Christian Lubutan (Labuthen) - biography, personal life, photos, shoes "Labuten", collection of shoes, rumors and last news 2021



Christian Lubutan was born in Paris in January 1963. His parents were very far from the world of fashion and art. Father Roger Lubutan worked in a carpentry workshop, Irene's mother - housewife. The family lived very modestly. In addition to the younger Christian, Lubutanes grown up three more children.

Fashion designer Kristian Lobuten

In 1971, when Christian Lubuten turned 8 years old, the boy visited the National Museum of Africa and Oceania. Entering into the hall, he noticed a sign with a sign, prohibiting in shoes on heel heels. Crossed shovel for some reason the most printed in memory. Later, Lobutan admitted that it was from this day that he was first interested in women's shoes.

The first sketches of the shoes appeared in the school notebooks of Christian. This hobby soon occupied the guy's attention. Study was interested in little: due to failure to fail, he was excluded from 4 schools. All free time Lobutan spent in the theater. Most of all his dancers were worried. More precisely, their legs, shoes in high-heeled shoes. It is dancers on the studs later the designer called his first icons of style.

Christian Lubutan in childhood

In the mid-1970s, Lobuten got a book about the French designer of luxury shoes in Roger Vivier, who was also born in Paris. According to Christian, he looked like a zipper: it was exactly the lesson with whom he wanted to link all his further life.

After school, the future designer went to school of the visual arts, where he studied the theater and sculpture. In the late 1970s, Christian Lobutan got a job on his first job - in the cabaret "Foli Beze". Here his duty was to pick up the dancers costumes. At the same time, he created sketches of the shoes for artists.

Shoes on the feet of dancers were interested in Christian Lobuten since childhood

In 1979, Christian Lobutan goes on a long journey through Egypt and India, which continued to a year and a half. In 1981, returned to his hometown, Lobutan immediately went on fashionable houses of Paris. Everywhere he showed his folder with the best sketches of shoes. The famous designer and Kuturier Charles Jourdan became interested in these sketches of the 18-year-old young man.

He specialized in shoes and accessories. Lobutan was adopted by the student. 2 years old, Christian, persistently studied correctly determine the size and cut the block. In the late 1980s capable of young Kuturier accepted a freelance designer into fashionable houses "Chanel" and "Eve Saint Laurent".

Shoes from Lobuten

The first designer development from Christian Lobuten appeared in 1988. These were provocative boats - "Egg". This model shoes was remarkable in that it opened the inner bending of the foot and part of the fingers that the designer considers very sexual.

In 1990, Lubutan receives the first individual orders. His designer shoes are becoming increasingly popular with Parisian fashion. This circumstance pushed a young designer to open the first boutique. The number of orders and sales rapidly grow. Next year, Christian Lubutan officially registers his brand "Christian Louboutin". Lubutyna shoes (or as they are often called "Labutena") carry stars.

Designer Shoe Christian Lubutane

Somehow Christian, working on another masterpiece, thought about that "highlight", without which the shoe model looked presptic. Suddenly, the Master's view fell on a mannequin, who at that moment painted his nails in his workshop. Scarlet varnish was exactly the ingenious last stroke, which glorified the designer to the whole world.

In 1994, the first collection of shoes, the sole of which was painted in a scarlet color. This discovery was patented and named "Follow Me" (which means "follow me"). Next year, Christian Lobuten's shoes were joined in the catwalk of fashionable household houses of Jean Field Gauthier, Chloy, Azzaro, Zhivyushi and Lanwin.

Lubutane shoes

And in 1996, a new collection appeared at the designer, called "LUCITE". In shoes fashionable feature - transparent heels. Each pair of such shoes is a real masterpiece. For example, for the actress Ariel Domboal Lobutan made shoes, in the heels of which they were visible to the nurses of love letters of her husband, strands of hair and pyrshki.

Lubutane boutique network expands in all countries of Europe and America. In the 1997, they appeared in London. And in the 1999 branded stores of the Parisian shoe designer are already open in New York and Los Angeles. In Moscow, the shop of shoes, Christian Lobuten opened in 2003 on Petrovka.

Christian Lubutane and his designer shoes

In the 2000s, Christian Lubutan, almost every year produces a new collection of shoes. In 2007, this is the line "Fetish", in 2009 - "Marie Antoinette". In the same year, a fashionable novelty appeared, issued jointly by the fashion designer and the wine-making company Piper Heidsieck. This is an exclusive set consisting of decorative shoes and a bottle of champagne, on which the autograph of Lobuthen is left. And in 2009, a line of male shoes from Couturier appeared.

2010 was also marked by several matters of the master. Home is a collection of shoes with colored straps, named "Liveli" in honor of the actress and model Blake Lively. In the same year, Christian Louboutin shoes The Footwear News edition calls the sexiest.

2011 was marked by a scandal. Christian Lubutan filed a lawsuit for the fashionable house "Yves Saint Laurent" for the fact that the brand has released shoes in which, as the designer believed, the "Louboutin" patented red sole. Long-term litigation ended in Lobuten's victory. Since then, "Yves Saint Laurent" has the right to release shoes with red sole only in the model that is completely painted in red.

And finally, the year is notable for the world of high fashion by the release of extremely high lobutane shoes on the heel in 20 centimeters. The creation of the collection of the master was inspired by the ballerina and the position of their feet during the dance.

In 2012, the "Christian Louboutin" brand celebrated the anniversary - the 20th anniversary. In recent years, Maestro from the world of fashion is seriously thinking about creating a cosmetic line and designer decorations. The biography of Christian Lubutane is shoes that wearing and continue to wear legends and stars. Lubutyna's shoes were Elizabeth Taylor and Princess Monaco. They are worn by Catherine Denovev and Cher. Almost every wealthy fashionista has shoes from the famous couturier.

Personal life

The Paris Creator of the Fashionable Shoe itself does not hide its belonging to unconventional sexual orientation. Lubutane - Open gay. He said that he was known about this for a long time, who calmly perceived this fact.

Christian Lubutan and Louis Benesh

Christian Lubutan is in relations with Louis Benesy. Louis - landscape designer. Together, this couple since 1997.

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