Evgenia Medvedev - biography, news, personal life, figure skater, photo, "instagram", mother 2021



Evgenia Medvedev - the Russian figure skater, which since the first exits on the ice of international competitions began to consider the mod law sector. She, as the media wrote, changed the perception of female single skating in the "Zaradenih Consciousness of Judges", which did not see the elements of the personality of athletes behind the rolling years. Moreover, resisted when the skater tried to be not like everything.

Childhood and youth

Eugene was born in Moscow in November 1999. Father Arman Babasyan is an artist, an entrepreneur from Armenia, the mother of Jeanne Medvedev - the former figure skater, because of the injury, she completed the sports career ahead of time, although he had already managed to become a winner of the Moscow Championship.

Parents of the girl were met, being employees of the "Soyuzmultfilm". Zhanna worked as an assistant director, and Arman got an assistant to the artist. In the family of Zhenya was the only child. It appeared on the light of 8 months, so she needed special care. Now the girl often communicates with the cousin of Karina Babasyan. Parents did not manage to keep marriage, but remained in friendly relations.

Surname Medvedev went to Eugene from her grandmother on the maternal line. Her skater changed after leaving the first coach. Mom defined the future of his daughter when he led a 3-year-old girl to the figure skating section.

Since then, Evgeny Medvedev has in sports. Judging by the biography of the figure skater, her usual childhood with dolls and games with the yard guys did not have, but his wife never wanted to leave difficult classes on the rink.

The first coach Evgenia Medvedeva became Love Yakovleva. When she went to maternity leave, the young figure skater fell to Elena Selivanova. In 2007, parents decided to transfer the daughter to the Eteri Tutberidze group. According to Zhenya, at the age of 8, she was still a "crude" figure skater, and Eteri Georgievna put a lot of effort to turn the diamond to a diamond.

At 9 years, Evgenia Medvedev already knew that all further life was figure skating, sport. The girl never dreamed of becoming someone else, except for the figure skater.

Personal life

The girl has a hobby, which remains not so much time, - Evgenia Medvedeva loves to draw. She claims that if not figure skating, it may have chosen the profession of makeup artist.

The girl itself, even on the day off will not forget about makeup. Evgeny's quality manicure is particularly concerned. Even if the nail breaks during the evening workout, the athlete will find time and remake everything from the master so that the hands look perfect.

In the casual clothes of Medvedev unpretentious. Her favorite style is Casual, and jeans remain the favorites. Cowboy hats, lightning sweatshirts, shirts in a cage - all this is present in the wardrobe champion, but she does not forget about women's dresses, high-quality jewelry and accessories. The only minus of luxurious clothes is that Her Eugene has nowhere to wear: the girl does not attend nightclubs and noisy events.

Evgenia has its own page in "Instagram", where she lay out photos and video performances and trips around the world. By character, pictures mostly business, expected athlete images in a swimsuit there is not found there. In Vkontakte, there is an official group of the champion "Yevgeny Medvedev forever", where the latest news from other accounts is duplicated.

Zhenya is pleased with travel to Japan, as reported to fans on the network. The girl is a fan of anime culture and even calls himself to Otaka. In the country of the Rising Sun, the figure skater has repeatedly performed in the form of Sailormun, which is a miniature wife (height 159 cm, the weight of 41 kg), according to fans, is very much.

The coach's change in 2018, the media was associated with changes in the personal life of athletes, in particular, with the desire to be closer to the Olympic recordsman, the star of male single skating Yudzur Khani. Rumors dispelled the Japanese figure skater himself, in a sharp form responding to questions of journalists, which is shocked by such articles.

Zhenya hurried to remove from "Instagram" together with Yudzura photo. By the way, in 2017, Medvedev admitted that Khan was just a close friend and she hopes to make a champion in an ice show. And at the competition athletes are always there, because in other situations there is no possibility to communicate.

In the summer of 2018, Evgenia's beloved was recorded by the former soloist "fidgets" Christian Kostov. The young man participated in the show "Voice. Children, "represented Bulgaria at Eurovision 2017. Young people met the transfer dedicated to this song contest. Later, Eugene and Christian reported that they were friends.

Later, her joint photographs with Moldovan figure skater, Lilian Cornzarem, became a later occasion for rumors about a new guy. But Eugene quickly took the dust of curious fans: he said that the athlete lives and trains in Canada to Cricket Club, like Medvedev herself. And he is much younger than Zhenya - in 2019 the guy celebrated his 15th anniversary.

Figure skating

Perseverance, multiplied by the purposefulness and diligence of Zhenya, soon brought the first fruits. At the age of 12, Evgenia Medvedev is credited to the Russian national team. After 2 years, in the 2013/2014 season, the girl received the right to participate in International Junior Competitions.

The sports debut of Medvedeva took place in Latvia, where she spoke at the stage of the Grand Prix among juniors. Eugene won the 1st place. At the tournament in Poland, the girl won again. But what is the most severe competition, Zhenya understood in Japan. Here the figure skater managed to snatch the 3rd step of the pedestal. The first two places went to compatriots.

