Spartak Mishulin - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Spartak Mishulin said that from hundreds of works included in his filmography, the public from the Wanchidka will remember only the "White Sun of the Desert", "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof" and "zucchini" 13 chairs "." Even if so, he performed the covenant of Konstantin Stanislavsky, who considered that every actor at least once for a creative biography should play so that they admire them.

Childhood and youth

Spartak Mishulin was born in Moscow in an incomplete family. Anna Vasilyevna's mother, who occupied a high enough post in the party nomenclature, gave birth to a son out of marriage. Whoever his father, Spartak never recognized, although with a large share of probability they could be the famous Soviet writer Alexander Fadeev, with whom Anna Mishulin consisted in a long connection.

Most sources say that by nationality Actor is Russian. Although he himself, having in mind the colorful appearance and irrepressible temperament, joked that, perhaps, "in the Gypsy blood". The name of the boy gave his mother's brother Alexander Mishulin, Professor of Antique Eastria.

When the child was 10 years old, Anna arrested and how the enemy of the people was exiled to Tashkent. Spartak with stepfather Vasilya Bivovarov and two sisters moved to the suburbs. During the Great Resolution War, the family was sent to Evacuation to Dzerzhinsk. After graduating from a 7-year school, Mishulin, from an early yearly enthusiastic theater, saw an announcement of the boys set in Artspetschkol in Anzhero-Sudzhensk. Why he decided that the reduction was decrypted as a special school of artists, Spartak and could not explain.

Whatever it was, he studied artillery tactics for several years instead of acting skills, although in the school managed to do amateur theater. When preparing the details for the next spectrum, Spartak Mishulin, without permission, took advantage of electric light bulbs. This offense did not notice.

But the "addiction to the graphoman", recalled the actor, nothing passed. The teenager recorded the writings on the back of the portraits of the Soviet leaders, because the papers were not enough. By virtue of age, he did not have a political article, but planted for a year and a half for theft. After years, the People's Artist of Russia printed in the publications "Culture", "Literary Gazeta", Izvestia. In America published 23 story.

In the colony, Spartak almost lost her life, when she fell asleep in the furrow and did not hear that the tractor was running on him. Fortunately, the young man survived and how the affected was translated into less hard work - revealed by water visor. But here Mishulin "distinguished himself" - added another one and a half years long ago for the fact that instead of water in a barrel secretly drove flour to help starving comrades in misfortune.

After the liberation from the camp, Spartak settled the head of the club in the village of Brusovo and did not come in touch with relatives, since he did not want to accumulate trouble at that difficult time. But Uncle again played a significant role in the fate of the nephew. He not only found the guy, but also took to Moscow, where he tried to enroll in the School in the Theater named after Vakhtangov (now the Theater Institute named after Boris Schukin).

Protection was not abeying who, and Alexander Mishulin and Chairman of the Committee on Arts Mikhail Khrapchenko, which became a mistake - the rector Boris Zakhava Bolta did not tolerate. At the exam, Spartak extended the poem Alexei Apukhtina and received a hard verdict: Mishulin and closely can not be allowed to scene.

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It is curious that after 5 years, Sakhava will write enthusiastic articles on the game of the young actor of the Omsk Dramaater, and without guessing that this is the most rejected Apprient. Then Spartak Mishulin moved to Kalinin and graduated from the theater studio at the local dramatic theater. In 1960, he was invited by several metropolitan theaters, and the actor chose the Satira Theater, which heard continuously for 45 years.

In his repertoire, there were many beautiful roles in classic comedies, but he remembered several generations of viewers as one of the world's best executors in the world of Carlson's role, "who lives on the roof." Forty years old Mishulin played a man with a propeller and loved this character very much, believing that thanks to the spectral adult people get a chance to return to childhood. Photo Spartacus in this image is the most common.


The debut on the television screen immediately brought Spartak Mishulin all-union fame. In the television series "Zucchini" 13 chairs "" He played Pan director and together with Olga Arospea and Valentina Sharykina became a popular favorite, appearing in this role for 16 years.

An even more famous Painting in 1969 "White Sun of the Desert", where Spartak played a courageous resident of Central Asia Said, who is looking for a blood enemy and helps Krasnoarmese Sukhov in the fight against local residents. After that, comedy Istrina Mishulin and Anatoly Kuznetsov stood in one row with the most popular artists. The film was called cult, and phrases pronounced by actors turned into aphorisms.

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In the adventure tape of the "Testament of the Republic", Spartak performed the main role - the estate manager who stole the values ​​entrusted to him. In the footsteps of the thief was the hero of Oleg Tabakov.

