Dmitry Ratatsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, actor, main roles, "Instagram" 2021



Dmitry Ratatsky - Belarusian artist, which built a successful career in Russian cinema. He managed to prove to the directors and viewers that he skillfully owns all the paints of the acting palette. Today, the films of all popular genres are presented in the personal piggyback of the star, starting with a lyrical comedy and ending with a military drama.

Childhood and youth

The future performer was born in January 1982 in Belarus. Early years of celebrity biography passed in Minsk, but he spent the summer holidays in the village. There, the boy found his first job - sorted potatoes in the collective farm. The shifts lasted at 8 o'clock, and the money received enough for gifts is close.

Dima's parents were not involved in acting art, so he did not think about this profession. But during study in high school, everything has changed. Two women came to school who told about the set of theater studio, and the young man decided to try forces. Shortly after the start of classes, Ratasky realized that this is his vocation.

Then Dmitry became a student of the Belarusian Theater Academy, where the selection was selected from the first attempt. When the diploma was received, the young man decided to continue their education in Rati (Gitis). There, the novice artist fell on the course Mark Zakharov. In 2007, he left the walls of the theater university, graduating from the Faculty of Directors.


The cinematic biography of the Ratasky began during the period of study in Belarus. The debut work of the young actor was the drama "territory of resistance", where he played a German soldier. The project was awarded the awards of many festivals, and at the star paid attention to the star.

After that, Dmitry starred in the series "Man of War", in which for the first time appeared in front of the audience. The drama received high assessments of the audience and critics, taking the creators for a realistic image of military events. The actor himself remembered the shooting for a long time and even years later recalls them with warmth.

In the future, the celebrity filmography continued to be replenished with new on-screen work. He was not afraid to try himself in different ways, because of the directorists became in demand.

Dmitry Ratatsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, actor, main roles,

Another noticeable role was given to the actor in the drama "Brake Path" Vyacheslav Kristofovich. Ratasky embodied Paul - the son of the main character performed by Alexander Sirin. The audience remained delighted with the exciting plot of the series.

The turning year in the career of Belarus was 2008. Dmitry received a major role in the melodrama "Witchcraft love", where he worked with Natalia Terekhova, with and love Tikhomirova. Heroes are in the cycle of mystical events. In the same year, the picture of the "Wings of Angel" took place, the partner of the partner of the artist became Agnia Ditkovskite.

Although the actor's piggy bank a lot of dramatic images, he had to try himself in comedy. Such an opportunity to fall out of the Ratomsky on the set of the project "South Calendar". At the site, the star acting team was chosen, which included Victoria Isakov, Nikolai Kozak, Olga Tumaykina. He managed to participate in work on criminal films, among which "under the gun".

In 2017, a shown of the criminal detective "Explosive Wave" with the participation of celebrities took place on NTV. On another Russian channel, TVC, the audience were able to enjoy the work of the actor in the series "Parfumusha". In the 2nd and 3rd seasons, he appeared in the form of Executive Director Vadim Smirnov.

Despite the demand in Russia and Ukraine, the artist continued to be filmed in his homeland. He played the main character in the Belarusian short film "Weekly Day".

Dmitry Ratatsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, actor, main roles,

In 2019, the actor appeared before the public as a character of the Ukrainian melodrama "on your side" along with Dana Abizova. Dmitry got the image of the criminal, whose life is changing after a meeting with a talented neurosurgeon Nastya. Speaking of his hero, the Contractor described him as a man who had rolled out. To match the image, he had to apply temporary tattoos, but in the usual life of the Ratasky opposes the drawings on the skin.

After entering the screens, the series received a lot of positive feedback from the audience, who were delighted with the acting play of performers of major roles and their interaction in the frame. It is not surprising that the star fell asleep on how the continuation will soon be released. The project creators did not disappoint fans and released the 2nd season next year.

In addition, in the 2020th premiere of Katya and Black detective, where the artist played the brutal captain Andrei Veselova. According to the plot, the Celebrity Character moves on a motorcycle, and, although Dmitry is enjoys extreme sports, in some scenes he had to use the help of cascaders. Also on the site, the performer interacted not only with actors colleagues, but also with dogs a golden retriever.

I was pleased with the actor and the audience TV channel "Russia-1", where the show of the melodrama "The best husband" was shown. His character Paul is a courageous, a few people who unexpectedly appeared in the life of the main character performed by Evgenia Turkova.

Personal life

The artist is a closed man, rarely gives interviews and does not like to talk about his personal life. He started his page in "Instagram" only at the insistence of agent - Lyubava Razumovskaya. There, as in the profile "Facebook", Dmitry publishes mainly a photo from the set, so fans can only guess the presence of the idiot of his wife and children.

Quarantine during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Ratassky spent in his homeland in Belarus. During this period, he traveled a lot around the country and went fishing. The remaining time, the performer spent on self-development - read, watched movies, recorded self-proposals.

Dmitry Ratatsky now

Now the actor continues to build a television career. On March 8, in 2021, the audience received an unforgettable gift - the premiere of the Aquamarine melodrama about the girl, which turns out to be a choice: to live his usual life or to follow the call of the heart and change everything. Anastasia Ivanov became the on-screen partner of Dmitry.

In the same month, the mini-series "idealist" was released, where the main roles played by the Ratasky and actress Maria Pirogov. In an interview with the colleague, the stars admitted that "chemistry" immediately originated on the site between them, which fans could not notice.


  • 2008 - "Brake Path"
  • 2008 - "Walking Love"
  • 2008 - "Wings of Angel"
  • 2011 - "Payback"
  • 2012 - "The path along the river"
  • 2012 - "Mother and stepmother"
  • 2012 - "Striped Happiness"
  • 2013 - "Native Man"
  • 2013 - "Rock and Roll under the Kremlin"
  • 2014 - "My sister, love"
  • 2017 - "Explosive Wave"
  • 2019-2020 - "On your side"
  • 2020 - "Katya and Black"
  • 2020 - "The best husband"
  • 2021 - "idealist"
  • 2021 - "Queen of Roads"

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