Roman Polyansky - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Filmography, Wife, Alina Grosu 2021



Charming characters in the performance of Roman Polyansky are remembered from the first minutes of the narrative, although not always turn out to be positive. The artist in each of the heroes finds a part of himself, otherwise it considers it impossible to relate to reveal the image. But despite the talent, the novel infrequently appears in rating projects. Perhaps the case in the difficult character of the actor, ready to argue with directors and able to even abandon the role if it is impossible to agree.

Childhood and youth

Polyansky was born in the former capital of the Siberian Cossack troops and the beautiful city of Russia - Omsk. Since the parents of the novel in the past were professionally engaged in skiing and rhythmic gymnastics, the boy from an early age was recorded in the sports sections. In addition, in childhood, Roma took the eldest guys to the courtyard.

Roman grew restless. Once he even managed to get lost in the winter forest, looking at the skiing before the race, the blessing of the boy soon found. Related worried, but the future artist perceived the incident like a fun adventure.

Already in kindergarten adults understood that the actor grows in the family. The masterworks played by the main role in the Kindergarten play "Nutcracker" suggested, in which direction to develop the Son. Parents took the novel to a music school, where the heir was diligently studied the clarinet game for 6 years.

At the end of the secondary school, Roman Polyansky continued to improve talent. In his native Omsk, the artist chose the music school named after V. Ya. Shebalina, where 4 years honed the skill of the game on the clarinet and even mastered the new tool - the tenor-saxophone.

On the 2nd course of the school, Polyansky went to theatrical studio. The game on the stage is so fascinated by the novel that on the 4th year the actor firmly decided to go on the chosen path further and went to Moscow.

Polyansky confessed in an interview with BrightStories, which was not worried, it would be possible to pass entrance tests or not. By that time, the performer served in the pop-jazz orchestra at the Omsk fireguard. In the event of failure, Roman knew where to return.

Nevertheless, a novice artist and in 2004 he entered immediately in 2 specialized universities: Schukinskaya School and Studio School MCAT. Choosing "Pike", on the course of Vladimir Ivanov Roman Polyansky came to the number of successful students.


While studying at the University, Polyansky fell on the scene named after E. B. Vakhtangov. At the end of the Schukinsky school in 2008, the novel took into the metropolitan troupe. On this scene, the artist performed 2 years. According to celebrity, the idea of ​​coming to work as home attracted, but turned over the desire for independence.

In 2010, the actor, as he himself was expressed, went to free swimming. Even before the departure, Polyansky tried the strength in the new performance of Roman Viktyuk R & J, representing the unconventional rethinking of the Shakespeare tragedy. The premiere took place at the Viktyuk Theater and went with considerable success.

Roman Grigorievich turned out to be a rare genius, to whom Polyansky completely trusted and obediently performed on the stage of instructions of the mentor. This was the decisive factor in the decision to go to another theater. Especially since the external data corresponded to the type of performers who participated in the Master productions. When heighting 187 cm, the artist tries to hold the weight within 80 kg.

The novel appeared in front of the audience in the images of Mercutio and the Lorenzo monk in the representation of Romeo and Juliet. And besides, he portrayed the main character in the play "Ferdinando". From the troupe, Polyansky left not only because of freedom-loving, but also because with age it was more difficult to perform acrobatic numbers. And externally, the actor looked older than the necessary role.

The artist continued to perform on the stage in entrepreneurship and sometimes participated in unusual projects. So, in May 2020, the artist, together with his colleagues, put his hand to the creation of the play "Theater on Quarantine" on the fabulous play of Leonid Filatov "Pro Fedota-Sagittarius, a deleted well done." Polyansky's comedic video posted on a personal page in Instagram.


Polyansky's cinematic biography began in student years. The actor debuted on CTC channel in the episode of the television series "Lyuba, Children and Divorce", which was the adaptation of the popular American picture of the 1990s "Grace on fire".

