Marius Weissburg - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Natalia Bardo, Films, Wife, Director, "Instagram" 2021



Marius Weisberg is a Russian film director, producer and a centralist. It is familiar with the audience as a director of a number of parody comedies, in which the main roles are getting already popular comedians, Cavaneschikov and Comedy Club residents. At the same time, film critics do not express high opinions about his projects, and journalists are often called these film vendors. Nevertheless, cash charges often pay off all attachments.

Childhood and youth

Marius Weisberg was born on April 1, 1971 in Moscow in a cinematic family. His father Eric Markovich Weisberg, a Jew by nationality, worked at Mosfilm as director of paintings, and then - producer. The mother of Dunguole Balchunen, originally from Lithuania, was an employee of the Trade Representation of the Baltic Republic in Moscow.

In the warehouse of thinking Marius, from an early age, he felt humanitarian: he liked to study foreign languages, and his favorite school subject was literature. Since childhood, the boy was at the film studio, where he watched the shooting process. Gradually, Weisberg came to the thought that he wants to be a director.

After school, he entered the Faculty of Directory Art in VGIK. During the entrance examinations, the guy introduced himself under the name of the mother as Balchunas, and 2 tour was independently. On the 3rd Reception Commission learned about the family of the applicant, but this did not affect decision. Marius demonstrated himself with distinctive and talented young men with high creative potential. He was lucky to learn from the famous director Vladimir Naumov, who removed "Tehran-43".


One day, passing the practice in Kinolent Andrei Konchalovsky "Middle Circle", Marius met actress Lolita Davidovich. Her groom Ron Shelton also attended the set. Young people became friends, the American offered Weisberg to work in Hollywood.

In America, his first film "Seats No", which brought him several international awards. Soon the young director began working on a new film with Kevin Costner, but the producers decided to freeze the project.

Gradually, the director begins to realize that his path is comedy. The specificity of the genre is due to the mentality of the public, so Marius decides to return to Russia, where the viewer understands best. In 2008, the director of the director was replenished with the first domestic comedy "Hitler Caput!". Famous performers Pavel Derevko, Anna Semenovich, Yuri Galtsev played in the film.

Next year, the audience saw the 1st part of the comedy "Love in the Big City", a romantic film with faith of Brezhnev, and in 2010 the film "Love in the Big City 2" came out on the screens.

Another famous work of the director - Rzhevsky against Napoleon. This film was filmed in 3D format. Marius Weisberg says that the shooting has become a huge experience for him. The project was commercially successful.

In addition, the director launched a new franchise, whose first film was called "8 first dates". The main characters of the romantic comedy performed by Oksana Akinshina and Vladimir Zelensky, not knowing each other, every morning it was incomprehensible in the same bed.

Film found her viewer, and after 3 years, the 2nd part was released on the screens - "8 new dates". In addition to already familiar artists, Polina Maksimova and Mikhail Galustyan played the main roles. The scene line of the franchise was interesting to the audience: And after a year, another comedy "8 ​​best dates" started on the screens, Vladimir Epifantsev and Maria Gorban joined the acting composition.

Thanks to the cash projects, the state of the director himself reached $ 36.4 million in 2017 according to the Forbes rating.

Later, Marsh Weisberg presented a film that is not relevant to the already promoted comedy franchises of the director. Kinokartina got the name "Grandma of Light Behavior". Alexander Revva played a major role in the film. The idea of ​​the film offered the director the executor of the leading role.

After 2 years, work was completed on the comedy "Grandma of Easy Behavior 2. Elderly Avengers". According to the director, the new film has a more dynamic action and a large number of action scenes.

In addition, Marius released the comedy "Night Change." In this film, as in the previous one, Weisberg spoke immediately and as a director, and as a screenwriter, and like a producer.

In the creative biography of Weisberg, there was not only work with a full meter. There are director and teleprojects. He released the series "Flying Crew", which was shown on the CTC channel. Employees of the company "Delight Avia" presented on the screen Alexey Chadov, Natalia Bardo, Julia Topolnitskaya.