New victories of talented figure skater did not make himself wait long. Evgenia Medvedeva took part in the Championship of the Russian Federation in 2014. The young athlete managed to take the 7th place among adult figure skaters and the 4th - in the junior group.

March of the same year turned out to be more successful, he brought his wife silver on the Russian Cup on figure skating in the adult category. This victory and chance (Shadnin's figure skater was injured) allowed the girl again to try the forces at the international level. Medvedev participates in the junior championship and receives bronze.

In the 2014/2015 season, Evgeny Medvedev awaits success again. Figureka won the 2nd Stage of the Grand Prix Cup in Barcelona among juniors. In the same rich in the pleasant events of 2015, Zhenya won the 3rd place. But in the junior championship, the girl received gold. Medvedev sent the World Junior World Cup in Tallinn to the second in her sports career. And again gold. This is the case of labor and an extremely difficult struggle that Evgenia sustained with dignity.

Autumn 2015 was marked for an athlete with a transition to adult figure skating. An excellent feedback of Zhenya showed at an open international tournament in Slovakia - Neckless Memorial. In a few weeks, the figure skater brilliantly acts in American Milwaukee, passing the test for strength in the first adult competition in the Grand Prix series. Here Eugene won the 1st place.

Not only its technical training helped to win the girl, but also the ability to brightly present the image. Charisma and the individuality of the figure skater helped her make a coup in solitary ride. In many ways, this was due to those programs that from 2015 Evgeniya put Ilya Averbukh.

The results of the performances at the previous steps of the Grand Prix allow his wife to go out into the final. In Barcelona, ​​the figure skater won, ahead of two strong rivals - Japanese Mao Assad and Elena Rodionov. Gold medal - reward for impeccable rental. Another gold was waiting for Evgeny Medvedev at the Russian Championships.

On February 2, 2016, the figure skater was not able to detain the happy tears from the emotions overwhelmed. At the European Championship in Bratislava Zhenya won the 1st place and climbed the pedestal. It is noteworthy that other two leadership places are also engaged in Russian figure skaters. To prove once again that Russian athletes are the strongest, girls had to be at the 2016 World Cup.

At the championship of the planet Evgeny Medvedev becomes champion. On the speech in Boston with an arbitrary program, the girl gained a record 150.10 points and left rivals far behind himself.

Evgenia beat the previous world record that Kim Yu on at the 2010 Olympics - 150.06 points. Silver at the championship got the American submarine Ashley Wagner, Bronze went to Russia as Anna Pogril's award. In the season, the figure skater won all the main starts, including the final of the Grand Prix and the European Championship.

In April 2016, Evgenia Medvedev received the title of Master of Sports, which the Minister of Sports of Russia Vitaly Mutko was announced in the solemn atmosphere. The statesman thanked the skaters who participated in the World Championships for the results and recalled the preparation for the upcoming Olympic Games of 2018. Coach Medvedeva Eter Tutberidze was awarded the honorary diploma of the sports department of the Russian Federation.

The beginning of 2017 brought Evgenia Medvedeva new prizes - the gold medal of the European Championship in the Czech Republic, as well as the 1st place on the pedestal of the World Championship held in Finland. In April, Evgeny Medvedev became the author of the new world record in Tokyo, receiving 80.85 points on the summary program.

The figure skater continued the rapid climb into the Olympus of world glory. Medvedev became the second in the world after an athlete from Canada Alena Sharan, which performs jumping elements in the second half of the speech. The last trick, which mastered the figure skater, became a jump with his arms raised up.

Another victory of the figure skater was pleased with fans and coaching composition in early September 2017. Evgenia spoke at the Ondrey Memorial Nepni in Bratislava (Slovakia), where he scored 80.00 points in a short program, lifting his own world record of several hundredths.

However, on the control box office in Sochi, the girl made blots in an arbitrary program. Experts argued that a small decline in physical form is necessary before the decisive jerk at the 2018 Olympics.

In January 2018, Evgeny Medvedev, who survived the eve of the competition, and Alina Zagitova argued for the championship at the European Championships in Moscow. Allowed a mistake in a short program, Zhenya lost, and Zagitova first became the champion of Europe.

At the 2018 Olympics in Korea, Russia won silver medals in many ways thanks to the performance of Eugene.

February 21, 2018 All Olympic Pytenchan froze: started competitions in the personal championships of girls figure skaters. After renting a short program, Evgenia Medvedev broke his world record, gaining 81.61 points. However, after Alina Zagitova, thanks to the most complex program, he broke the record of the magnitude, gaining 82.92 points.

On February 23, 2018, competitions were held in an arbitrary program. Alina Zagitova thanks to the tactics turned out to be stronger: right during the rental, the girl due to the tiny blot refused the most sophisticated element, moving it away for a few seconds later. As a result, Alina coped brilliantly with the dance and became the Olympic champion, gaining 239.57 points. Evgenia Medvedev with a result of 238.26, losing a little more point, turned out to be the second.

It is worth noting that the speeches of the magnify were among the most beautiful in competitions. Subsequently, the figure skater admitted that the image of Anna Karenina penetrated, which became the prototype of its eponymous number. Zhenya went on ice, as if the heroine of the novel to the approaching train.

