Irina Muromtseva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Irina Muromtseva is a Russian journalist, TV presenter and producer of informational and entertainment projects. It works on federal television channels and managed to love the audience for their relaxed manner of communication and a positive attitude. The journalist never ceases to experiment and has already debuted as a performer of vocal stage miniatures in its own production project "The main role".

Childhood and youth

Irina Muromtseva was born in February 1978 in St. Petersburg in the family of a military personnel. At that time, her father was served in the northern capital. But Ira graduated from school already in another city - Bryansk.

From the early years, Irina Muromtseva grew up a sociable and open girl. Like many rows, she dreamed of becoming an actress and conquer Moscow. But parents had a different opinion on this. They feared for a young and beautiful daughter for which the metropolitan life could be unsafe. Ira listened to relatives and at the end of the school in 1996 he entered the University of Voronezh, where the faculty of journalism was chosen.

However, Moscow continued to manhaw Irina Muromsev. And the girl, having gotting rid of the close guard of parents, decided to do in his own way. On the 3rd course of the university, she was transferred to the correspondence department and went to the capital.


2 years after moving to the capital, Muromtsev already conducted news transfer on one of the Moscow radio stations. Soon, Irina got a job on the NTV television channel. At first she worked as a correspondent of the information program "Today." After working on the radio where no one saw her, Irina felt uncomfortable in front of the camera. It had to make considerable efforts to "make friends" with the camera.

In 2000, the television biography of Irina Muromseva comes to a new round. The journalist tries his strength in producing. Together with Andrei Norkin and Marianna Maksimovskaya, she is working on the information program "Hero of the Day".

Here, Muromtsev, along with colleagues, makes great efforts and exhibits the highest pilot in diplomacy to obtain consent to shooting from those persons who are extremely interested in the audience, but they are extremely reluctant to contact. So, the team, as part of which was Irina, managed to achieve agreement on shooting from Jackie Chan. As a result, the star flew to the capital for one day to work on the project.

Soon the spectators saw charming Irina Muromsev as a TV host program "News" on the Federal Channel "Russia". Then she moved to the favorite viewers by the transfer of "Morning Russia" on the same TV channel. The woman led the transfer first in a pair with Andrei Petrov, then with Vladislav Zavyalov. Up until 2013, Irina was a constant TV host of this project.

From February 2015, Irina Muromtseva, every Sunday, leads the transfer of the "recreation park culture", where, together with its guests, summarizes the results of the last week. Subsequently, the name of this TV show decreased to one word "Park". Cooping journalists were Nikolay Fomenko and Alexey Bivovarov.

In the summer of 2017, Irina Muromsevaya fell out the honor of the Festival "Cannes Lions", which hosts the prestigious premium for the best advertising and marketing projects and decisions.

Personal life

The journalist does not like to complain and talk about problems. Therefore, about your first marriage, which lasted not long, does not tell anything. In 2001, Irina gave birth to a daughter to anyone. For a long time, Muromtsev brought up her daughter on his own.

In 2012, the personal life of Irina Muromseva changed: the famous journalist married a second time. The spouse of Irina became the musical producer Maxim Volkov. In March 2013, Irina and Maxim were born daughter Sasha.

TV presenter, like all her colleagues, with special attention monitors his own figure. Irina noted that thanks to sports and dance training, which he received in childhood, she subsequently never complained about the presence of extra kilograms. With a height of 162 cm, its weight in his youth was 55 kg.

After the birth of the second child, the woman recovered to 62 kg. Her spouse, who is not practicing vegetarianism, convinced Irina to abandon meat in the diet. For a couple of months, Muromtseva returned to the previous parameters. Today, the journalist resorts only to one-time cleaning of the body with essential oils and herbal influences.

She also adores a bath and once a week resorts to gentle cosmetology procedures. In order to cheered, early in the morning, Irina uses a proven method - wash ice cubes. Thanks to unacceptable techniques, the original haircut and elegant outfits of the TV presenter looks young. And his "Instagram" subscribers get the opportunity to see their idol in the photo in a swimsuit or without makeup.

Irina Muromtseva now

In 2019, Irina launched his own production project - the show "The main role". To this topic, the TV journalist appealed to this topic: in childhood she got dream about admission to VGIK. This is an entertainment music program in which Muromtsev was also a TV presenter.

Irina Muromtseva and Pavel Priluchny

Together with Paul, the journalist did not just led the program, but also participated in the creation of musical numbers. Each television show was dedicated to one of the cults Soviet films. Transmission was broadcast on the air of the first channel at attraction 3 months.

In addition to television career, Muromtseva pays a lot of time charity. For no first year, it is included in the Board of Trustees of the Foundation "Share Heat" and participates in Avon shares "together against breast cancer." Also, Irina users are known as a culinary blogger.


  • 1999 - "Today"
  • 1999 - "Old TV"
  • 2000 - "Hero of the Day"
  • 2002 - "Today"
  • 2002 - "Country and World"
  • 2006 - "News"
  • 2006 - "Morning Russia"
  • 2015 - "Park of Culture named after rest"
  • 2015 - "Guests on Sundays"
  • 2016 - "Good Morning"
  • 2019 - "The main role"

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