Alexey Ulyukayev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ministry of Economic Development 2021



Alexey Ulyukayev is one of the ever-important political figures in modern Russia. He was a companion of Egor Gaidar and an adviser in the Yeltsin government. Under Vladimir Putin, he served as Deputy Minister of Finance and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Central Bank, then moved to the chair of the Minister of Economic Development. In 2016, Alexei Ulyukayev was in the center of the scandal with a bribe and became the first Russian federal minister, imprisoned under the article on corruption.

Childhood and youth

Ulyukaev Alexey Valentinovich was born on March 23, 1956 in the Russian capital in the family of Professor of the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers Valentina Husainovich. His generic roots occur from the Ulyanovsk region of the Old Council of the Old Tailor district, 95% of the inhabitants of which are the Tatars, which did not leave questions about the nationality of the financier.

Young years of the biography of the future Minister of Finance of Russia passed, as in many children in Soviet times: he did not particularly show the desires and desire to study, preferring the yard company taught in school sciences.

Therefore, Alexey was able to receive an average certificate from the educational institution, the estimates in which they did not allow the first time to enter Moscow State University. The next year, Ulyukaev still became a student of the Economic Faculty of Moscow State University, where he showed himself one of the best student with high performance.

In 1979, at the end of the Moscow State University, Alexey Valentinovich went to graduate school and already in 1983 he defended his master's thesis, receiving a degree of candidate of economic sciences.

Even before the end of graduate school, Ulyukayev began teaching activities to the MISI, where he was initially taken as an assistant to the Department of Political Economy, and then transferred to the post of associate professor. In 1988, the future "economic brain" of the government graduated from French University of Pierre Mendez-França, receiving a doctorate of economic sciences.


Political interest in the country's economy, Alexei Ulyukayev arose in the distant 80s, when he met the economic seminars with the reformers Egor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais. In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, Ulyukayev received the position of economic advisor to the new Russian government, while working in parallel to the political observer in the Moscow News newspaper.

Two years later, in the midst of the revival of the new economic system of the Russian Federation, he was appointed an adviser to the Vice-Prime Minister of the country, participated in the implementation of Gaidar reforms that were subsequently called "shock therapy". In 1994, after the resignation of Gaidar, Alexei Ulyukayev followed him and became the deputy reformer at the Institute of Problems of the Transition Economy.

Since 2000, the political career of the economist began to gain rapid turnover - he received an appointment for the first deputy minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, where he oversaw monetary policy and financing the country's strength structures. At the same time, Alexei Ulyukayev did not give up teaching activities and received the position of professor of the Department of General Economics of the Moscow Physical and Technology.

In 2004, Alexey Valentinovich was transferred to the Central Bank of Russia, where he took the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Provision of the State Bank of the USSR. Here, in addition to the main duties, he took over the role of a speaker, constantly appearing in the press and on the screens of televisions with public statements regarding the policy of the Central Bank.

In 2008, the official was appointed Chairman of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange. For high professionalism in 2013, Ulyukayev was propheted the position of the head of the Central Bank of the Central Bank, however, Russian President Vladimir Putin recommended that Elvira Nabiullin at this post. But the merit of Alexey Valentinovich did not remain unnoticed - he headed the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Arrest and court

The scandalous incident occurred in 2006, when the future Economic Minister delayed the flight Moscow - Sochi due to the fact that the spouse did not have enough space in the business class. Then he came up with the commander of the aircraft, but in the end, together with his wife, he moved to the Hermann Gref's personal aircraft, whose company went to the resort town.

On the night of November 15, 2016, the All-Russian Scale Scandal broke out. With a difference less than an hour on the official website of Mia Russia today, two messages were published. The first one belonged to the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov and reported that Alexey Ulyukayev was detained, but the president of the country still does not know about this event. The source of the second message was the law enforcement agencies, which explained that the observation of the politician was conducted during the year.

The day before these official statements, November 14, Alexei Ulyukayev was detained on suspicion of obtaining a bribe in particularly large amounts ($ 2 million) for the positive assessment issued by the Ministry of Economic Development, which allowed PJSC Rosneft PJSC to carry out a transaction for the acquisition of PJSC State Package ANK "Bashneft". In addition, rumors appeared that Ulyukayev was not accused of receiving a bribe, but in extortion, as well as in threats to representatives of Rosneft.