In the spring of 2018, Medvedev became the co-hosting Alexei Yagudina in the show of the first channel "Ice Age. Children".

In early April, Evgeny Medvedev decided to change the coach. The figure skater stated that her decision was connected with the desire to "use new opportunities and other techniques of the training process and continue to submit Russia at the highest level." As a new mentor, the athlete chose Canadian Brian Orser, guided by the example of Kim Yu, who won the Olympics in Vancouver and in Sochi won the silver award.

The games in Beijing Medvedeva turned 22 years old, and Orser led to the major victories of not one age figure.

According to Eteri, Zhenya did not inform her about her decision personally. Tutberidze learned about the transition of Medvedeva to another coach only from news in May 2018. On the question of relationships with Alina Zagitova, Eugene responded.

Brian Orser told reporters that the decision to move to Him Medvedev voiced in April in Seoul. After meeting with the figure skater and her mom, the parties came to the agreement.

The first performance of Evgenia after moving over the ocean was the tournament of the Challenger series Autumn Classic International. In the competition, the Russian woman gave way only the champion of America and the Bronze Priest of the Olympic Games in Korea in the team competitions Bradie Tennell.

On the control rentals of the Russian national team before the start of the 2018/2019, Medvedev demonstrated, which he taught her new mentor. Evgenia, according to the experts present, improved gliding, the figure skater pulled the performance before the problemary accele, but lengthened the jump on the jump.

Some starts were difficult to gave a wife who was experiencing adaptation, got used to a new coach, approach and workout conditions. In the 2018/2019 season, it could not be displayed in the Grand Prix Final. At the Russian Championship, Medvedev unsuccessfully rolled back a short program, taking only the 7th final place. The athlete was announced by the Che-2019 only as a spare.

In the finals of the Russian Cup, Zhenya struggled for the right to get to the 2019 World Cup in Japan. The figure skater took the 1st place. When forming the national team of the Russian Federation to participate in the World Championships in the site, FFKKR decided to send Evgenia from Russia, and not Elizabeth Tuktamyshev, who has achieved much higher results in the season. This decision caused a squall of criticism.

In March 2019, at the World Championships in Japan, the Pedestal finally submounted. After a short program, she took the 4th position, however, purely rolling free, Zhenya won the bronze medal as a result. Alina Zagitova first won the title of world champion, typing 237.50 points.

Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA from Kazakhstan sensationally won a silver medal (237.5 points). Many fans noted that the site was returned to the site, which everyone loves and know.

In the season 2019/2020, Ilya Averbukh, Jeffrey Battle, She-Lynn Bourn, became choreographers of numbers for Evgenia Medvedeva. For an arbitrary program, the athlete chose the image of Geisha. As a musical accompaniment, music from the movie "Memoirs Geisha" was used.

New rooms helped the figure skater to win on the Autumn Classic International's Canadian tournament, which is included in the "Challenger" series, 2nd place. Gold competition got a Japanese athlete Rica Kihir. Claims to the performance of Medvedeva in an arbitrary program presented a technical team of judges, which noted various shortcomings in the performance of complex elements.

Autumn performances at the Grand Prix stages in Canada and Russia did not bring Eugene high results, so it could not be taken into the final competition. In December, a performance of the figure skater was held at the Russian Championship, which was held in Krasnoyarsk.

After a short program, because of the breakdown, Medvedev's boot decided to play in arbitrary. Later, the champion came out on the ice with an indicative performance. According to the summary of the competition, the figure skater did not enter the national team of the European Championship, which was held at the beginning of 2020 in the Grace.

Autumn 2020 was rich in surprises: in September it became known that Eugene decided to return to the coach Eter Tutberidze. True, because of the problems with the health of the girl I had to miss the Russian Championship 2020/2021, which took place in December. However, she made a demonstrative performance under the touching composition of Anna Herman, causing a real extension.

The figure skater actively masters new horizons for his work. For several years now, Evgeny has been cooperating with Ilya Averbuha ice show, and in the New Year holidays of 2020, she performed the role of a girl Dorothy in the ice fairy tale "Wizard Oz".

The athlete announced the creation of the Evgenia Medvedeva online store, which presents the goods of different categories with the original design. Today, the athlete team actively develops a new Merch, multiplying the range of online store.

Evgeny Medvedev now

At the beginning of the 2021, Zhenya pleased the fans in participation in the Cup of the First Channel. Medvedev not only came out again. As part of the competition, a jump tournament was held, in which the team of girls competed with the young man. The captains of these teams became Medvedev and Zagitov. The event was very spectacular, the Alina team won.

In April, the show Etherea Tutberidze "Ice Champions", in which Eugene took part and took part. She submitted to the court of spectators a number demonstrated at the 2018 Olympics.


  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia
  • Kavaler of the Order of Friendship
  • 2015 - Junior world champion
  • 2015, 2016 - winner of the final Grand Prix
  • 2016, 2017 - Champion of Russia
  • 2016, 2017 - European champion
  • 2016, 2017 - World Champion
  • 2018 - Two Silver Prize-winner of the Olympic Games
  • 2018 - Silver winner of the European Championship
  • 2019 - Bronze medalist of the World Cup

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