Vlad Lisovec - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Orientation, Children, Instagram 2021



Vlad Lisovets shares the opinion that women in Russia are the first beauties in the world. However, the stylist is confident, the stylist is missing knowledge about fashion, feelings of measures and honesty before themselves. But self-confidence and the readiness of the "horse to stop the race" - even debt. In the aggregate all this kills the main thing - femininity.

Childhood and youth

Children's and youthful years of stylist passed in Azerbaijan. Vladislav was born in hot August 1972 in Baku. Family's family appeared here in the 1930s, fleeing from hunger. Mom and Papa Vladislav were born in this city. Grandparents and grandmothers have Russian and Ukrainian origin.

Liseta's parents were simple people who did not have any attitude towards the world of art. Mom worked in the railway laboratory, Dad worked on the same railway with a locomotive engine. But the younger son (Vladislav has an older brother) Rosy man creative and artistic.

At 7 years of age, Mama took Vladislav to a ballet school, which he visited several years. Having matured and realizing that the future does not want to link with ballet, Lisovets threw dancing. But classes left a distinct trace in his life.

Still in high school schools, Vladislav became interested in hairdresser. The first customers became relatives and classmates. Lisover liked to make people more attractive. He knew how to notice his beautiful features in appearance and make an emphasis on them, possessed an excellent taste and could give a good advice. Already then, Vladislav wondered about the career of the stylist.

Then the guy got a musical education in the choreographic school, learned to understand art, acquired good manners. For some time, Lisovets worked as a hairdresser in his native Baku, but in 1994 he took a vacation and went to Moscow. The life of the capital immediately carried away and fascinated the young man, and so much that Vladislav remained here forever.

Fashion & Style

To live in the capital, money was needed. Vladislav attached considerable efforts and found work on the profile - a master in a private hairdresser. True, it was in this institution and something winning: the salon was in the depths of the television center "Ostankino". So sometimes the recognizable media daisons looked here.

Once the musicians of the group "Agat Christi" have entered the hairdresser. The Vlad drew attention to Vlad and offered to play in the new video clip. Of course, the guy happily agreed. And then, according to Lisovets, he skiddled and handled. The first sentence was followed by another, third. Vladislav, who has a bright model appearance (height 187 cm, weight 70 kg), was noticed. Stylist starred in video with Christina Orbakaite and other stars.

After 2 years of work in the Ostankino hairdresser, another event was happening, which changed the life of Vlad. A stranger approached him on the street, who appealing at the handsome, who was distinguished from the crowd, and suggested working as a model.

The proposal was not so surprising for Lisuza, but he explained that he had already had a specialty and unemployment was not complaining. The stranger immediately made another sentence - to try forces in one of the best metropolitan salons. A beginner stylist from distant Baku immediately agreed.

During the period of work in the new salon, Vladislav Lisovets learned a lot. He was lucky to work with the masters of the highest class. A young hairdresser greedily like a dry sponge, absorbed new knowledge. The number of customers grew, and among them there were more and more people who know the whole country. Many of them began to care in the salon constantly. Zhanna Friske and Abraham Russo, Anita Tsoi and Irina Ponarovskaya, Tatyana Vedeneeva and Vlad Roshevsky used the services of stylist.

Lisovets - the first stylist of the "brilliant" group. Participants resorted to his help from the first days of the formation of the team. At first, only Olga Orlova was skeptical to a man, who had its own master in one of the most expensive metropolitan beauty salons. But soon she "swinging" into the skillful hands of Vladislav.

Valery Leontyev became a customer. According to Vlad, Valery Yakovlevich turned out to be a very creative person, and although the star had a personal, recognizable image, he was easily formed to experiments and enthusiastically perceived new ideas.

Lists Career swiftly moving up. At one point, it was understood that it was not necessary to work in someone else's salon: it was time to open her. The client base turned out to be so extensive that it was not easy to handle alone. Therefore, Vladislav opened a workshop on Sretenka, calling her "Hairdresser's office". Now this is an extensive network of branded beauty salons.

