Natalia Varley - biography, personal life, photo, news, in youth, children, films, "Caucasian captive" 2021



Years are not powerful over Natalia Varla: Millions of television viewers are guessing in the actress the features of the very student Nina from the beloved Gaidaev Comedy "Caucasian Captive". In the photo of the artist, the same radiant smile, and in life - irrepressible temper, as in his youth. Although Varley itself said that the image of a brave girl, which is cigated from the window, and dives into ice water, played in a career not the best role, closing the road to other projects.

Childhood and youth

The year of birth of the future "athlete, Komsomolskaya and just beauties" - 1947. Barley appeared in Romania, in the city of Constanta. In the infancy of Natasha managed to visit Moscow and Leningrad. Then the family went to the Far East, and later donkey in the plague. In Murmansk, Vladimir Viktorovich's father - a participant in the war, the Navy officer - appointed a deputy head of the local shipping company. In addition to Natalia, parents raised younger daughter Irina.

A number of sources in the column about nationality actress indicates Russian. What is really difficult to judge about. From Father Natalia German and Welsh roots. According to the family legend, in the XIX century, the manufacturer moved to Russia from Wales, along with a stable and servants. 2 brothers-jockey were moved to the name of Varley, who took Russian brides in his wife. It was not without foreigners and my mother's line: Ariadna Sergeyevna Senjavina - a descendant of the engineer of the French origin of Babot de Marny.

Varley still in childhood demonstrated creative nature. At 4 years old Natasha drew, tried to write poems. Artists showed a musical hearing and a beautiful voice. Parents took daughter to music school. After moving the Barley family to Moscow, the girl saw in the circus building announcement of the set of children into an acrobatic studio. Natalia was recorded there with secret, without saying the parents not a word.

At the end of the 8th grade, Natalia entered the State Circus and Pop Art School. Having become a graduate equilibrist, performed with the famous Clown Leonid Yangibarov in a circus on a colored boulevard. Thanks to the colleague, Varla found himself on the set.


On the circus arena with a miniature figure (height 150 cm), the flexible and young Natasha noticed the friend of Yengibarova, director Georgy Jungwald Hilkevich. At the offer to play in the episode of the satirical comedy "Rainbow Formula" Varley answered consent. So began the cinematic biography of the artist.

At the filming of the "Rainbow Formulas", Natalia Varley fell on the eyes of Assistant Leonid Gaidai, who invited the girl to samples a new comedy project "Caucasian captive, or new Schurik's adventures". Poltsya Challengers on the image of a student Nina Cincacchka left behind.

On the main role of the pro, who made unknown actresses with the stars of the first magnitude, dreamed of Natalia Kustyanskaya, Marianna and Anastasia Vertinsky, Valentina Malyavina and Natalia Fateeva. But Leonid Jovich stopped the choice on the young and immediate Varley, which the comedy turned into an all-union favorite. The cinema became a classroom Celebrity Card.

To play in one tape with Alexander Demyanenko, Natalia Vladimirov had to learn to drive. Cars involved in the project deserve separate attention. So, the minibus "Start", on which Varley leaves in the final, released in total in the amount of 100 pieces. The EDICA car is a conveted pre-war copy, and the vehicle of the famous Trinity is the German Adler Trumpf 30s with the parts of Moskvich-407 - the property of Yuri Nikulina.

In the next decades, the filmography was replenished with the cult paintings "12 chairs" (Lisa), "Viya" (Pannochka), "Seven Brides Efreitor Zbruev" (Galina Listopad), "Guest from the Future" (coach of Marta Hidry). Natalia Varley itself allocates the social drama "Shine", where he played a decent saleswoman, which life drives into depression and makes disappointed in humans.

In the "Liche" 90s, when Russian cinema worried a hard crisis, Varley voiced foreign film actresses. The vote of Russian women spoke the characters Sophie Loren, Catherine Denev, Meryl Streep, Veronica Castro. Natalia Vladimirovna voiced 2 thousand projects. From a few work with the participation of Varley, who came out during this period, the audience noted the film-fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City", where the actress played Bastinda.

In 2006, Natalia Vladimirovna played one of the key roles in Fantasy Nikolai Lebedev "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces." The premiere took place at the end of December. Alexander Bukharov, Oksana Akinshina, Andrei Rudensky starred in the tape. Reviewers criticized the picture, but noted the colorfulness and scale of filming.

Since then, fans see the actress not in new films, but only in telecasts. In March 2019, the star of Soviet cinema was invited in the show "Hello, Andrei!". The release was dedicated to the International Women's Day. The studio found out that among the guests of Natalia Vladimirovna - the popular Italian performer Robertino Loretti. The singer, who was present in the studio, admitted that in his youth wanted to marry such a beautiful girl.

Music and books

Going to theatrical layouts and cinemas, Natalia Varley did not abandon the children's passion for poetry, but the written poems did not publish, but read familiar. To enter the professional level as a poetess, he studied in the only name of A. M. Gorky's literary institute in the Union, who graduated with honors. Later released 2 collection of poems.

In 2018, the light of the frank autobiography of the actress "Rattle Party" saw the light. Write the book Natalia Vladimirovna prompted "not a lie, but an approximate mixed with gossip, fiction and speculation, a little diluted with real facts."

