Matt Leblan - biography, personal life, photo, news, in youth, movies, now, TV series, "Friends" 2021



Matt Leblan is an American film actor and producer who owes its popularity to the cult youth series "Friends", and today is of interest not only from the older generation, but also in adolescents. Matt continues to remain the same smiling and positive person, which appeared before the public many years ago.

Childhood and youth

Matthew Stephen Leblan, more famous as Matt Leblan, was born in the summer of 1967 in Newton, located near Boston. In the cores of the artist flows the blood of several nationalities. From Mother Patricia Grossman from Matt Italian roots, from Father - English, Irish and French. The actors in the family did not have. Father Paul Leblan worked by an auto mechanic, Mom was an office manager.

In childhood, Matt, following the Father's example, became interested in technician. But most of all the boy was interested in the device of machines and motorcycles, but speed. In 8 years, Leblan was already a gas-railway driver and took an active part in the competition.

But if Dad was proud of the success of the Son and even gave Matt a motorcycle, then the mother was categorically against the extreme and dangerous hobbies. Patricia has made efforts so that Matthews show interest in a less risky lesson. And the woman found this - a carpenter.

Soon the guy really caught fire to the processing of the tree and the manufacture of various products from this material. Here Matt also succeeded: For skill, the young man was awarded the prestigious Golden Hammer Prize.

At the same time, the young Leblan was not a joking the theater. The teenager appeared on stage in the "Jesus Christ - Superstar". The rehearsal process and the exciting atmosphere of the premiere as much as Matthew liked that he soon forgot about other hobbies.

At the end of the school, the young man became a student of a not theatrical university, but the Institute of Technology in Boston. Here he realized that it was not his way. After the first semester, the future actor threw a prestigious university and went to New York.


For the first time, Leblan appeared on the screen in 1985. These were commercials of famous brands. For some time, Matt was recognized as a guy from Ketchup Heinz, which was so good that he received the Golden Lion in Cannes. In the late 1980s, Leblan went to Hollywood and began to take acting lessons. Professional experience multiplied after the appearance in the music clips of popular artists John Bon Jovi and Alanis Morissett.

Directions immediately followed the directories. Matt starred in the 18th series of the TV 101 youth project, according to the plot of the "Beverly Hills, 90210", whose release was canceled, despite the finished material, and the time was wasted.

After the failure, Leblan was involved in the popular TV series "10 of us" and "married, with children," where he got the opportunity to improve the acting skills. As a invited star, Matt played in the sensational erotic project "Diaries of Red Shoes", where the main role was performed by David Spiritual.

The role of Major West in a fantastic militant "Lost in Cosmos" went to the actor after a colleague was refused to comedy "Friends" Matthew Perry. The film was planned 3rd, but low cash receipts did not allow the continuation to take place.

A much more prominent place in filmography of Lebedan was taken by the project "Episodes", for participation in which he received the Golden Globe in the category "The best male role in the comedy television series."


The real breakthrough in the world of cinema for the artist was the role of Joey tribbiani in the "Friends" project. In this megapopular series, released on screens in 1994, he starred 12 years old with Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Coke, Liza Kudrou and David Schwimmer. In 1996, the picture received a premium of the guild of actors for the best acting comedy series.

Matt Leblan - biography, personal life, photo, news, in youth, movies, now, TV series,

According to the original designation, Joey was a secondary character, but the success of Matt Lebedna was so loud that the scripts and director were forced to adjust the plot.

According to TV Guide, the Crown phrase Joey "How You Doing?" ranked 4th in the list of the 20 best phrases from the TV shows. When the artist participated in the "Shakeman Norton show", the star of the Games of the Thrones "Emilia Clark to feel all the charm of the hero of Lebedna, asked him to pronounce it live.


Leblan participated in the megapopular show Top Gear. By the car Kia Cee 'D he was ahead of the riders. This circumstance was the reason why Matt was invited to place the leading "Top Gir". He brilliantly coped with his task - a program with his participation as the co-supporter Rory Raid and Chris Harris was broadcast for three years.

Back in mid-2018, there were conversations that Leblan leaves the Top Gear show, but for six months, he was released with the actor, while in January 2019 was not announced with the last air with the "Friends" star. In the final program, Matt tested many brands of cars, including Fiat Panda Cross, Porsche Panamera, Rolls-Royce Phantom and Porsche 911 GT3 RS.

Personal life

In his youth, the artist heard Lovelas. Matt confessed in an interview that he was in advertising thanks to his lovingness. He looked back on the street to the girl you like and met her with a look. The beauty turned out to be an actress that was in a hurry to casting into an advertising agency. She invited a young man to make her company.

In 1997, Matt Leblan met Model Melissa McNight. After a 6-year-old novel, young people weakened the relationship. In February 2004, Matt and Melissa had a girl who called Marina Pirla. Unfortunately, the daughter was sick, she was given a disappointing diagnosis - a rare form of a mental disorder, accompanied by epilepsy.

For a long time, parents fought for the life and health of Marina, and the disease retreated. In addition to the common daughter, two children of Melissa from the first marriage were adjusted in the family. In 2005, the scandal happened in the family of Matt and Melissa. The artist was evident in the treason, for which he was publicly apologized to his wife. But the marriage collapsed all the same, in the year the spouses divorced.

Soon, Matt Leblana's personal life has improved. The actor broke out a new novel with Andrea Anders, a partner for Sitkom "Joey". In January 2015, after eight years of co-stay, the couple broke up.

And this novel did not turn out to be the last for Lebed. On the set of Top Gear's program, he met the producer of the project Avrolo Mulling, who became his new muse. Relationships were long, despite the fact that Matt was not in a hurry with a proposal of his hand and hearts.

The state of the actor is estimated at $ 80 million.

Matt fans shares information about creative life on the page in "Instagram", where there is a photo and video from filming.

The growth of celebrities reaches 178 cm at a weight of 77 kg.

Matt Leblan now

Leblan chose the acting path completely consciously, which does not regret now.

The popularity of the project "Friends" did not fade over the years, so rumors about the shooting of the continuation of the series often occurred in the media space. In 2021, they became a reality, and Matt again joined the project, who played such a significant role in his biography.

In the film that started on May 27 on the HBO Max platform, all 6 actors of the main composition took part. However, the tape did not become a real continuation of the series, she starred without a scenario, and the famous sixth appeared under the present names, not reincarnated in his favorite spectators of heroes.


  • 1988-1989 - "TV 101"
  • 1989 - "10 of us"
  • 1991 - "Married ... with children"
  • 1992 - "Winnie and Bobby"
  • 1992-1993 - "Red shoe diaries"
  • 1994-2004 - "Friends"
  • 1996 - "ED"
  • 1998 - "Lost in Space"
  • 2000 - "Charlie Angels"
  • 2001 - "Diversants"
  • 2002 - "Charlie Angels: Just Forward"
  • 2004-2006 - "Joey"
  • 2011-2017 - "Episodes"
  • 2014 - "Patient from Love"
  • 2016-2020 - "Everything grasped"

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