Tatyana Peltzer - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



Tatyana Peltzer, by nationality half the German, half a Jewish, became without exaggeration of the Great Russian actress. "Happy old woman" - so she called herself. She had a personal life so that there were no children nor grandchildren, but the basis of the filmography of the artists make up the paintings in which she is mother, grandmother, nanny.

Even if Peltzer played a cleaning lady or nurse, then such a good, attentive and mental, that a person who could not suspect her lack of parental experience. By the way, no one knows the exact number of films with Tatiana Ivanovna.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the People's Artist of the USSR, the laureate of the Stalinist Prize Tatiana Peltzer began on June 6, 1904 in Moscow in the family of the famous director and actor, who until the October Revolution shot several films and played theaters. Ivan (Johann) Peltzer for his daughter was not just a father, but a teacher, a mentor, a model for imitation. He taught Tanya to vividly look at the world, perceive life unexpectedly.

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The grandfather actresses on the motherboard was the chief rabbi of Kiev. Mother Esphyr Borukhovna Swisen after marriage began to be called Evgenia Sergeyevna. In 1906, the Son Alexander was born at Peltxers, who later became a famous designer, a car driver, chairman of the Union of Soviet kits. Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the family, they spoke exclusively in German.

Looking at Pope, the girl mastered the acting craft. The first roles of Tatiana played in his performances, and at 9 years old received the first fee for the role in the play "Noble Nest". She did not study the professionally acting - the lack of education prevented career. Tatyana Ivanovna changed many theaters. Recognition came late - almost 50 years old.


Tatyana Peltzer debuted as a professional actress in 1916 in Antelnikov Nikolai. Then there was a mobile theater of the Red Army in Yeisk. Soon, records from the Kolkhoz Theater and the Theater of the Navy appeared in the workshop. In a few years, Peltzer returned to the capital. In Moscow, she met the German communist Gansa Tayball, in 1927 he was married for him, and after 3 years he left her husband to Germany.

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There, Tatyana joined the Communist Party, settled to work in the Soviet trade station. In Berlin, the German director suggested actress to play in the play "Inga". It was its only role in Germany, because in 1931 Tatyana Ivanovna returned to the USSR and entered the MASPS Theater (now it is the Mossoveta Theater). The actress without formation was enrolled in the auxiliary composition.

Relations with the leadership of the MAGSPs did not work out: after 4 years, Peltzer dismissed for professional unsuitability. In 1936, Frustic Tatyana moved to Yaroslavl, where 2 years worked in the oldest Drama Theater of Russia. Then returned to Moscow and settled in the newly opened theater miniature.

His stage Tatiana Peltzer gave 7 years. She played the domestic roles of the thrush, the jacket, the manager. The actress laughed at her own characters and at the same time loved them. It was difficult to make a career in the miniature theater, but over time, Peltzer appeared their fans.

In 1947, Tatyana Ivanovna moved to the Moscow Academic Satira Theater, which became the second home for her, theater theater. The actress played enthusiastically, and fame came to her after the role of Lucheria in the "Wedding with Dowry". In 1953, this production was filmed on the film and showed in the cinemas of the country. Spectators rated Talent Peltzer - she woke up famous.

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The flourishing career actress fell in the 70s. During this period, Tatiana Peltzer had many roles in the theater: Praskovya in the "Old Virgin", Marseilina in the "Figaro Marriage", aunt sonya in "Wake up and sing!" and many others. Her heroines were close and understood by the audience, she played easily and very vital, but was given such a game Tatiana Ivanovna with great difficulty. The partners in the scene knew that she was lost as soon as Vesavi retreats from the text and begins to improvise.

In 1972, Tatiana Peltzer assigned the title of People's Artist of the USSR. This happened for the first time in the 48th-year history of the Moscow Academic Satire Theater. In many ways, Actress helped Mark Zakharov, who set five performances in this theater, where the main roles at Peltzer.

With the transition of Mark Zakharov in Lenkom, the actresses began problems. In 1977, after 30 years of work on the stage of the Moscow Academic Satira Theater, she dismissed as a scandal and went to Lenk.

Colleagues found her care madness, because it would be able to start first at the point of honor. Zakharova Tatiana Peltzer played an old woman in the play "Three Girls in Blue", Clara Zetkin in the formulation of the "Blue Horse", the hope of Krupskaya in the "dictatorship of conscience". Her last role is in the play "Memory Prayer".


Tatiana Ivanovna's film was the episode in the comedy "Wedding" in 1943. Then there was a job in the drama "she protects his homeland." The first major role of the artist received in 1945 in the "Simple People" drama. Alas, the picture was rided on the shelves of 11 years, and Peltzer played unobistant episodes all this time.

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Success she brought roles in the comedies "Maxim Perepelitsa" and "Soldier Ivan Brovkin", filmed in 1955. Tatyana Ivanovna played a rural woman so brilliantly, that she was painted by the Mother of the Russian Soldier. In the picture "Ivan Brovkin on a virulent", the role of EDOKIA scenarios wrote under it.

