Elina Bystritskaya - Photo, biography, personal life, news, cause of death



Elina Bystritskaya - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR. Elina Bystritskaya received all-union popularity, while playing Axinha in the picture "Silent Don", the film by the famous Roman Mikhail Sholokhov.

In addition, the actress is familiar to the audience and on other serious and complex roles: Lena Alekseenko in the film "In peaceful days", Elizabeth Maksimovna in the picture "The Neonic Tale", Lelja in "Volunteers", Ksenia Rumyantsev in "Everything remains people." In recent years, the actress has moved away from the full-length movie, and from television serials, but continued to play the scene of the Small Theater.


On April 4, 1928, a daughter was born in the family of a doctor infectious examism and hospital cook. The girl was named Ellina. The passportist for inattention lost the letter "l" and recorded in the documents of Elina Bystritsky. Childhood Elina passed in Ukraine. She grew up a cheerful child, adored coping the heroes of popular films. His hobbies were more boyish - she played billiards perfectly.

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Father Bystritskoy dreamed, so that his daughter went to his footsteps and became a physician. During the war years, Ealina settled in a sanitarian in the evacuation hospital Stalino (now - Donetsk), although she was only 13 years old. She often heard compliments from the wounded soldiers and hospital staff, saw the views admired by her beauty, but did not pay attention to it.

In 1944, the girl graduated from school and entered the medical technician, because his father insisted. Studying and the future profession did not attract it, but the technical school worked a drama, where the girl played any roles with great pleasure. To better master dramatic art, Ealina was recorded in a ballet class. Three years later, she graduated from the technical school and decided to enroll in the theater Institute in Kiev. Father was categorically against her decision.

As a result, Bystritskaya entered the Nezhinsky Pedigree Institute. She organized a team of dance, which soon won the competition, and his leader received a ticket to the holiday home. There she met with the actress Natalia Gubdovskaya, who convinced Elina to develop talent.

Bystritskaya no longer listened to the parents, took the documents from the pedagogical and entered the Theater Institute. Relations with fellow students did not work out - the girl was brought up in rigor, did not participate in students' parties. Plisses wrote to her, but the talented student defended teachers. In 1953, Elina Bystritskaya received a diploma on the end of the acting faculty.


After the Institute, Bystritsky was distributed to the Kherson Drama Theater, but Ealina refused to work in it, because the director admitted liberty against the actress. One of the teachers helped by the Bystritsky to settle in the Mossoveta Theater, but actress actress was not able to appear on his stage - there were "well-wishers", taking the leadership of the theater complaints.

The theater biography of Elina Bystritskaya began in Vilnius. On the stage of the city drama lady, she played cooks in the play "Port Arthur", Olga in the "Years of Wandering" and Alynahushka in the "Scarlet Flower". Bystritskaya dreamed of playing the metropolitan stage, but for many years this dream was not destined to come true. For a promising actress, Faina Ranevskaya petitioned - in vain.

Only after entering the screens of the film "Volunteers" Bystritsky managed to move to Moscow and settle in the Small Theater. She dedicated to him all his life. The audience gladly watched her game in the performances "Mount from Wit", "Masquerade", "The main role", "dacnis" and others.


Bystritskaya began to film from the young years. Her first experience was the film "Taras Shevchenko", the shooting of which was held in Kiev film studio. The actress was offered an episodic role, but as a result, the frames with her participation were cut out. Then Elina decided that with the movie ended forever.

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However, in 1950, the director Vladimir Brown invited her to the film "In peaceful days." In this picture, a beginner actress played with Vyacheslav Tikhonov, faith Vasilyeva, George Yumatov and was not lost on their background. The audience remembered Bystritsky.

The next film "The Neonic Tale" brought Eline Bystritsky recognition and title of the best actress of the year. She was included in the delegation for the week of Soviet cinema, held in Paris.

In 1958, the Motheric film "Quiet Don" was released on the screens, in which Bystritskaya played Aksinhu. This image has become its best movie role. More than half a century passed, Aksinhu was trying to play many actresses, but none of them, according to the audience, could not approach the level and depth to Alina Abraham.

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The film "Volunteers" became the sign, in Him Bystritskaya played Lelay. Then there were shooting in the paintings "everything remains people", "seven days after the murder", "brave guys", "last tour".

The last roles of actresses in Eleanor in the art film "Babi Yar" (2002), Olga Princess in the historical filmmaker "Saga ancient Bulgarians. The tale of Olga Saint "(2005) and Alina Stanislavovna in the detective" Return of Mukhtar "(2006).

Personal life

Elina Bystritsky has always had many fans, among them - and high-ranking officials who have denied the actress. For it, she was stopped letting go abroad on tour and offer roles in the movies, but she always remained faithful to her principles.

Many of her novels were fleeting and quickly ended. In the Pedagogical Institute, a graduate student fell in love with the passagogic. During a date, the anthem of the USSR suddenly sounded, and the boyfriend stretched out at the rack of Himirno - was ideological. It was their last meeting.

Her first big love was Cyril Lavrov, who at the time just started a career in the theater in Kiev. Somehily, Elina came to accompany him to the station and saw that Lavrov had a different girl. The feeling instantly passed, because she did not know how to forgive weaknesses.

Alina Abrahamovna was married only once. Her husband Nikolai Kuzminsky worked at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, often traveled abroad. They lived in high speed at Kudrinskaya Square over 25 years old and were happy. The spouse was older than Bystritsky. She could have a long time to listen to his stories, argue and laugh. Together they went to theaters and exhibitions, often rested. There were no children from the pair. They broke up, because the husband often changed the actress.

In an interview with the actress, admitted that he did not regret anything. The actress was glad that she had wonderful husband and her husband's children. And the fact that everything stopped, the actress explained philosophically: nothing lasts forever.

Recently, Elina Bystritskaya lived in his home in the suburbs, having enjoyed guests, played billiards.

In 2015, the actress turned 85 years old, in honor of which a number of media wrote about Eline Bystritsky.


The latest news from life actresses did not please fans. On August 2, 2017, Elina Bystritsky twice appealed for medical help. Ultimately, the actress was hospitalized in the Botkin hospital.

The journalists found out that for the first time per day the actress caused doctors, complaining of a sharp pain in his chest. The physicians who came to the challenge found out that the pains became a consequence of atherosclerotic heart disease. Doctors only consulted Elina Abrahamovna, recommended adopting previously prescribed drugs and left.

Elina Bystritskaya in old age

But after an hour, the actress again caused a medical brigade. Due to careless handling of the medical preparation, the artist received a chemical burn eye. With this diagnosis, doctors and hospitalized actress.

On April 26, 2019, Elina Bystritskaya died on the 92nd year of life. According to the director of the Small Theater Tamara Mikhailova, and recently, Ealina Abrahamovna seriously sick.


  • 1950 - "In peaceful days"
  • 1954 - "Bogatyr" goes to Marto "
  • 1955 - "Unfinished Tale"
  • 1958 - "Quiet Don"
  • 1958 - "Volunteers"
  • 1964 - "Negasimy Flame"
  • 1967 - "Nikolay Bauman"
  • 1990 - "Moscow Police Kaminsky"
  • 1991 - "Seven days after the murder"
  • 1992 - "Farewell tours"
  • 1993 - "Brave Guys"
  • 2002 - Babij Yar
  • 2004 - "Saga ancient Bulgarians. Vladimir's pallet Red Sunny
  • 2005 - "Saga of ancient Bulgar. Talk Olga Saint "
  • 2006 - "Return of Mukhtara"

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