Svetlana Chorcina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Gymnastics 2021



Svetlana Gorcina is a Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in the exercises on the bars. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. This woman is often called the queen of Bruusyev. Gymnast experts put in one row with other prominent representatives of Russia's sports that glorified the country in the international sports arena. Svetlana was able to achieve his work and desire to come forward by Svetlana, won a lot of prestigious titles and awards.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Vasilyevna Gorcina was born in Belgorod in January 1979. Parents of athletes - immigrants from Mordovia. They arrived in Belgorod to earnings, but remained here for a long time. Dad worked by the builder, Mom got a job at the children's kindergarten nurse.

Strange, but the future of Svetlana influenced a foreign person - a neighbor in the apartment. The woman who lived in the neighborhood advised Mom Svetlana to take a 4-year-old daughter to a sports school, recommending the Gymnastics section. I liked the idea, and the little Svetlana began to regularly attend classes.

It is noteworthy that the physical qualities of Gorcina did not fit for classes in this sport. But coach Boris Pilkin, to which the future sports legend led, after all, took Svetlana. The mentor liked the diligence and perseverance of the girl. Young gymnast could infinitely repeat the exercise that was difficult to be given. The desired result of Gorcina, which is called, took an ammologist.

The career takeoff of a young athlete was rapid, except for a small hitch. Some time Svetlana Gorcina did not want to take to the youth team of the USSR, although in his age group the girl became the best.

On the athlete from the province looked happiness, facing small errors in the technique. But here Chorcina showed iron perseverance and achieved his own: in 1992 Svetlana entered the Russian national gymnastics team.


Svetlana Svorkina sports biography is a large number of victories that were sometimes accompanied by annoying drops. But they, according to the famous gymnast, were necessary, primarily because that gave invaluable experience and even more hardened and without steel character.

In 1995, 2 weeks before an important speech at the World Championships in sabae (Japan), the gymnast fails jumped from the bars and injured her back. The pain was so strong that Hrokina was difficult to even walk, not to mention the exercises. After an anesthetic injection, the light was taken to the hospital. There, the girl heard a sentence: she had a serious treatment. About the World Championship, to which Svetlana Chorcina was preparing for years, the doctors advised to forget.

The 16-year-old athlete adopted a volitional solution: to be treated and continuing workout. A strong athlete with good physical data (Svetlana growth - 165 cm, weight - 46 kg), this is the hardest test overcome. The girl managed to take the will in his fist and concentrate on the victory, that he won the cruel pain. The Russian woman won the World Cup, bringing home several medals.

After restoring the gymnast continued the rapid climbing to the Olympus. Now in the literal sense of the word: In 1996, the Russian woman went to the Atlanta Olympics. Here the gymnast has won gold in the exercises on the bars and the 2nd place in the team championship. Svetlana Gorcina after this brilliant speech began to call the Queen Bruusyev. It is this kind of exercise that became a favorite for a gymnast and always brought the highest scores.

In 2000, Svetlana Gorcina, the unconditional leader of the Russian gymnastics, went to the Sydney Olympics. At that time she was 21 years old. The athlete was perfectly prepared and configured to win. But in Australia Svetlana was waiting for trouble. Due to the incorrectly installed projectile, the gymnast damaged his knees. Nevertheless, the speech of the Russian woman was successful. Svetlana Chorcina managed to reach the end of the competition and keep the title of Olympic champion on the bars.

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In 2001, Gorcina becomes an absolute champion on the World Cup. From 1995 to 2001, Svetlana managed to win all the world championships and Olympic titles on the beloved projectile - bars. After 2 years, the Russian athlete managed to snatch the victory at the World Championship, who took place in Anaheim, and become an absolute champion for the third time. Prior to that, such a height did not manage to take a single woman.

The 2004 Olympics in Athens became the last for Svetlana. The Russian woman entered the final in two categories - in all-around and on the bars and was recognized as a favorite game. After Athens, the gymnast stated that he began his other life and completes the sports career. In 2007, a monument was established in his native Belgorod athlete. Also in this city there is an educational and sports complex Svetlana Khorkina, where conditions have been created for the full cycle of classes for students.