Tatyana Peltzer starred a lot to not forget her. She played mothers in the fairy tale "Morozko" and the comedy "tigers", grandmothers in "Quarantine", "Once, two - the mountain is not trouble!", The teacher in the film "We were not passing", a nurse in the "honeymoon", Babu "I am in" there, on unknown tracks. "

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Her characters often oversted the main heroes of films. Take at least the "adventures of a yellow suitcase", where the 66-year-old actress descends on the drain pipe and goes on the roof of the trolleybus. In the melodrama "you never dreamed", she does not quite positive image: the heroine reads other people's letters, inventing all sorts of excuses, only a beloved grandson did not associate his classmate.

Not one generation of viewers has grown on the plots of "Yelash" with the participation of Peltzer, on cartoons and radio stations, in which Tatiana Ivanovna voice sounds. For example, "Three fathers", "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Adventures of Domovinka", "Hedgehog Plus Turtle".

Personal life

In his youth, Tatiana did not shine beauty, such to conquer men. However, the girl of medium height with a rather large nose was distinguished by a magnetic look, not peculiar to Soviet artists, and irrepressible character who received the nickname pioneer.

The actress was a very valid man, loved friendly parties, could insert a strong little word and adored preference. In the card game, Leonid Armored, and a special table after the death of the celebrity moved to his friend Olga Arospea to his celebrity.

Marry Peltzer came out only once for the Germans of Hans Taibler. They lived together for 4 years and divorced, because Tatyana fell in love with another and for some reason confessed to this husband. Former spouses stayed with friends all their lives. Hans married a second time, but, coming to Moscow, it was sure to visit Peltzer. The son of Hans has repeatedly stayed in the apartment of Tatiana Ivanovna.

Biographers did not find a response to the question of how a woman, according to some information that received German citizenship, managed to survive during the repression period, return the previous last name and stay in Moscow.

The assumptions were made that Peltzer agreed to cooperate with the NKVD, however, who did not receive confirmation. And from the deportation, which the Germans lived in the Union was subjected to, Tatiana was rescued by Colleagues Rina Green, Boris Andreev and Maria Mironova. They went to the Ministry of Culture and convinced officials in the trustworthiness of the artist.

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Father actress became father and brother. The last years of life Ivan Peltzer lived with her - a young spouse put out a man out of the door. In 1959, man was not expensive for Tatiana. She was seriously worried about this blow of fate. I had to care for Alexander, who after the accident turned into a disabled person. He also refused his wife and children. Brother passed away in 1975.

The actress was in shape even in old age, every morning I was charged, beautifully dressed and combed. In 85 years, it ran a lot, smoked a lot and saw a lot of coffee. Listen to the recommendations of Tatiana Ivanovna doctors did not want. On the screen she looked rusty, and in his life was a pedant and akchacy. Never drinks in the dining room, even on tour was preparing herself. Working with Peltzer, according to the reviews of colleagues, it was difficult because it suppressed with temperament and power.


In the 80s, Tatyana Ivanovna began to forget - Alzheimer's disease progressed. However, the actress stubbornly continued to go to the scene and each time he received a squall of applause, and the words suggested partners, including Alexander Abdulov. The relationship of this pair was special. Peltzer appreciated talent and openness in the young colleague, and he shouted it only by them with two understandable compliments.

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Over time, the "beloved grandmother" had to be treated in a psychiatric clinic. In 1992, Peltzer again fell into the hospital with nervous overvoltage. There, the actress managed to break the neck of the thigh, in 88 years for a person such a fracture - a catastrophe.

July 16, 1992 to her, as usual, came the housekeeper Annushka. Proceeding the breakdown, replaced the bed and treated Tatyana Ivanovna beloved Malboro cigarette. The actress gladly smoked her all. After 3 hours, the nurse reported the head physician of the clinic that Peltzer died. The cause of death as media wrote, pneumonia and heart attack.

At the funeral, the people were a little - summer, the time of vacations, theaters on the tour. Color sellers, having learned for whom bouquets were intended, gave them for free. Tatiana Ivanovna's grave - on the introduced cemetery, next to his mother, father and brother.

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According to the will of the artist, the apartment went to Anna's assistant, for 20 years cared for Peltzer, books - a close friend Mark Zakharov, the archive - theater "Lenk". Memory favorite millions of TV channel Culture dedicated documentary "Native face".

There is a legend that shortly before death towards actress asked to use her photos in advertising cigarettes. Tatyana Peltzer noticed:

"Once I dreamed that my portraits were on the bills. And now ... if not on the toilet paper!".


  • 1953 - "Wedding with dowry"
  • 1955 - "Soldier Ivan Brovkin"
  • 1955 - "Maxim Perepelitsa"
  • 1964 - "The Adventures of Toli Shukvin"
  • 1970 - "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcake"
  • 1972 - "Twelve months"
  • 1973 - "Acting"
  • 1974 - "Aniskin and Fantômas"
  • 1979 - "Take a telegram in debt"
  • 1980 - "Dulcinea Tobos"
  • 1982 - "There, on the unknown tracks ..."
  • 1984 - "Red, honest, loved"
  • 1984 - "Formula of Love"
  • 1985 - "After the rain on Thursday"
  • 1986 - "Who will enter the last car"
  • 1989 - "Prince Luck Andreevich"

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