On November 15, the Basmanny Court of Moscow issued Alexei Ulyukeeva from custody. Policy appointed home arrest for 2 months. And on the same day, after the prosecution, President Putin liberated Ulyukayev from the post of head of the Ministry of Economic Development in connection with the loss of confidence.

In January 2017, the court extended the home conclusion of Alexei Ulyukayev until April of the same year and put an arrest on the estate of the ex-minister. In total, he lost opportunities to dispose of 15 real estate and cash in the amount of at least 564 million rubles.

In May 2017, Ulyukayev's case received a continuation: the former policy was presented with final charges. But the court did not begin to the scheduled day. The delay in consideration of the case was caused by the fact that representatives of the protection policy were transferred to the court three volumetric applications. Only after a detailed consideration of these appeals, the case went to court. As a result, the process began on August 8.

The defense of Alexei Ulyukayeva voiced the request to return the policy to the prosecutor's office, the lawyers noted that the indictment contradicts the charges. On August 16, the Zamoskvoretsky court refused to ex-minister in this request and did not agree with the position of defenders on the subject of the validity of the accusations.

The accusation requested for Ulyukaev in prison for 10 years and a fine of 500 million rubles. The final sentence was softer: in the colony of strict regime, the ex-minister had to spend 8 years and pay a fine of 130 million rubles. Alexey performed the second part of the court decision in 2018. In addition, at the end of the term, for 8 years it is forbidden to hold state posts. At the same time, the court retained for Ulyukeev awards and titles.

So severe sentence with weak evidence of Walukeeva's guilt, the humanitarian organization "Transparency International - Russia" regarded as a demonstration of the power of the special services, and not a real struggle with corruption. A non-appearance on the agenda of the key witness and the lack of reactions on the state of the state says "that the court in Russia still cannot be considered certainly a strong and authorized branch of power."

During the investigation and debate, politician did not recognize guilt and stated that the whole thing was "monstrous provocation":

"Speaking on the process on the case fabricated against him, Fidel Castro said:" The story will justify me. " I can only repeat these prophetic words. The millstone history of charm slowly and inexorably, but I am sure that it will be so this time. "

Personal life

The arrest of the former minister attracted close attention of the press and the family of politics. The first wife of the Ex-Minister - Economist Tamara Ivanovna Ukim, who was older her husband for 5 years. In this marriage, the son of Dmitry was born. Alexei Ulyukaeva became the second wife, Julia Kharpina became. A woman younger for 28 years, was born in the Crimea, in the village of Frunzen City District Alushta. The new family also appeared children - the son of Alesha and daughter Alexander.

Alexey Ulyukayev, whose property on the debt of the civil service was declared annually, was considered one of the most wealthy politicians of the country. For 2014, the official's income amounted to 43.5 million rubles, and the spouse of the Minister of Economy earned a little more than 8 million.

The head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation had 15 land plots with a total area of ​​110,674 square meters. m, 3 residential buildings at 1000 square meters. M and 3 apartments of 330 square meters. m. Also, the official owned by three cars (Land Rover Rover Rover, Lexus RX and VAZ 21214) and automotive SAZ 82994. Than one of this the family owns now, is unknown.

Alexey Ulyukayev now

In June 2018, Alexei Ulyukayeva sent to serve a sentence to the Tver colony. A former official lives in a detachment out of 100 people, contrary to rumors, not at all in the VIP camera, leads a literary and economic circle. Due to the age and health status (increased pressure), it is not attracted to the production, appointed a librarian and pay a salary of 11 thousand rubles.

For the first six months in the Wangukeev colony heavily lost a lot, although I tried to keep charging - for your beloved yoga there are no conditions. Human rights defenders who observe the conditions of content in places of conclusion, said that the ex-minister is experiencing emotional pressure, misses close, even asked him to be planted alone. However, isolation is possible only in exceptional cases, for example, for severely ill.

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According to the law, three short-term dates per year are allowed, which, according to Ulyukyev, is not enough, among relatives who wish to see, even compete.

In 2019, the media distributed a message that Alexey is going to divorce with Julia. Rumors dispelled the Public Supervisory Commission of Moscow. The representative of the organization stated that the family, on the contrary, helps the former minister to cope with the conclusion.

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