Sports departure

Having left a big sport, Svetlana Chorchina was not lost. Former gymnast is often invited to participate in popular television projects. The audience saw an athlete in the Circus show with the stars and "Dancing with the Stars." And she is one of the few Russian athletes who agreed to play for the possession of Playboy.

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In December 2007, Svetlana Gorcina appears on the political arena. The celebrity elects a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation, as stated on the official website of the United Russia party, which is Corridge. In 2004, the champion took the post of vice president of the Federation of Sport Gymnastics. The former athlete believes that this position continues to help his country.

In 2014, Gorcina becomes ambassador of the Winter Olympiad, which was held in Sochi. In February 2016, Svetlana Vasilyevna Gorcina, which by then wearing the title of a lieutenant colonel, the decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, was appointed to the post of First Deputy Head of CSKA.

In 2016, the second film from the Franchise "Champions" appeared at the box office (the full name of the tape "Champions: Faster. Above. Stronger"), telling about the successes of Svetlana Chorchina and other Russian athletes. The role of Svetlana is giant Actress Christina Asmus.

In March 2017, Chorcina commented on the doping scandal in Russian sports. She believes that the decision to disqualify the All-Russian Federation of Athletics was unfair. Athlete called the scandal with the WADA "fighting windmills" that was doomed to failure, because, according to the Russians, it's "Hand" organization.

Personal life

In the youth, all the aspirations Svetlana were directed to the sports career. But after the Olympics in Sydney, a person appeared in her environment who began to show special attention to her. The fact that the champion - the novel, the public found out only after Chorokina became pregnant. In July 2005, Svetlana's son gave birth to Svetoslav's son in Los Angeles. The kid received American citizenship.

All the media started talking about this event. For some time, paternity attributed to the artist Levan. But soon rumors were leaked to the press that the boy's pope could be a husband actress faith verbal, businessman Cyril Shubsky. Members of social networks, including Instagram's service, have actively discussed such assumptions of the press. Chorkina and Shubsky themselves did not comment on these rumors, and Vera Glagolev even filed to the media for slander.

The history of his novel, an athlete described in the autobiographical book called "Dulbits on Stiletto". In the memoirs, the champion told that after the birth of the boy the relationship was made to no. Later, Kirill still admitted his son and even began to communicate with Svyatoslav and participate in its upbringing financially.

In 2011, Svetlana Svorkina's personal life has changed. According to the media, Oleg Kochenev, General of the Federal Security Service, has become an athlete's husband. Spouse older champion for 23 years, but the difference in age did not interfere with family happiness.

In the fall of 2019, it became known that Svetlana has known the joy of motherhood for the second time. She announced the birth of a baby to subscribers of his microblogging. The joyful event in the family of the queen Bruusyev and General occurred on October 21. Now the family lives in the mansion in Vatutinki. Next to the House of Championship is the training and sports base of CSKA "Vatutinki".

Svetlana Chorcina now

Svetlana continues to successfully combine family life and career. In 2018, she was raised to the rank to the colonel and holds the post of First Deputy Head of the CSKA Sports Club. Horkina pays great attention to the development of children's sports.

In 2019, in the year of its 40th anniversary, Queen Bruusyev opened a new sports complex CSKA in his native Belgorod. The organization was named after Svetlana. Here the athlete regularly holds master classes for young gymnasts.

Also, Gorcina is included in the Council of Founders of the Military Patriotic Movement "UNARMIA". A former athlete with pleasure visits all the kids of the youth movement. Public life, she widely covers in a personal account in "Instagram", where there is a photo of the solemn events. The plans from the former athlete - the creation of the Museum of Sports Glory and the release of its own gymnastic show.


Victory in the Olympic Games:

  • 1996 - Atlanta (USA), bars
  • 2000 - Sydney (Australia), bars

Victory at the World Championships:

  • 1995 - Sabae (Japan), bars
  • 1996 - San Juan (Puerto Rico), Brux
  • 1997 - Lausanne (Switzerland), bars, all-around
  • 1999 - Tianjin (China), bars
  • 2001 - Gent (Belgium), Brussia, Multiborium, Support Jump
  • 2003 - Anaheim (USA), all-around

Victory at the European Championships:

  • 1998 - St. Petersburg (Russia), free, all-around, bars
  • 2004 - Amsterdam (Netherlands), bars

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