayment of the debts of the association and the introduction of an independent audit.

Umar assured that a sign with sports problems at all levels - from schools for children to national federations, and therefore is ready to solve problems that interfere with the development of this sport both in places and on a global scale.

Personal life

Kremlin leads a page in "Instagram". which illustrates the image of a successful person - an athlete, head and benefactor. Umar Nazarovich regularly postpones fresh photos, reports news from the world of boxing, reports on the work done, and his personal life prefers to leave aside.

Being the head of the International Sports Organization, the Kremlin tries to maintain the form and prevent unnecessary weight. Cardiotreering, running, crossfit, sometimes football and sparring - Favorite activity Umar.

Umar Kremlin and Olga Buzova

Music helps to relax. AIBA President prefers tracks with meaningful, life texts. In his playlist - Basta and Timati.

Umar Kremlin now

In June 2021, he was half a year since the Kremlin became president of the International Boxing Association. In this regard, he made a report at the AIBA press conference, where he reported on the work done. Now, according to Umaroarovich, he is engaged in the construction of the "New Era" in the organization trusted.

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