Anton Denisenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Anton Denisenko - Russian and Belarusian actor, musician and TV host. The most famous picture with his participation is the romantic comedy "Sweet Life", after which Anton is no longer surprised by sharp turns that the fantasy director or the screenwriter. And all because in the 2nd season hero Denisenko turns into a person with unconventional sexual orientation and finds a partner in the face of Danil Duniyev's character.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born and grew up in Minsk, he graduated from a secondary school. As a child, he was a creative person, wrote poems, learned to play the guitar, engaged in the sports section. Helped a family, working as a janitor. That time Denisenko calls the happiest, but not because the mother love Nikolaevna and the father of Nikolai Ivanovich bought him and the older brother Dmitry gifts and performed any whims.

Simple representatives of the working class, as Anton told, surrounded the children with immeasurable love and support. And now, coming to the parent house, the artist gets the richest charge of energy, which allows you to continue to create.

In 2005, Denisenko came to the Belarusian Economic University, at the Faculty of Commerce. At the same time, secretly from parents decides to go to the capital of Russia to try success in one of the most famous theatrical universities. He managed to convince the examination committee of the Theater Institute named after Schukin in the presence of a reincarnation talent, and from the first attempt by Anton becomes a listener from Rodion Ovchinnikov.

Theater and television

Already from the 3rd year, a beginner actor began to go to the Scene named after the Wakhtangov Theater and has proven himself quite well in front of the audience and specialists.

At the end of the university, Anton Denisenko did not stay in the theater. Together with the fellow worker Zhenya Kharlanov, he creates the Tango Wakhtangov musical group and performs in Moscow clubs. Evgeny is responsible for the musical part, and Anton writes texts for songs. The style of the collective is close to intellectual alternative creativity.

At concerts, guys combine music and theater and often arrange real ideas, sometimes even costumed. Tango Wakhtangov is working on the release of the studio album. In addition, Anton Denisenko collaborates with television: on the channels "My Planet", Moscow 24 and TNT conducts various programs, including the author's project "Moscow and the surrounding area", in which he tells the audience about the capital of Russia and its unpredictable life.


Debut in the cinematic biography of Anton Denisenko can be considered the musical of Valery Todorovsky "styles", in which he played the role of the Komsomol. Often this work is not included in the actor's official filmography, since in the credits, his surname is not specified. Then the young man appeared in the Criminal detective "Berk", the melodrame "My big family" and the thriller "in one breath".

Anton Denisenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021 20210_1

Success to Anton came in 2014, when the 1st season of the comedy series "Sweet Life" began to demonstrate on television screens, where the actor played the role of an indecisive Muscovite Mark, who cannot decide on romantic relationships.

The popularity of the film has influenced the rapid completion of the shooting of the 2nd season. Character Anton Denisenko again turns out to be the focus. The actor told that on the original scenario, the brand was waiting for radical changes, but Denisenko insisted that the changes would come out not so sharp.

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"I am loyal to gays. I am not a homophob. Although, for example, I am for bipolar education. I think that when the same-sex family raises a child, it is wrong. Child needs both mom and dad. As for relations between adults, I have a European look at such things. If a person understands himself well, he is so comfortable, then why not? The series largely changed my attitude to this issue, "confessed Anton later in an interview.

In addition, on the recommendation of Denisenko, funny episodes with the participation of the central character are included in the plot, as he believes that even the most serious topic can be represented from a comic point of view. Also in the plans of the director to remove the full-length film-continuation, which will unite and complete the story of the Hero of Anton Denisenko.

In 2015, the watchlist of the artist was replenished with another major role in the picture "in the hour of trouble." Anton played a happy husband and father. The calm life of the head of the family comes an end when the wife finds a summary sister, which no one knew about 30 years old.

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In the historic drama "Catherine. The takeoff "With Maria Alexandrova in the lead role of Denisenko received the role of a home teacher of the future emperor Paul I, in the sports melodraman of the" synchronist "- a unlucky girl's groom, for which she throws sports. Another image of the bridegroom at Anton in the TV series "Unknown" about the employee of the investigative group, which has phenomenal mental abilities. Yevgeny Pronin played this unicum.

Warm family relations handed over the actor on the screen in a pair with Olga Grishina in the film "Fear of His desires". Scene passions in the painting unfold after the spouses throw a little child.

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Denisenko's hero in the series "Three days before love" faces an unusual proposal - to spend this period next to the successful businesswoman, and it will pay off on his debts. The problem is that bankrupt is married and faithful to the spouse. In the melodrama "Women's heart" Character Anton, on the contrary, antipode, cynic with consumer attitude to others.

In the project of Ukrainian cinematographers of "serving", Valery Khodos and Boris Khorzynsky became partners of Anton. Detective events unfold in the elite village, in which the maid kill. The accusation falls on a man in every possible way denying its involvement. And then his wife is taken for the investigation.

Personal life

In July 2017, Static (height 190 cm, weight 80 kg), Blue-eyed handsome broke the thousands of Hearts of the fans, posted in "Instagram" a photo from his own wedding in "Instagram". Anton Denisenko's wife - photographer Irina Zhirkova, art director of the TEATRALL project.
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The celebration took place in Minsk, where the entire team of the series "Sweet Life" came to congratulate newlyweds with such a sign event in his personal life. In their free time, the spouses travel a lot, preferably on exotic countries like Thailand and Maldives. In addition, the actor plays football and football.

Anton Denisenko now

In 2019, Anton presented to fans a gift in the form of the series "Weddings and Divorces", in which he, like Anton Khabarov and Vladimir Simonov, got a leading role. In the center of the plot - the owner of a wedding agency and a divorce attorney, whose views are changing and the work of each other, and personal relationships.

The drama "Mystery Love" is the adaptation of the Korean Dorama. But in contrast to the original source, the main character in the performance of Dana Abizova is by no means a submissive victim, surrendered circumstances, and a wrestler. The girl takes the guilt of the groom, who knocked down a pregnant woman on the car and is afraid for the future prosecutor's career. This is a haired man and played Denisenko.

Anton starred and in the production project of Alexander Tsecalo "Trigger" about a psychologist who uses patients with shock therapy in the treatment of patients, and in the social ribbon "coal" about the mining dynasty.


  • 2008 - "Styles"
  • 2011 - "Sterck"
  • 2012 - "My Big Family"
  • 2014 - "in one breath"
  • 2014 - "Sweet Life"
  • 2015 - "Sweet Life-2"
  • 2016 - "Catherine. Take up"
  • 2016 - "Synchronist"
  • 2016 - "Sweet Life-3"
  • 2017 - "Unknown"
  • 2018 - "Trigger"
  • 2019 - "Secret Love"
  • 2019 - "Weddings and Divorces"

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