Another successful comedy "(not) is an ideal man" with the participation of Yulia Alexandrova and Friend Crea paid off his budget already for the first weekend. The fees at that time amounted to 301.1 million rubles.

Personal life

In his youth, Marius was officially married to American Michel Wilson. Weisberg admitted that they were associated with romantic relationships, but they were light and cheerful, no one was going to live to death together. The offer to him was Michel. They collected friends, went to Las Vegas and painted there.

After the wedding, life has not changed almost. Mousse's wife studied at Alaska, he himself - in Southern California. Later, the director clarified that this marriage was needed to obtain a residence permit.

In a personal life at a high state director (his height - 188 cm) there were many novels. 6 years lived in Los Angeles with his beloved woman in civil marriage, dreamed of children. In Russia, the director also gleed his heart. A bright novel has happened to Vera Brezhnev. Relations developed rapidly, but quickly ended.

The next love of Weisberg was the actress Ekaterina Spitz. Some time of Spitz and Weisberg hid a novel, because Katerina was married, her son was adjusted. But soon it became known about its divorce. True, relations with Marius lasted less than a year.

Another companion of the director of this period is the model of Maria Anokhina, who was previously the girl vocalist of the Chelsea group of Arseny Borodin. The couple was seen at a party about the premiere of the film "Viy".

Later, the director increasingly began to appear in secular events with Natalia Bardo, the participant of "House-2", and later - the actress. Natalia younger than Mousse for 17 years. Lovers began to live in a civil marriage, contrary to the opinion of skeptics who did not believe in the sincerity of the relations of the director and actresses.

In July 2016, it became known that Natalia presented the director of the Son Eric. The child was born back in May, but the press learned about the replenishment in the Weisberg family only after 2 months, because Natalia and Marius spent all this time in America, where they were giving birth. In Los Angeles, the director has its own house, his mother lives here.

In 2018, rumors about the treason of Mousse appeared. The director was seen in the capital in the company of a pretty person, while Natalia rested in Thailand. The couple did not comment on the speculation, their life has not changed. The director still published a photo of his chosen in "Instagram", accompanying them touching comments. But in the summer of 2019, communicating with the subscribers in the social network, Bardo was mentioned that they were "no longer a couple" with Weissberg.

Later, the director himself denied the information, suggesting that his chosen words were doried from context. According to Mousse Ericikovich, now their relationship is even better than at the beginning of the novel.

Weisberg justifies the status of a comedian specialist: the solemn dates of their life director tries to turn into a holiday for loved ones and friends. So, in 2021 he noted an anniversary with a scope. The celebration took place in Tangiers Lounge Rublevka. At the event, the topic of which the series "Acute Visors" was chosen, Nastasya Samburskaya, Christina Asmus, Timur Batrutdinov, Philip Kirkorov. The party lasted until the morning.

Marius Weisberg now

In their new projects, the director appeals to the Soviet heritage. It became known that in 2021, Marius began shooting the English-speaking version of the comedy "Irony of Fate, or with a light steam!". Hollywood Emma Roberts Stars, Thomas Mann and Garretnd Hedlund were invited to the main roles. A place for the filming process was chosen by Boston.

In the comedy published in 2021, the great-behavior perfume. The beginning "The director moved in time - the film takes place in 1980, when the Olympiad was held in Moscow. The incendiary history revealed new faces of the heroes of Alexander Revv and glucose.


  • 1999 - "No places"
  • 2006 - "Senior Son"
  • 2008 - "Hitler Caput!"
  • 2009 - "Love in the Big City"
  • 2010 - "Love in the Big City - 2"
  • 2012 - "8 first dates"
  • 2015 - "8 new dates"
  • 2016 - "8 best dates"
  • 2017 - "Grandma of Easy Behavior"
  • 2018 - "Night shift"
  • 2018 - "Flying Crew"
  • 2019 - "Grandma of Easy Behavior 2. Elderly Avengers"
  • 2019 - "(No) perfect man"
  • 2020 - "# Vmacke"
  • 2021 - "Great behavior great-grandmother. Start"

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