From pages readers learned, with what ease of young circuschka agreed to appear in a swimsuit at watching Hyday, as it was familiar clothing for an equilibris. Many fans shocked the recognition of Varley on harassment by the director.

It went out so that, having received a refusal, Leonid Jovich decided to renovate Nina and instructed this case by the hope of Rumyantsevaya, which, according to Varley, then tried to "fit the fiction" of the film. Fortunately, the relationship of Natalia Vladimirovna and Gaidai did not deteriorate, and at the end of life, the director asked for forgiveness from his beloved artist for that hasty.

Varley - a diversified gifted person. Natalia Vladimirovna - actress, poetess, vocalist and TV presenter. In early 1990, she recorded a disc "at the highest point of unity", singing singles on their own poems. Music composed composer Nikolai Shercheng. In the New Year's show "Old Songs about the main thing - 2", released at the end of 1996, the fans rated a duet with Valery Meladze. The audience was also remembered by Alena Sviridov, at the same time racing the saleswoman of the Christmas tree and ballerina.

A few years later, the audience saw and heard the singer Varley in the program "sing the stars of theater and movies", where the vocalist performed the author's compositions. The result of the transfer was the music album with the same name, released in the United States and excavated by emigrants.

In 2007, a record was published with audio shooters about the days of the week, read out of Varley, but the project was almost not observed fans. The next round of popularity of Natalia Vladimirovna as singers occurred in 2009, when she in a duet with Nikolai Gnatyuk participated in the 3rd season of the entertainment television show "Two Stars".

In the summer of 2019, Varley headed the jury of the World Classic Young Classic Competition. Together with the actress, the talent of fans of Russian stations and prose was assessed by the writer Marina Moskvin and Colleagues Sergey Gorobchenko, Elena Zakharov, Ksenia Lavrov-Glinka, business representatives and government agencies.

Personal life

For the first time, Natalia Vladimirovna tried to arrange a personal life in 20 years. The famous director Nikolai Burlyaev became a spouse, from marriage with whom Natasha discussed Friends Leonid Filatov, Mikhail Zadornov and Vladimir Kachan. Soon, Varley understood the fallacy of the ideas about Burlyaev and divorced him.

In 1971, Natalia Vladimirovna married a classmate on "Pike" Vladimir Tikhonov, the Son of actors Nonna Mordyukov and Vyacheslav Tikhonov. The new family did not become a reliable rear. Tikhonov abused alcohol and drugs, the spouses often quarreled. Having existed for several months, the marriage collapsed.

At the time of breaking the relationship of Varley realized that she was pregnant. The son of Vasily was born in 1972, when parents have already officially divorced. Evil languages ​​whispered that the child Natalia Vladimirovna gave birth at all from the legitimate, though the former husband, and from another classmate - Konstantin Raykin. Anyway, Vasily Varley brought her mother's grandson Eugene, who today lives in Italy and is also the last name of Grandmothers.

In 1985, the artist gave birth to a second child, Alexander's son, whose father, judging by the statements of the press and information from social networks, may be Uzbek actor Ulmas Alikhodzhaev. With him, Varley had a short novel during the filming of the film "Fire Roads".

The third marriage turned out to be a brief. Spouse Vladimir, who was much younger than the actress, is busy in construction business. At the request of Natalia, Vladimirovna, the spouses married the church, but soon Varley was left alone.

In the summer of 2017, Natalia Vladimirovna celebrated the 70th anniversary. Celebrity friends opened the curtain of the folk favorite. Larisa Luzhina told Komsomolskaya Pravda about the singer Alexei Vardinov, with whom the star allegedly tied romantic feelings. In a duet, a couple sang the song "Let's forgive each other."

Zardynov admitted that he met Varley in 2010 and still cooperates, sings the songs on her poems, but close relationships behind. Alexey is married, outwardly spouse reminds Natalia Vladimirovna.

Natalia Varley now

Today, the actress is not filming the cinema, but does not give fans to forget about themselves. In the spring of 2021, Valaley took part in the play "The Chamber of Business Class" on the stage of the musical theater. Sats and the Cultural Center "Meridian". In the fall, a tour was scheduled.

In March, the first channel called Natalia Vladimirovna for the transfer of "tonight", which he devoted the 95th anniversary of Alexander Zatsepina. But warm memories of the show did not limit himself. The guest recalled that the composer stole a "song about bears" from her, which sounded in the "Caucasian Captive", refusing to insert a track with the voice of the actress. In response, Zatsepin assured the audience that the recording of the execution of the composition of Aida Vedisyeva was made earlier than the option with Varley.


  • 1966 - "Rainbow Formula"
  • 1966 - "Caucasian captive, or new adventures of Shurik"
  • 1967 - "Viy"
  • 1969 - "Gold"
  • 1971 - "12 chairs"
  • 1971 - "Seven Brides Efreitor Zbruev"
  • 1974 - "Three days in Moscow"
  • 1975 - "Big Attraction"
  • 1979 - "Shine"
  • 1979 - "So will"
  • 1980 - "My dad is idealist"
  • 1984 - "Guest from the Future"
  • 1986 - "Foreign entrance is allowed"
  • 1994 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 2006 - "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces"

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