Valery Ozodzinsky - biography, personal life, photos, discography, rumors and latest news



Valery Ozodzinsky - The Legendary Soviet Pie Singer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, became incredibly popular in the 70s of the 20th century due to the execution of famous hits "These eyes opposite", "Eastern Song", "Eternal Spring", etc. Today, these songs can be To hear in the repertoire of other musicians, but it was Ozodisinsky who was the first singer who performed them from the scene.

Valery Ozodzinsky in childhood

Valery was born in Odessa in the midst of the Second World War. Both parents of the boy left volunteers to the front, and grandson raised grandmother Domna Kuzminichna. Together with Valera, his native uncle was brought up, who was older than the nephew for only 2 years. During the occupation of Odessa Ododzinsky, almost died from the shooting with a fascist soldier who suspected the boy in theft.

Hard post-war childhood did not allow little Valery to play music, although his predisposition to creativity was noticeable to everyone around. He independently learned to play the guitar and sang together with the boys on the seaside boulevard, earning in a street troupe.

Valery Ozodzinsky in youth

Ozodzinsky early began to work, first by the cochor, then made mattresses and fittings for furniture, and also made one flight as a cricket mass on the motor ship "Admiral Nakhimov".

With a creative profession, the young man collided at 17, when he was invited to participate in the episode of the Art Chernomorochka art film, where he played the role of one of the musicians of the orchestra. The actor Ozodzinsky did not, but at that moment finally understood what his soul stretches to.

Valery Ozodzinsky - biography, personal life, photos, discography, rumors and latest news 20252_3

At the first opportunity, he leaves to Tomsk, where he learns the game on the double bass in the music school. The first musical scene Valery Ozodzinsky became the stage of the Tomsk Philharmonic. Later he performed in the Kostroma and Donetsk philharmonic, already like a vocalist. Also was a soloist very popular at the time of Oleg Lundstrem's orchestra, with whom the entire Soviet Union was traveled.


Great success came to Valery Ozodzinsky in 1967 after the tour in Siberia and the Primorsky Territory. The trip to Bulgaria has secured popularity, where the singer fulfilled the fairly fashionable song "Moon on Sunny Beach". When, in the late 60s, the first long-playing plate "Sings Valery Ozodzinsky" came out, the whole circulation was instantly excavated.

Valery Ozodzinsky on stage

The state has enriched at the expense of the talent of the young performer for 30 million, and the singer himself got a fee just 150 rubles. Financial injustice will take care of the Ozodzinsky to the end of the career. All subsequent discs with the signs of the singer diverged instantly. Phenomenal interest in it can be explained by the unusual manner of performance, velvet voice and excellent lyrical timbre.

Moreover, the vocal Ozodzinsky never studied and when singing was more likely to congenital hearing and musical a little. In addition, the high professionalism and working capacity of the artist should be noted. He could rehearse one verse for several hours, while remaining tireless at the time when the orchestra musicians were already poured.

Valery Ozodzinsky with ensemble

All this together led to the fact that Valery's popularity of Valery Ozodisian in the 70s was incredible. Until today, the songs "These eyes opposite", "Eastern Song", "List Falls", written by David Tukhmanov, reached the "List Falls", "how many girls in the world" and the "march of paratroopers", the author of which was Alexander Zatsepin.

In addition, Valery introduced the Soviet listener with the songs from the Bitles repertoire, Karel Gotta, Joe Dassin, Tom Jones and many other Western stars whose music was almost inaccessible to the USSR. Moreover, Ozodzinsky did not just remember their songs in Russian, but attached to these compositions their own sensual, passionate and several grotesque style.

Sunset Career

Love for foreign music and constantly raised questions about the beggar fees did not remain unnoticed by the power of the people. The artist accused that he sings about love and about his homeland, but not about the love of his homeland and the party. The singer was also assigned to emigrate, although he never gave a reason to such suspicion. Nevertheless, for a long time the artist was removed from concert activity under the Soviet Union, already trained toured tour in the United States.

This led to the fact that in the second half of the 1980s, once one of the leading pop tenors worked as a ward in a textile factory in a warehouse and had serious alcohol problems. Only in 1994, Valery Ozodzinsky returned to the recording studio and released the "Days Run" CD with songs from Vertinsky's repertoire, as well as the "Carnival of Love" and "Walking Nights", which included the best hits of past years.

Valery Ozodzinsky at the end of the career

In September of the same year, he gave a concert in Moscow, who had a deafening success. After that, his songs were reprinted every year, and the performer himself drove around the country and performed in several major concert halls, which were invariably anchlage.

Personal life

Officially, Valery Ozodzinsky was married only once. In 1961, he met Nelly Kuculdina, who became his legitimate wife. Two daughters were born in the family - Angelica and Valeria. Natalia and Valery were together until the mid-80s, when the crisis in the creative career led not only to the loss of the singer scene, but also destroyed the family.

Valery Ozodzinsky with her daughter

For some time he lived at the old friend of Svetlana Silava, who independently saved Valery Vladimirovich from alcohol and narcotic dependence. And then, Anna Yesenin appeared on his horizon, his long-standing admirer, who became a civilian wife Valery.

Valery Ozodzinsky with the second family

It was her Rododzinsky who owes his return on the stage, as Anna, who worked by the administrators of the singer Alla Bayanova, who worked out the husband and re-"spinning" the aged singer, organizing meetings with journalists and rotating his songs on radio stations.


Valery Ozodzinsky, who cured the second half of the 90s from drug addiction and alcoholism, had no significant health problems. Those unexpectedly for loved ones and fans became the sudden death of the 55-year-old singer on April 26, 1997. On the eve, he gave a solo concert in St. Petersburg, and after returning home died in a dream from heart failure. The legendary performer is buried at the Kuntsevsky cemetery in Moscow.

Alexey Barabash in the role of Valeria Ozodzinsky

In memory of Valeria Ozodzinsky, a registered star was laid in Moscow at the "Star Square", and in Odessa on the house where he grew up, a memorial plaque was hung. Also in 2015, the biographical mini-series "These eyes opposite" about the vital and creative path of the famous artist was shot. The role of Ozodzinsky performed actor Alexey Barabash.


  • Eastern song
  • These eyes are opposite
  • I am going back home
  • Walking Nights
  • Witchcraft
  • Plays organ
  • Eternal spring
  • April first
  • Mirage
  • Moon on Sunny Beach

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