At once, four central images, including women, are embodied by an artist in the musical comedy Evgenia Ginzburg "Magic Lantern". The film was awarded the main premium of the International Festival "Golden Rose Montreux" in Switzerland. Another project, filled with musical works, is the comedy "Pericola" with Evgeny Evstigneev and Vladislav Stroilchik. Here Mishulin reincarnated in the Grador.

In the first Soviet western "Man with Kapuchin Boulevard" Spartak appeared in front of the audience in the image of the Indian leader, and in the filmmaking of the legendary novel Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" demonstrated his vision of such a character as the director of the restaurant Archibald Archibaldovich.

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The colorful thief performed by Mishulin turned out in the film on the family values ​​"Poor Sasha" and the Sitkom "Friendly Family".

In a "private detective, or the" Cooperation "operation, he acted as the screen of the hero of Dmitry Kharatyan. The same duet starred in the adventure tape of Leonid Gaidai "On Deribasovskaya, good weather, or rains are going to Brighton Beach." In the series "Cafe" Strawberry "» Spartak Vasilyevich's company made up Karina's daughter.

The last time Mishulin starred in the cinema before death. It was a fantastic Saga "Aziris Nuna", in which he appeared in the role of Storam.

Personal life

Because of heavily childhood and dramatic youth Spartak gained happiness in personal life only in adulthood. By 40 years, the actor began to avoid serious relationship, as he noticed that the girls see in him an exclusively celebrity.

In 1969, during the filming of the next series "Zucchini" 13 chairs "" Mishulin met in a smoking room with a director of the program "Time" Valentina. The couple met for almost 6 years before officially conclude a marriage. Father Spartak Vasilyevich became 54 years old. The daughter of Karina, who went on his footsteps in the profession, the artist adored and gave her all his free time.

Karina Mishulin was married three times, in the first two marriages gave birth to Daughters Polina and Christine.


The cause of the death of Spartak Mishulin in July 2005 was myocardial infarction. Special health problems, despite the old age, the actor did not have, but used to trust the doctors. Therefore, he did not refuse when the doctors were advised to conduct an aorticon-art shunting - a simple heart surgery.

After surgery, Spartak Vasilyevich lived only 3 days. He was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery. After 2 years, at the grave of "All-Union Carlson", as Mishulin nicknamed, a monument was established.

Open-up son

12 years after the death of Spartak Mishulin, a scandal broke out around his name. The actor "Hotel Eleon" "Timur Eremeev said in an interview and show" Let them say ", which is the extramarital son of Mishulin. For several issues of the program, Dmitry Borisov families tried to find out the truth.

Karina Mishulin categorically refused to accept the "brother", condemning him for the desire to "be pricked to someone else's glory." She stated that his father was an exemplary family man, about other women, except for his wife, and did not think. However, DNA examination conducted in the American laboratory proved the opposite: Timur Eremeev - Son Spartak Mishulin.

The daughter of the artist found the test results with fake and ordered re-in Sweden. European experts could not allocate biomaterial for research. In addition, mistakes were found in the previous expertise that the girl interpreted in his favor. Karina did not calm down and appealed to the US laboratory again. Outcome: The probability of the semidery of it and Timur is 99.8%.

Nevertheless, in 2019 she received a court conclusion on the claim for the protection of honor and dignity, according to which:

"Reliability was not documented, there was no genetic examination and there was no judgment on the relationship of Eremeev and Mishulin."

On this, the story of the children of the famous actor did not end. The grandson of Mishulin Eduard Sorokin appeared "grandson", who argued that Spartak when he lived in Brouso, Roman with his grandmother Alexander. The son of Vladimir was born, Father Edward. Mishulin allegedly did not marry the mother of the child, but helped financially. The case came to court again.

Sorokin could not submit evidence of related ties with Mishulin, claims for inheritance (a young man demanded a stake in the apartment) was also rejected. The lawyer of the artist's family stressed that the expertise established Sorokin's kinship with Eremeev. The court did not recognize Timur the son of Mishulin, respectively, for Spartak, Eduard does not have a relationship.


  • 1966-1980 - "Zucchini" 13 chairs "
  • 1969 - "White Sun of Desert"
  • 1971 - "Therent of the Republic"
  • 1971 - "Kid and Carlson who lives on the roof"
  • 1987 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 1989 - "Private Detective, or Operation" Cooperation "
  • 1990 - "Besnik"
  • 1992 - "Shot to the Coffin"
  • 1994 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 1997 - "Poor Sasha"
  • 2000 - "Bremen Musicians and CO"
  • 2003 - "Kozlenok in milk"

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