Aydar Garayev - Photo, Creation History, Composition, News, KVN 2021



Aydar Garayev - participant in the Tyumen KVN team "Union", creative producer and TV host Translation Studio Soyuz. The audience loves him for sparkling humor, the ability to improvise on stage and create bright vocal humorous miniatures. Love for music led Aidar to the idea of ​​creating a music show, which has no analogues in the world. According to Garayev, the work on each release of the project takes place in the liberated atmosphere of friendly gatherings, which is valued by the audience.

Childhood and youth

Aydar Garayev was born in April 1985 in the village of Urban-type Jalil, Sarmanovsky district of Tatarstan. Shortly after the birth of the boy, the parents, Tatars by nationality, together with the children - the son of Aidar and the daughter of Alsu - moved to New Urengoy, where they found a new job. Here Garayev went to school. Studying in secondary classes, began to attend a children's vocal team, where over time they achieved great success.

At the end of the school, Garayev entered the Urengoy branch of the Tyumen State University. But after the 3rd course he moved to Tyumen, where he graduated from the university. The city was so felt like Idar, that the young man decided to stay here. The guy found work in the specialty: settled by the main specialist of the regional center for the additional education of children and young people. In addition, the talented showman began its own business project associated with the organization of weddings.


An important part of the biography of Aydar Garayeva occupies a game of fun and resourceful club. Participate in the speeches of the KVN-team Aidar Garayev began in school years. This lesson liked this young man that he continued to perform at the university.

In 2011, the young man was part of the Kefir team of the city of Nyagan. On the big stage, he appeared for the first time in the same year, in Sochi at the Festival of KVN. Soon, Aidar was invited to the creative team "Union", which was organized from the "Mole" teams (Sadrinsk) and Harvard (New Urengoy).

After the appearance of Aidar in the university team, the game went much better, as a number of winning songs appeared in the arsenal of the players. In 2014, the "Union", the captain of which Garayev was chosen, becomes the champion of the High League KVN. Before that, the "Union" managed to reach 1/4 of the highest league.

For the period when Aidar Garayev headed the team, "Union" managed to conquer many awards. In addition to the championship title in the Higher League, on the account of the players of 4 "Kiwin": "Small" and "big in gold", "big in Light" and "presidential". The last "kiwin" received in 2013.

The team led by Idar Garayev - singing. The guys became famous for music numbers whose characteristic feature is the so-called "Karapul" - these are funny parodies on popular songs, steb. During the speech, the vocal numbers are interrupted by the duty team "So, Stop!". In addition, Tyumen players are known to sharp political jokes.

In 2013, the social networks scored Milliona views of Sveta Aidar Garayev "Social Rock Opera". The room was executed by the captain during the speech of the "Union" and instantly turned into a hit. Many then called Aidar Tyumen Freddie Mercury for excellent vocals.

But the main thing is the meaning of the sharp social humor of the song. The main topic of "Opera" is the deplorable state of roads and housing and communal services. In an interview with Aidar Garayev noted that they were not just a desire to laugh at the problems, the goal is to correct the existing shortcomings.

"Social Rock Opera" Aidar Garayeva, executed in the 1/8 of the Higher League in 2013, was subsequently recognized as the best number of the year according to KVN fans. In the future, it is often for Garayev himself to participate in captain competitions brought high points team.

Soyuz continued to perform speeches in regular KVN games until 2014. The audience was remembered by the numbers from the 1/8 finals "Bar Seeds" and "War and Peace for 4 minutes", which brought the team 2nd place. In subsequent issues of bright performances of the creative team, miniatures "number with a claim for sanctions", "in the apartment of the mayor of one city", Stam about Ivan Susanin with Nikolai Drozdov and Cop "I will leave at night in a field with a horse, horse version."

After the 2014 season, the Union team remained at the club fun and resourceful guests as invited guests. From the same time, Aidar goes to work in the Tyumen KVN League by the chief editor. In 2017, Garayeva is invited to such a position in the Higher League of KVN, where he replaced Dmitry Krchchchka.

As the artist remembers the years spent in KVN - it was the time of active creative growth. The team participants managed to find their own niche in the sphere of Russian humor. One of the directions that Aidar was engaged in, being a KVN player, - writing jokes. Together with friends, he not only created the text for his own performances, but also invented the dialogues for other teams.


In 2014, the artist was invited to participate in the 4th edition of the Youth Sitkom "Real Guys", in which the main characters returned to the native city of Perm, where Anton (Anton Bogdanov) and Vovan (Vladimir Selivanov) began their own business, and Kolyan ( Nicholas Naumov) began with a new girl. Aidar Garayev reincarnated in the character of the novel.

Aydar Garayev - Photo, Creation History, Composition, News, KVN 2021 20249_1

In 2017, the showroom "Studio Soyuz" was started on TV channel TNT, in which there is a musical duel between two stars of show business. The subject of satire is the performances of Russian pop artists who appear daily on televisers, as well as popular modern songs.

The project is conducted by six stars KVN - Kirill Kokokkin, Aydar Garayev, Victor Brushkov, Alexander Alomov, Artem Muratov and Elena Ghushchina, visiting Garik Harlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Ksenia Borodina, Ekaterina Varnava, Miguel, Olga Buzova, Yana Koshkin, Amiran Sardarov.

The transfer is divided into several competitive stages - "to humiliate the melody", "one time is not a costume Stas", during which two stars compete in the knowledge of modern Russian pop. Garayev in the Studio Soyuz project serves as a leading, as well as a creative producer. The purpose of the project he calls acquaintance with an unknown formation of domestic modern pop music, as well as the opportunity to laugh at the behavior of the works of some authors.

Personal life

The high attractive captain of the KVN team (Garayev's growth - 179 cm, the weight is 65 kg) always attracted the attention of the girls. But he met his chief thanks to his favorite business. With the future wife Anastasia Kazanjan, the guy met in 2012 in one of the seasons of the Premier League. Nastya also KVN player. The girl advocated the Taganrog Team "Gesture". First, young people rewrote in social networks as friends, shared secrets. Soon friendship turned into love.
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In September 2014, the personal life of Aidar Garayeva changed: the wedding of two KVN players took place in Moscow, which gathered relatives and many colleagues in the game at the club cheerful and resourceful. Honeymoon newlyweds spent in Dominican Republic. In September 2017, Aidar and Anastasia celebrated three years from the day of the wedding. This event of Garayev lit on his own page in "Instagram", placing the wedding photo there.

Despite participation in KVN, the spouse of the humorist chose a profession, far from humor - it organizes the sending of children to study abroad. Anastasia is enthusized with his work, thanks to which he travels a lot.

In the family of Aidar, Tatar traditions, the relatives of the humorist among themselves communicate in their native language. Gradually masters his native speech and Anastasia, sometimes Idara is surprised by new learned phrases. From the dishes of National Kitchen Garayev prefers Tokmach, Boreh, Kystoye and Chuck Chuck.

Aydar Garayev is now

In the fall of 2018, the next season of the Studio Union project started, in which new categories appeared: ICLO, MP trailer, Piece of account, as well as experimental contests. Maria Minogarova, Alexander Gudkov, Terry, Nazima, Marina Kravets and others have already visited the TV show.

Now the project organizers team can be seen not only on the air TNT channel. Humorists please fans with live concerts. In the summer of 2019, such a performance took place on the Stand Up Store Moscow club.


  • 2007-2014 - KVN "Union" team
  • 2014 - Series "Real Guys"
  • 2017-2019 - TV show "Studio Soyuz"

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