A more prominent point in the filmography of the pupil "Pike" is the image of a friend of the main character in the comedy "New Year's tariff. With a fantastic melodrama, a scandal is connected, or rather, the first lawsuit in the Russian judicial practice about hidden advertising in a movie, which was submitted to MTS Tatyana Vasilyeva. The executor of the role of a strange woman was denied compensation, since Vasilyeva did not have copyright on footage, which were then broadcast in advertising.

Roman Polyansky - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Filmography, Wife, Alina Grosu 2021 20241_1

On the 3rd course, Omich came to the eyes of the director Elena Smerey, who sought the actors in the project "I'll be back." After the first samples, the novel was approved. Polyansky told that the tape was for him an excellent school of skills, because it was lucky here to work in the foreground with the stars of Russian cinema Alexander Porokhovshchikov, Elizabeth Boyar and Catherine Vasilyeva.

In 2012, Polyansky played the captain of the Police of Igor Rebrov in the detective "Traitor". The artist liked to be filmed in a criminal film mainly because he found a common language with the director Stanislav Titarenko.

Serious work that was demanding from the actor of thoughtfulness and even wisdom was the tape "Mirrors". Here the novel played her husband to Marina Tsvetaeva (Victoria Isakov), a famous publicist and writer Sergei Efron. In an interview, Polyansky argued that for the sake of the role lost 10 kg per month.

In 2015, a picture of the "Mommy" picture started on the CTT TV channel, in which the novel portrayed one of the key characters. The series kept high ratings for a long time and went out 2 years.

The project of 2018 "From Hate to Love" made the fans and the press. Sensation almost turned out to be the marriage of Polyansky and Maria Kulikova, who posted a joint wedding photo in social networks. As it turned out, celebrities reincarnated in newlyweds on the shooting of melodramas.

In 2020, the directorial debut of the stars took place. The novel shot for the Ukrainian channel STB a detective series "Two on the roof". It was also liked to work for the sister's actor and because there was a young beloved near the court, who gave the picture of the soundtrack.

Personal life

With the future wife, Roman met when he studied in "Pike". Daria Zhulay - Polyansky classmate. My father's daughter was born in the family. The artist loves children and dismissed the girl in every way.

The artist confessed that the spouse was not easy, because sometimes Polayansky was so gaining in the role that he hardly left the image. And played a novel not only positive and charming guys. But Daria, herself as an actress, knew how to understand her husband and smooth sharp corners.

In May 2019, a new page opened in the personal life of the novel. Lyedieli starred in the frank video of the Ukrainian performer Alina Grosu. According to the singer, Polyansky embodied the image of a man on the screen, next to which you want to open with a bright side.

According to rumors, at the time of the beginning of the novel, both celebrities still consisted in official relations. Grosu just played a lush wedding with a businessman Alexander Komkov in Italy. But the novel later told reporters that by that time was divorced. Despite the 12-year difference in age, the actor and singer look harmoniously together than to take advantage of, withdrawing a joint video to the song "Towel", which was sang a duet.

Roman Polyansky now

Now Polyansky is popular as an actor. In 2021, a number of telemodest with the participation of the novel took place, among which the neighbor's melodrama. Do not forget the star and about the living audience. The artist performs on the stage in different cities of Russia as an artist of the theater company "Free scene".


  • 2008 - "Take me with you"
  • 2008 - "The tariff" New Year ""
  • 2009 - "I'll be back"
  • 2010 - "Toys"
  • 2010 - "Raider"
  • 2010 - "Rosehip"
  • 2011 - "Marusya"
  • 2011 - Zoykina Love
  • 2013 - "Mirrors"
  • 2014 - "Mannequin"
  • 2015-2017 - "Moms"
  • 2016 - "Teach me to live"
  • 2018 - "From Hate to Love"
  • 2019 - "Galka and Gamayun"
  • 2019 - "Clean Psychology"
  • 2019 - "City of Brides"
  • 2019 - "Crasst"
  • 2019 - "Roman with Past"
  • 2020 - "Let's find each other"
  • 2021 - "save faith"

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