Arseny Popov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Improvisation" 2021



"I am an actor, and acting a little bit flew into improvisation - it's not necessary to joke. Improvisation is the ability to get out, it can go to some kind of dramaturgy to leave. But it turned out that dramaturgy can also be combined with humor. And while I am in this stage "So Arseny Popov explains how the way it was in the popular comedy project of the TNT Channel "Improvisation". He also time to play in two theaters and produce his own brand clothes, decorated with hashtags in the form of a quotation from the show.

Childhood and youth

Arseny was born in March 1983 under the sign of the zodiac fish. The childhood comedian passed in Omsk. After school, he entered the economic faculty of one of the city universities, but quickly realized that the profession was chosen incorrectly. Popov took the documents and entered the Omsk State University, at the Faculty of Culture and Art, where he received the specialty "Actor Drama". After a university Arseny got a chance to work in several theaters.

Once Arseny Popov came to the presentation of the theater of improvisation. He was struck by such a kind of art when the actors created a performance directly in front of the viewer, without having a preliminary blank or script. The artist set himself a task in the shortest possible time to move from the audience chair on the stage of this show.

During the year, Popov went to rehearsal troupes of the Crazy Improvisation Theater and proved its value to project managers. Together with Sergey Matvienko and Anton Zakharin, he created one of the best improvisational shows in St. Petersburg. In addition to theatrical activity, Arseny Popov tried themselves as the leading show competition "Autosland" and at the Entertainment Center "On Kolomenskaya".

Humor and television

Like many thirsty comedians, Matvienko and Popov tried the strength at Comedy Battle, thanks to which Comedy Club Production became noted. Young people invited to Moscow to discuss a new project. The guys met with colleagues from Voronezh Dmitry Pozov and Anton Shastun, who in their city also achieved great success in a similar genre.

For 2.5 years, humorists discussed the principles of the new transfer, trying to transfer performances to the format of television, which necessarily require the direct participation of the auditorium. As a compromise was decided to invite the stars of show business, with the help of which on the ether in front of the public, from a clean sheet, scenes and sketches are created. As the leading new show "Improvisation" on TNT invited Paul Volia.

Arseny admitted to journalists that it was difficult for him to sobrate his colleagues, whose creative biography included participation in KVN and a number of humorous programs. But over time, communication in a circle of lovers helped to joke Popov to grow to friends.

Moreover, the quartet has been distributed roles. Despite the fact that on the theatrical scene of the role of Arseniya Popov - a classic hero-lover, in "improvisation" the artist loved television viewers in the image of the romantic Petersburg intellectual. Perhaps the role of played and appearance. Arsion has a high growth of 190 cm, while it can be called thin, which presented the expected lyrical image to the Popov.

The favorite heading of the program in Popova is "soufler", since the visualization process completely depends not from the artist, but from the person who reads the words on the scene by a humorist, and the viewer understands that the scene could not be prepared in advance.

Periodically, the artist is invited to other television programs. Arseny Popov Together with Anton Shastun, we took part in the intellectual entertainment show "Where is the logic?". On the air of the program, humorists fought in the intellectual duel with the Elena Isinbaeva team and Svetlana Feofanova. In 2019, for a couple with Sergey Matvienko, he became the guest of the anniversary 70th issue of the project "Studio Union". A fun Four gladly goes to Comedy Club and on the morning transmission "Agents 003".

In addition, the television superior is not bent to act in the author's sketches and Internet projects. For example, in October 2017, the artist starred in the Sketch "Bread for Adults".

Personal life

About the personal life of Arseny Popov does not apply to journalists or in social networks, nor in communicating with fans. Therefore, for a long time, the public remained only to guess whether the humorist was married and if he had children.

The Internet community thought the actor Gay. In favor of this hearing, touching and sensitive, "non-people" roles were playing, in which a comedian was played, as well as the fact that Arseny was openly fond of fashion, she likes to go shopping, shopping prefers on trips instead of dating attractions and is even considered the most stylish in quartet. True, Sergey Matvienko is fighting here for the championship. To Popov immediately applied a stereotype about homosexual stylists.

Subsequently, these rumors dispelled and gave way to others. By photographs in "Instagram" fans suggested that the artist still has a wife and daughter. Arseny's fans found out that Alain's wife's wife's wife's wife, and the daughter received the exotic name of Chiara.

Arseni Popov with family

The own creativity of Arseny Popov promotes both on the Internet, not limited to television and alive performances. In the "Instagram" at the comic one hundreds of thousands of subscribers. The humorist lays out mostly photos with me, but not selfie, but professional frames, reportage or friends. Also, the artist participates in the photoflashmobach, for example, "take a picture of the gica of the 90s" and others.

Fans created the official community of the "improvisator" in Vkontakte. Popov is personally familiar with the administrator, the girl goes to concerts, the humorist coordinates the activities of the group with it, sometimes chooses the winners of various draws. Communication with fans - only in joy, although not all messages can be answered.

Arseny Popov Now

In 2018, Popov received a major role in the author's short picture of Andrei Tumanova "Gypsy", dedicated to how the creators said, the generation of 30-year-olds, who had never ceased to dream. The premiere of the film taken on private donations and the means of the film crew took place in March 2019.

In the same year, Arseny completed the work on the full-length garage gaming tape about those who attract the "romance" of garage life, who loves to dig in cars for hours. Alyona Babenko, Oleg Taktarov, Julia Topolnitskaya became partners of Popov.


  • 2011 - "Our piggy bank"
  • 2012 - "Battle of Ether"
  • 2012 - "Point U"
  • 2016-2019 - "Improvisation"
  • 2017 - "Where is the logic?"
  • 2017 - "Bread for adults"
  • 2018-2019 - "Studio Soyuz"

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