A well-known stylist, moving to the capital, seriously engaged in education - received a specialty psychologist in the Moscow university. Acquired knowledge turned out to be no less important than professionalism in creating hairstyles or makeup. After all, most customers of the Listsy workshops come to the salon not only to get through, but also to talk, relax, get useful tips.

Learn Others Vladislav at one time refused, I was afraid to "put students' stupid," not understanding the instructions of the instructions. At 44, he surrendered and opened LisoSchool, an institution, where, under the supervision of the fashion expert and 6 specialists in the field of beauty and feshent industry, anyone can know the laws of style. After master classes, students receive homework and pass exams. The school is located in the same house in which her founder lives, next door - the apartments of Mom and Aunt.

In addition, the stylist has started the official website. The main page contains the price list, the list of masters, the catalog of the masters, the form for feedback, hair care tips. In addition to haircuts and staining, cosmetology services are offered. In 2013, Lisovets began to produce copyright design hoodies - with a print of a thorns crown. The first batch presented to its employees and customers, and thanks to social networks, the sewing rose on commercial rails.

Another line of business Vladislav is a coffee shop and an art gallery called Lisobon. In the first one, according to Muscovites, one of the best in the city of Kapucino, desserts, salads. The second platform is a place to shoot Youtube a TV presenter TV show Todorenko "Friday with Regina". The events of fashionable brands are held, including Garnier Fructis, in which the Lisovec himself is removed in advertising.

"I realized that I had an unreal exposure. I can endure for a long time, hard to work, wait. At the beginning of our way, I worked 24 hours a day. And when a person works so much to achieve the goal and at the same time still engaged in a favorite thing, there can not be no results. You can become the first, second, third, but the result will be required - 100 percent! Persistence, desire, the power of will, the spirit and ability not to give up, do not give up hands. After all, it is very difficult to break through and become one of the best, "in this secret of the success of Lisets.

As far as it was hard to young man, which was considered, an easy-to-one who did not want to be like everyone, showed the response of Vlad for the death of Blogger Stanislav Dumkina. He was attacked only for, as attacked attackers, was weirdly dressed. Lisovets wrote in social networks, as he was beaten, taken into the police, in every way mocked, and urged care to be careful in the desire to follow fashion. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to surrender and become a gray mass.

According to "Dist of Service", the stylist visits events, one way or another associated with fashion, design and beauty in the general sense. In the spring of 2019, Vlad was noticed at the opening of the boutique of the British brand Linda Farrow, where a capsule collection of sunglasses was presented. And Lisovets just collects this accessory. He did not pay attention and showing the clothes under the Viva Vox brand, which the colleague designer Oleg Ovsiyev released.

Films and television

The creative biography of Vlad Lisovets is not only the work of the stylist, but also shooting in TV projects. He is a frequent guest on a reality show. In its asset - participation in the programs "Women's Form", "Fashion Academy" and "Top Model in Russian". In the TV show "Fort Boyard", the designer was taken for the most difficult tasks, it was necessary to even cause rescuers when he drove his leg into the sea. But walking along the rope at the height of the 4th floor, Vladislav got rid of the height fear that tormented from the youth.

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The channel "Yu" entrusted him to lead the show "The most beautiful woman", whose participants were transformed not only externally, but also internally with the help of psychologists and coaches of personal growth. For the first time in the history of such projects, the decision on who will leave the site, and who will receive 1 million rubles. And a photo session for Cosmopolitan magazine, they accepted the contestants themselves.

After examining the television "kitchen", Lisovets soon presented the audience his own program, calling her "week of style". Then the second project "Beauty requires" came out on the channel "home".

In February 2016, Vlad Lisovec became a guest of a spokeswoman "alone with everyone," where he talked about his own look at fashion and style. Unlike most colleagues, Vlad believes that women are beautiful regardless of the type of figure, and naturalness is important in clothes.

Lisovets is not hesitated to express this opinion. In July 2017, the stylist carefully, but negatively responded about Olga Buzova and the appearance of the TV presenter. Vlad explained that she does not fall into glossy covers of serious publications due to the fact that the image with unnatural hair and false nails is outdated. In fashion, naturalness.

