Anatoly Kuznetsov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Anatoly Kuznetsov - Soviet and Russian actor of the theater and cinema, who received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1979. Despite the fact that the man masterfully coped with the roles of any complexity, most viewers he remembered in the image of a friend Sukhova from the popular painting "White Sun of the Desert". Red Armyman became a national hero, and not only for citizens. Watching the film For many years enters the program of training for astronauts to flights, and the photo of the Kuznetsov itself is forever placed on the space station.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Borisovich was born in Moscow in 1930. His father Boris Sergeevich Kuznetsov was a famous singer who worked in the Bolshoi Theater and speaking as part of Jazz-bend Viktor Kryshevitsky. Mom Evdokia Davydovna also had artistic addictions, but not realized on stage. Mikhail Kuznetsov cousin is an actor in demand in the 50s and 1970s.

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Parents from early childhood began to instill the son of love for art. At first, Tolik was engaged in music at school, and when he showed singing abilities, was transferred to the vocal department of the Central Moscow Music School, which was considered the best in the country. To continue education, the young man entered the music school named after Ippolitov-Ivanov, which he did not have the opportunity to end.

The obligatory subject here was the stage skill, which is necessary for future singers no less than actors. The teachers advised the young man to change the chosen profession. The next summer Anatoly Kuznetsov tries to enter at once in two theatrical universities and, to their surprise, successfully examines the exams in both. After consulting specialists, Kuznetsov chooses the MCAT Studio School, in which Alexander Karev studied until 1955.

In Alma Mater, Kuznetsov met with a young director and teacher Oleg Efremov, who, with the course Anatolia, worked on the graduation performance. With the student stream, he began to create a troupe of the future "contemporary". But the young performer refused to offer, since already at that time a lot was shot.

After the end of Mkhat, Kuznetsov entered the troupe of the theater studio of the film actor. Here he was realized as a theater performer, playing in the play "Bright Souls" on the stories of Vasily Shukshin, "Sigor Field" on the Tale of Anatoly Kalinin, "Family Weekend". Nonna Mordyukova, Larisa Luzhina, Natalia Fateeva and others became its partners in the scene.


The adventure film "Dangerous Trails" became the debut for the third-year student Anatoly Kuznetsov, who played the young scientist Nikolai Zhludyev. Already in his youth, the artist was popular with directors and often starred. In the 50s, his repertoire was replenished with the movies "Guest from Kuban", "To the Black Sea", "Case at the Eight mine", "Give a plaintive book." By the end of the 60s, the name of the artist was known to the Soviet viewer and the Military Drama "Babia Kingdom", "Spring on Oder".

In 1969, an ironic film-fighter "White Sun of the Desert" was released. The role of the Red Armyman Fedor Sukhova returned home, performed by Anatoly Kuznetsov, brought all-union glory to the actor, and the character himself became a practically a cult hero in the country. The popularity of the film was so great that he even chose a kind of talisman for Soviet astronauts. In the world, he looked at the public 80 countries, and in the USSR for the first year of showing the number of viewers reached 34.5 million people.

Although not everyone knows that the work could not take place. Before starting shooting, the artist was injured by foot, and did not cope with the tasks set. Director Vladimir Motale summoned the second applicant for the role of George Yumatov. But in those years, the actor began problems with discipline, and once after the party, Yumatov did not enter the workplace due to the face damaged in the fight.

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So the role of a romantic and shy redarmeys finally entrenched for Anatoly Borisovich. According to the film critics, he managed not just to recreate the psychological drawing of the hero, but also to get into the style. Thanks to high professionalism, the image turned out to be memorable.

After the image of Comrade Sukhova, an actor applied to the selection of scripts and, as he confessed, in vain refused many roles that could be in his film engineer as significant. So it was with the films of Eldar Ryazanov. The director has repeatedly invited Kuznetsov to his star film director - "Carnival night", "Beware of the car", "Garage", but Anatoly Borisovich for one reason or another refused to participate in the shooting.

Later, the Military Drama "Hot Snow", the "Battle of Moscow" cinema epopathy, the "Battle of Moscow", the series "Turkish Gambit", the series "At the corner, in the Patriarchs" fell into the actor's piggy bank. Anatoly Borisovich considered his best work the role of a peasant in the Czechoslovak Social Drama "Gordubal". This picture was not demonstrated by the Soviet viewer, so the Kuznetsov hired an interpreter at their own expense, he repeated independently and showed a film acquaintance.

Oddly enough, but despite the brilliant vocal data and vocational education, in the movies of the song performed by Anatoly Kuznetsov, they were extremely rare, or rather, only twice. For the first time, this happened in the "Case in Eight" production drama and many years later in the Military film Bulgarian production "Brother's", in which the role of the soldier Alena Kazanoka, the actor was awarded the silver medal named after Alexander Dovzhenko.

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Also Kuznetsov voiced many films. Moreover, he not only duplicated foreign paintings into Russian, but also became a voice for the actors of the Baltic, Central Asian and Caucasian Union republics, in whose speech was heard an accent in the Soviet censorship.

Despite the fact that in the filmography of the actor many significant works, at the end of life he spoke about professional dissatisfaction. Anatoly Borisovich has already shot less, but he implemented his creative potential in music. The artist prepared a program of romance with which he traveled around the country, speaking with concerts.

Personal life

In the student years, Anatoly Kuznetsov at one of the parties Galina Volchek met with Alexandra Lyapidevskaya, who studied at the directorial department of Vgika and was a daughter of the legendary polar pilot, the hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Lyapidevsky.

Anatoly Kuznetsov and Alexander Lyapidevskaya

The spouses did not have children for a long time, and only when it was already in 40 years, they had a daughter Irina. Cinematographer did not infect Iru as her parents, and she became art historians, graduating from Moscow State University on the relevant specialty. Anatoly and Alexander Kuznetsov lived together with a friendly family, having time to celebrate a silver and gold wedding. At the end of the life, the actor admitted a spouse in love and called his personal life happy.


In the last years of life, Anatoly Kuznetsov was very ill. He survived a heavy heart attack, and later doctors diagnosed with cancer. For a long time, the artist was treated from oncology, irradiation, the operations carried out exhausted the body of Anatoly Borisovich.

According to his spouse, after studying the tests, his familiar professor rejected by other physicians diagnosed with him, calling the reason for the ailment of a simple polyp. But the time for treatment was already missed, health is undermined.

In the last conversation with his wife Anatoly Borisovich mentioned the adopted high dose of the medicine that could become deadly. On March 7, 2014, Anatoly Kuznetsov died in the resuscitation ward. The cause of the death of the star of the screen was called cancer.

Farewell to Anatoly Kuznetsov passed in the city's house. The funeral was postponed almost a week - the guild of actors could not settle the issue of obtaining a place for the grave of the artist at the Novodevichy cemetery.


  • 1957 - "Case at Shakht Eight"
  • 1958 - "On the roads of war"
  • 1962 - "How I was independent"
  • 1964 - "Give a plaintive book"
  • 1969 - "White Sun of Desert"
  • 1972 - "Hot Snow"
  • 1976 - "Brother"
  • 1980 - "Gordubal"
  • 1985 - "Five minutes of fear"
  • 2006 - "Last Order of General"
  • 2012 - "Mosgaz"

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