Marina Konyashkin - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, movies, filmography, role, "teacher" 2021



Marina Konyashkin - Russian actress theater and cinema. Today, her name is heard, and the roles in the series are familiar with thousands of television viewers. Bright and talented, she managed to become recognizable in a short time, changing his life radically.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Marina Sergeyevna Konyashkin began on July 7, 1985. She was born and grew up in Minsk. Men in the family of the future actress mainly served in the army, the Military was the father of Marina, his brother also became an officer. Konyashkin's mother teaches in a local educational institution. The whole family still lives in Belarus.

Marina went to the metropolitan school number 84 and in adolescence did not even think about the profession of the actress. Her hobby was traveling: the girl reflected about the career of a guide or manager in one of the travel agencies. But when she studied in high school, one of the close friends, which was engaged in the Theater Studio, visited his troupe at the festival in Paris. Then Konyashkin decided that the scene was no less interesting way to see the world than travel agency. Marina was written to the acting studio, however, by the end of the school managed to go only into the Russian province, but the actress did not refuse the idea.

At the end of the school, Konyashkin decided to go to Moscow. With the first attempt, she arrived at the Boris Schukin Theater Institute at the acting faculty of Pavel Favimtsev.

The graduate artist was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov. The debut on the professional scene was the formulation of Nicholas Skarik "Undina" on the eponymous play of Jean Felod. The image of the main character Konyashkin passed so well that he had earned the praise of famous Mkhatovsky directors. With the theater named after Chekhov, Marina cooperates so far.


On the 3rd year, Marina Konyashkin received the first experience in the Military Drama "Deep Current." The role of the Second World War, the role of the Second World War, became the most beloved and interesting. But the directors also seen it as medical workers. Combine the two of these roles Marina succeeded in the Master Series Military Criminal Telefilm "Black Cats".

Later, the Russian spectator watched the work of Marina in the film "Baby", where the musician Sergei Shnurov was opposed in the leading rocker-loser. In the TV series "Fifth floor without elevator", Marina managed to work together with Alexey Demidov, and in the picture "So far I live, love" with Alexander Konstantinov. In the filmography Actresses also have a collaboration with Andrey Chernyshov. They starred in a romantic comedy "Chamomile, Cactus, Daisy".

In the melodrama "Better No" Marina performed the main role of the heroine, whose family life collapses due to the betrayal of her husband performed by Dmitry Shevchenko. Director Evgeny Semenov told that it was a cheerful, light film, where a lot of humor, but at the same time he raises important social topics.

The actress itself enjoyed working on the film "Karina Krasnaya." According to her, she got a good teamwork experience. With Yuri Chursin and Anton Batyrov, who became partners of Marina on a tape, she has repeatedly been to discuss specific scenes in the breaks between the filming, offering directors new ideas.

Marina could try himself in the criminal genre. She participated in the creation of a "hostage" painting. The shooting was very saturated. Directed by Pictures Yuri Baturin said that even had to burn the cheap BMW model for the sake of a beautiful frame.

In 2018, Konyashkin filmography replenished the Melodrama "An Entidence". Alexey Anischenko became a partner of the film. It is saturated with bright comedy scenes. There is a place here and for the detective thread of the narration.

In the main heroine, the teacher of the Russian language, whose students are becoming prisoners from the male colony, Konyashkin reincarnated in the series "Tech". The picture received ambiguous reviews: the audience did not like the plot, which, in their opinion, is too naive. However, they appreciated the actors high.

To try on the role of the historical character Marina managed in the film "Union of Salvation", which tells about the uprising of the Decembrists of 1825. The actress played the role of Princess Catherine Ivanovna Trubetskoy. The historical drama had such a great success that the audience turned to the leadership of the first channel with a request to highlight this page of the formation of the Russian state in more detail. Therefore, in 2021, a full-fledged series was released, called the "Union of Salvation. Wrath time. "

2020 was marked for an actress by several main roles. In a detective, the "Crystal trap" Konyashkin followed the image of a translator named Olga, who is trying to find a missing writer in a ski resort. The film was removed based on the detective novel Victoria Platova. Interestingly, in the original story, the central heroine by nationality is half the Georgian. Nevertheless, the director Igor Nurislamov still approved Marina Konyashkin.

In the melodrama "Alien sister", the actress appeared in the image of Kati Stolyarova, meeting in the bayonet, a relative hectered from the village. Throughout the film, you can trace the transformation of the main character and the skills of reincarnation by Konyashkin.

Personal life

The actress in an interview with media representatives was told that the personal life gives a little time, because he devotes her career in the cinema. But her beloved still has. True, as his name is and what he does - Marina left in secret.

In the free time, which she falls far from often, the actress prefers to travel. Judging by the photo in "Instagram", it often chooses non-advertised tourist routes, and the quiet places of pristine nature. At the same time, Konyashkin travels a lot in Europe, visits museums of fine arts or just stroll through the picturesque atmospheric streets of the ancient cities.

In April 2020, rumors appeared that Marina Konyashkin fell ill with coronavirus. A number of media informed that a brigade of doctors arrived at the actress home, which took the COVID-19 test. He turned out to be positive, but the actress was not hospitalized, since the disease proceeded in a light form. Marina responded to rumors around his person. She gave a comment to the "360 °" TV channel, in which he stated that it was completely healthy: "Well, really, I have no coronavirus. What is nonsense at all? "

The growth of the artist is 170 cm, and the weight is 50 kg. She lost weight thanks to boxing and balanced nutrition.

Marina Konyashkin now

Now the cinematic piggy bank of the performer continues to be replenished with new projects. For 2021, with the participation of Marina Konyashkin, a release of several films was scheduled. Among them are "untouvented" and "twin." In the latter, she played the GRU employee. Before shooting, the actress was engaged in cascaders who taught her to keep the gun and wonder it. The role required good physical training, so Marina trained in parallel in the hall.


  • 2005 - "Deep Current"
  • 2007 - "Temptation"
  • 2011 - "Amazon"
  • 2012 - "Means from death"
  • 2012 - "Baby"
  • 2013 - "Children of Aquarius"
  • 2013 - "Trap"
  • 2013 - "The price of life"
  • 2014 - "Son for Father"
  • 2014 - "Great"
  • 2016 - "Breakfast in bed"
  • 2017 - "Host"
  • 2018 - "Malucker"
  • 2018 - "Tech"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"
  • 2019 - "Black Staircase"
  • 2020 - "Crystal trap"
  • 2020 - "Alien sister"

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