The designer then visited the studio of the first show "Let them say" without Andrei Malakhov and laid out a fragment of filming in "Instagram". It was then that according to the video it became completely clear that Dmitry Borisov was appointed a new TV presenter. Spectators saw Vladislav Lisets and on the movie screen. Stylist starred in the projects "Daddy's daughters", "Zaitsev + 1", "Your World", "From March 8, Men!".

After the Lisover became famous on television, fans spoke that Vlad and Popular Showman Pavel Volya - brothers. But the TV hosts are only similar, and after the Will changed the hairstyle, the similarity decreased.

Personal life

Lisa's personal life is quite arranged, because, according to him, not to be married - does not mean to be lonely. In addition, the House of Vladislav is waiting for the cat's Miya Breed of the Don Sphinx and a Bangit Cat, chosen by the owner on the street. This white fluffy creation has one eye blue, the other is yellow.

Jokes for the sake of the designer started in the "Instagram" page on behalf of the bandit, in which the photos accompany fun comments. In 2018, a cat justifies his nickname, became the hero of the TV show "Seen video". In a demonstrated viewer, he "attempted" on other pets of Stylist's pets - Australian Sparrow Amadins.

In 2019, the star lover of cats joined Jan Poplavskaya, Madyanov's novel and another number of celebrities who share his interests, as an auctioneer selling kittens at the "Katsburg" exhibition. This is one of the largest events of such a plan in Russia. The funds reversed at auction went to the charity fund of helping homeless animals.

In the life of a man was one unsuccessful marriage. Vlad married 25 years. But soon realized that he and his wife had very different interests and views on the future. After 2 years, the couple broke up. Lisovets got used to the current status and says that new marriage is prevented by freedom and egoism.

Such a lifestyle in the amount of the profession gave rise to questions about the orientation of the stylist. The press with enthusiasm defined the personality of the Lisover boyfriend, but the designer himself repeatedly stated that he loves only women. Nevertheless, Vlad gave an interview, where he said that 90% of his colleagues - gay, and substantiated this statement to a stereotype that homosexual stylists want to look like women-models, so it is better to understand how to create an image.

In 2021, the stylist visited the Yutiub show "Empathy Manuchi", where he shared unexpected news for fans. As it turned out, Vlad has two children - the twins were born from the girl with whom he connected the short-term novel.

Perhaps this is the only thing that Lisovets allowed himself in Revelations. He refused to talk about the names of the heirs and did not even say what sex they are. But the man admitted: he saw the kids only in the photo, from which it concluded that they were completely different at him. Also, the star stylist explained the lack of communication with the mother conflict in the past. However, now, according to him, the relationship has improved.

The only hobby of Vladislav after traveling is to listen to music. He does not do sports, does not sit on diets, although the favorite dishes are not at all useful pancakes, fua-gras and cottage cheese. But the busy rhythm helps to keep himself in a tone.

In "Instagram" at Stylist 2 accounts - dedicated to the Sontora Lisovets network and personal. The first photo laid out a photo of men and women with new hairstyles created by Lisuza. In the second, Vlad publishes moments from everyday life: a walk with a dog, travel, meetings with friends. There is a cafe page.

Behind the number of subscribers, the owner is not chased, more important is the aesthetic content, "to please the eye." Sometimes comments under photos are the favorite verses of Vladislav. The responses of Folloviers deliver a special pleasure.

Vlad Lisovets now

Vlad regularly expresses about the new trends of the season, recommending the beautiful half of humanity, those or other images in accordance with fashion trends. His advice is valuable, although the public is not less than the expert opinion of the stylist continues to be interested in his personal life.

So in the spring of 2021, when Vlad took part in the project "Nagugley Star", the main question again touched upon his orientation. Interestingly, this time the stylist did not comment on rumors about allegedly unconventional views. And even noted: interest in his person understands and is not going to shed light on this situation. Lisovets stressed that Waves to live as he wants.


  • 2010 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2012 - "Your World"
  • 2012 - "Zaitsev +1"
  • 2014 - "With the Eight of March, Men!"
  • 2017 - "Love Pret-A-Port"


  • Lisoschool style school
  • Network of beauty salons "Hairdresser's office"


  • "Women's Form"
  • "Style Week"
  • "Fashion Academy"
  • "Beauty requires"
  • "The most beautiful woman"

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