Natalia Yaresko - biography, career, politics, business, reforms, achievements, personal life, income, condition, children, photo and last news 2021



Natalia Yaresko is a famous Ukrainian politician who fell into the state office of the country after the state version in Ukraine. It is considered one of the most influential political figures in the Cabinet of Arseny Yatsenyuk, as in the role of the Minister of Finance, it acts as a guarantor of the successful interaction of the Ukrainian authorities with Western colleagues in financial matters, which are very important for Ukraine in the conditions of the political and economic crisis. Thanks to Yailo, Ukraine was able to obtain the restructuring of the country's foreign debt from international lenders, after which the experts began to break the "chair" of the premiere. But not everyone supports the policy of the Minister of Finance of Ukraine, as they see for its "successes" the full collapse of the Ukrainian state, which, after the achievement of Yareko, can never become independent of the West.

Yaresko Natalya Ivanovna was born on April 24, 1965 in the rich Western suburb of Chicago Elhmerste in the family of Ukrainian migrants, who moved to the United States during the Second World War. Her father was from the Poltava region, and the mother with Ivano-Frankivsk. From the very birth of the future Minister of Finance of Ukraine, they brought up in a "patriotic" spirit - she visited Ukrainian-speaking school, studied Ukrainian culture and traditions, learned the game on national musical instruments, such as Bandura, and also engaged in vocals.

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In 1979, Yestechno entered the secondary state school by Addison Trail High School, and at the end it became a student of the private university de field, from which in 1987 he was with a degree of bachelor of science in accounting. Having pronounced abilities to the economic sciences, Natalia Ivanovna decided not to stop at the reached and entered the school of state administration to Himon Kennedy at Harvard University, where specialists in the field of political science, economic development and public administration are being prepared.

In 1989, the future business Vumen received a master's degree in state policy, defending the thesis on the Soviet Union and its possible membership in the WTO (at that time the World Trade Organization had an abbreviation of GATT and deciphered as a general agreement on tariffs and trade). It was this graduation work that asked the key direction of the career of Yailo, which for more than 25 years he has been economic issues of its historical homeland.

Politics and business

Political career Natalia Yaresko started in 1989 in the US State Department, where she worked in the Economic Department on the USSR. Three years later, during the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was sent to Ukraine as the head of the Economic Department at the US Embassy. Already then, the future finance minister paid special attention to reform in the Ukrainian state, but remained disappointed in Ukrainian politicians, which, according to her, were inactive strategists.

Upon expiration of the term of the contract in 1995, Yailo proposed to return to Washington to another state work, but she decided to stay in Ukraine and leave the American civil service, devoting himself to investment activities. At this field, the economist has achieved significant success - after the position of the ordinary regional manager in the direct investment fund Western Nis Enterprise Fund Natalya Ivanovna headed "WNISEF".

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Already in 2006, she managed to create and head the investment company Horizon Capital with an authorized capital of $ 132 million. In 2008, Yestesko launched a second investment fund with a volume of $ 370 million, leaving under its own management also "WNISEF".

At that time, in the hands of the future Minister of Finance of Ukraine, more than $ 650 million were concentrated, which invested European and American investors in its funds. The big half of them, namely, almost 400 million, were invested in the development of Ukrainian business, as well as invested in Russian, Moldovan and Belarusian companies.

Despite active business activities, Yespleko did not leave far from politics. In the years of the Orange Revolution and after it, she was a member of the Advisory Council for Foreign Investments under President Victor Yushchenko, and was also a member of the Committee of the Ukrainian Center for Foreign Investment Promotion during the Cabinet.

The ministerial portfolio Natalia Yespleko received in 2014 - her candidacy for the post of Minister of Finance proposed the mayor of Lviv Andrei Sadovy, presenting it to the new premiere of Arseny Yatsenyuk, as a true patriot of the country, which perfectly owning all the disappointing Ukrainian realities.

Natalia Ivanovna's candidacy for the post of Head of the Ministry of Finance approved in the new Ukrainian government, which was created after the state version in the country. Already on February 2, 2014, Yailo, as well as other newly elected Ukrainian ministers of foreign origin, such as Aivaras Abromavichus and Alexander Kitashvili, received Ukrainian citizenship and entered the Cabinet of Ministers.

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At the post of Minister of Finance of Ukraine, Natalia Yarepleko engaged in the issues of the economic crisis in the country. It is negotiating with foreign investors and creditors, and also solves issues related to the country's external debt.

The main official duties of Yestechko at the head of the Ministry of Finance are the conduct of tax reform in the country and the adoption of the budget for each fiscal year. During its activities, it, as a member of the Special Forces of Reform, managed to make several important proposals that were approved by colleagues. In particular, Natalia Ivanovna proposed changes in the public finance sector, a number of key tax amendments to eradicate corruption in the country, and also initiated the decentralization of the budget.

Personal life

Personal life Natalia Yarepleko is not as successful as her career in politics and business, but the Minister of Finance carefully hides it from a curious eye. It is known that in the early 90s, she came to Ukraine with her husband, Igor Figmus, with whom the life was started in his historical homeland. The spouses already in Ukrainian territory two daughters were born - Daria and Christina, who today learn at Pechersk International School in Kiev.

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In 2010, for unknown reasons, Natalia Yespleko filed for a divorce with her husband, which in addition to her satellite of life also performed the role of a business partner, being a co-founder of Invest Fund Horizon Capital. According to the media, the head of the Ministry of Finance managed to sue the spouse all the collaborated property, including a country house with an area of ​​nearly 1300 sq. M, in which there are many rary furniture, antiques, sculptures, paintings and a collection of carpets worth almost 500 thousand dollars. Having stopped at what was achieved, Natalia Ivanovna also deprived the ex-spouse of parental rights for non-payment of alimony. Between the former spouses are still undergoing litigation under the section of the property and the rights of guardianship.


Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalia Yaresko for 2014 declared the official income of almost 39 thousand hryvnia and $ 2.1 million, which came to her from abroad. She also belongs to 2 land plots with a total area of ​​9.6 thousand square meters, and the apartment is 120 sq.m. Her juvenile daughters earned $ 28 thousand for 2014. The ownership of the head of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine has a Jeep Grand Cherokee 2002 release car.

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