Anton Shtun - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Improvisation" 2021



Few people will risk moving in jokes on the principle of "here and now" with the participants of the Show "Improvisation". Four guys, without thinking, incendially react to any question or proposed circumstances. In Russia, improvisational comedy turned into a separate movement, and Anton Shazhun is considered the most popular participant in the quartet.

Childhood and youth

About the biography of the comedian to hitting television is known not so much. Anton is from Voronezh, where he graduated from high school and entered the Faculty of Economics and Management to the State Agrarian University named after Peter First.

Shatun's own jokes began to write in school years.

"All humor comes from childhood. Because, if you look at the children - they are constantly rzhut. They have a very wide range of emotions, in contrast to adults. And, probably, people when growing, they become severe, they appear some problems, they are all so evil, gloomy, "the humorist suggests.

Having become a student, Anton decided to realize himself in the famous KVN game and became part of the university team "BV", over time he headed her in the role of Captain. A couple of years, the guys performed in the urban student league, and then rapidly broke into the league of the center of Russia "Start". In the first season, "BV" was held in the final of the competition, and the next year they became champions of the League.

Humor and creativity

Anton Shazhun himself tried to gain a foothold on the "Comedy Club" scene. The humorist twice came to the program "Comedy Battle", in which participants competing with each other, try to cheer the audience in the hall, and most importantly - the jury, consisting of the famous comedians of the country Sergey Svetlakov, Slepakov seeds and Garika Martirosyan.

Six-year-old Shazhun participated in the improvisational show "The controversial question", in which the actors along with TV presenters were played out the stories proposed by the audience. The program participated seven people, from which Anton was not only the youngest, but also the highest (guy's growth - 197 cm).

In February 2016, a new program of improvisation was launched on the TNT channel. Four became permanent participants of the show: in addition to Anton, Dmitry Posov, Sergey Matvienko and Arseny Popov are in the transmission. The invited star and TV presenter, who gives the tasks to the comedians, became the resident "Comedy Club" Pavel Will.

At the beginning of 2018, the premiere of the new show "Selfi" took place at TNT-4 with the participation of Anton. Shtun in the company Cavanesez Natalia Krasnova, Irina Saponar and Resident Comedy Slub Gara Dmitriev kindly ridiculed the peculiarities of the behavior of the inhabitants of the country in which she visited the local cuisine, architecture and everything that seemed unusual.

In the same year, a humorist for a couple with Sergey Lazarev fought against Ida Galich and Anna Sedokova in the show "Where is the logic?", The leading of which is another former KVN player Azamat Musagaliyev. With him, Anton was honored in the entertainment program "Studio Soyuz", published on the screens in June 2019.

The young man was not afraid to become the object of ridicule and unacceptable journals of Uncle Viti, the leading program "Money or Shame". Anton came to the studio, without setting the goal of the rude old man. On the contrary, I noticed that the humorists should have a sense of self-irony, "Yes, and a million on Kohn, what's the difference that Uncle Vitya says."

Personal life

There is one curious rule among the Voronezh humorist - he meets every birthday, speaking on stage. From among the colleagues, Ivan Urgant, Garik Martirosyan and Ruslana White, and Garik Harlamov and Mikhail Galustyan are distinguished from among the colleagues. On a global scale, the sample for imitation is Jim Kerry.

Fans regularly argue about the hastuna of the satellite of life. Some consider the beloved artist Irina Kuznetsov, others find photos with strangers on the Internet and comment on the pictures of Anton and his girls. It takes periodically rumors that the young man married, but the wedding at Anton Shastun was only on the stage of the show "Improvisation", and he himself played the role of the bride.

In 2018, the actor posted a video in Instagram, which announced participation in reality "Bachelor". Few noticed that the record was dated April 1, and therefore, it was not seriously perceived. Shatun himself later explained that he was not named in this transmission. And if they were invited, then the first of the first rose ceremony would not have had to take out - the guy is difficult to refuse to girls. In general, in such projects there is nothing to do with the comedy genre.

In addition to humor, Anton loves travel, visited many European countries and on the islands. On the trip prefers to go to the company of friends or at least two, it is so fun and you can share your impressions.

Young man like bracelets and massive rings. There is no subtext here, "first presented at school - and rushed." Shastun even joked that the number of jewelry obliges to write a rap album.

Anton Shtun now

Anton - Football Fan and Football Shape Collector. From each city, where the quartet of joker is on tour, it brings the kit, provided that there is a team. With the replenishment of the collection there are no problems, because "improvisation" wheel in Russia and neighboring countries with a tour of the tour.

Especially for lighting events and publishing the schedule created a site. It indicates that shints with comrades are busy performing performances until mid-December 2019, with a slight break for summer vacation.

Between the business, Anton managed to play in the online series "Meetings, parting, kiss" - played English gentleman. Four of friends visited Anastasia Ivelava, which leads his own YouTube channel. Friends joked on the topic of unconventional orientation.


  • 2013 - "Comedy Battle"
  • 2014 - "Do not sleep!"
  • 2016-2019 - "Improvisation"
  • 2017-2018 - "Studio Soyuz"
  • 2018 - "Money or Shame"
  • 2018 - "Where is the logic?"

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