Ruslan Sokolovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Videoclogger, Publicist 2021



Ruslan Sokolovsky - Russian video unit, publisher and publicist who managed to become famous after the scandal caused by the game in Pokemon in the walls of the temple. Iniquity In the opinion of many public figures, the joke almost cost a guy of freedom. Such a provocation from a blogger forced partially to decriminalize the law on extremism.

Childhood and youth

Ruslan was born in 1994 in the town of Shadrinsk, which is located in the Kurgan region, where his children's and youthful years have passed. Real surname - Saibabtalov. His father by nationality was Tatarin. In addition to Ruslana, his elder brother Andrei was brought up in the family.

When the boy was 8 years old, misfortune happened in the family: the children were left without a father. Horofiolel Sungatovich died suddenly from a heart attack. The severity of the sons fell on the shoulders of Elena Borisovna Chingina. The woman herself did not differ in good health: afterwards it suffered an operation to remove a cancer tumor and received disability.

Already in childhood, the boy showed curiosity, tried to understand rapidly developing computer technologies. He was interested in the Internet industry. In adolescence, Sokolovsky began creating websites. From the age of 16, he began to make money on the hobby: he became interested in freelance, remotely fulfill the tasks of employers to write and marketing online pages.

At the end of the High School, the young man decides to get higher education. He enters the Kurgan State University at the Faculty of Psychology. But, after studying one course, Ruslan Sokolovsky realized that he made the wrong choice of the future profession. He moved to Ekaterinburg and in 2012 he became a student of the Law Faculty of the Ural Humanitarian Institute.

Personal life

Sokolovsky is not an ardent lover to talk about his personal life and romantic relationships. It is known that an attractive guy (Ruslan's growth - 180 cm) was not married and does not have children, as the ideology of the subculture of the Childfrey (English Childfree) is adhered.

At one time he was attributed to a connection with another blogger Konstantin Dothezhev. The reason for such speculations was the show of the video on the theme of unconventional love created in the form of a collage, the main characters of which Ruslan and Konstantin were the main characters.

Nevertheless, the Sokolovsky girl at the same time was considered Diana Elias. She is also engaged in blogging, and the first channel she helped to create exactly Ruslan. So it was actually unknown, at the time of dating young people Diana was still a schoolgirl.

Later he had a new chosen, whose name is blogger not advertised. Her visit to Sokolovsky, who was under house arrest, made a lot of noise: Ruslan tightened the form of punishment due to the violation of the regime.

Sokolovsky does not consist in any of the religious denominations, be it Orthodoxy or Islam. He is an atheist.


Continuing to create sites, Ruslan Sokolovsky got a major company for the position of SEO specialist, where he began to optimize the work of web portals. But the daily visit to the office is not what the soul of a creative young man required. He dismissed from the office and in the 19 years draws up the first one's own company.

For some time, the guy worked in the previous field of activity, then focused on marketing research and promoting content in social mediates. Later he was taken for various Internet projects, created a personal public in the popular social network and the Yutiub-Channel.

Success came not immediately, but when Sokolovsky took up the translations and sounding of the rollers, he managed to attract the attention of Internet users. Finding your own niche, Ruslan was implemented as a blogger, posting the records on the network, which expressed the opinion of celebrities, popular movies, events in the global community or about themselves.

In 2016, Sokolovsky posted a video on his blog about how he caught Pokemon in the Temple on Blood (Yekaterinburg). Earlier on the central channel of Russia, the plot was released that the game of Pokemon Go in certain public places may come criminal liability.

The video of Sokolovsky caused a resonance in society: After a number of comments, the blogger appealed to law enforcement agencies to verify the actions of Ruslan Sokolovsky.

The case was given a move. Blogger was arrested under Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and placed in the SIZO. He served in prison for less than a week, as it was immediately translated under house arrest. Later, the guy was re-attracted to justice for violation of the order: Sokolovsky left the place of arrest.

The society split into two camps. Some condemned the actions of the guy, calling them blasphemed towards believers. But most of the Russian intelligentsia acted as supported by a blogger.

In March 2017, a trial began. At Court, Sokolovsky refused to recognize himself with an extremist, indicating that cosmopolitanism and libertarianism adheres to political views. After 2 months, the judge announced the verdict - 3.5 years of imprisonment conditionally. The term was subsequently reduced to 2 years and 3 months.

In the summer, Sokolovsky was listed in the list of existing terrorists and extremists. All his accounts were arrested: the blogger was allowed to take pictures of only 10 thousand rubles per month. Six months later, he stated that at the end of the conditional term is ready to abandon Russian citizenship.

At the same time, Ruslan publishes video on the channel "Edge of Holograms" on the channel. He was interested in music before, laying out clips on the Internet. These were DISs to Yuri Khovansky and Nikolai Sobolev ("indifferent", for example).

A loud business influenced the biography of Sokolovsky. Its activity has become interested in a greater number of people. The blogger was invited to Echo Moskvy's radio, where he was interviewed in the person's program. In addition, Ruslan himself invites other bloggers and public figures to the channel, with whom talking to frank topics. Rubric is called "Lie Detector".

In 2019, Sokolovsky arranged a single picket on Red Square against the law on disrespect for power. The guy's poster was attended by the mention of Vladimir Putin. Sokolovsky was detained by the police, and he was aended fine 15 thousand rubles.


Tried Ruslan forces and publishing business. The brainchild of the video broker was Sokolovsky's magazine!. It was created as the Russian adaptation of the scandalous French edition of Charlie Hebdo, known by caricatures for political and religious topics.

On the cover of the monthly, the photo was concerned about the photo of a special logo of the publisher, and on the saccasky pages sharply spoke in a sarcastic form about all the events exciting in Russian and foreign reality.

In parallel with the paper edition, the electronic version of the magazine was also published. But this continued not long: three rooms were released.

In the future, in this form, Sokolovsky decided to cover the question of cryptocurrencies. This type of activity turned out to be more profitable for the guy. During the first 10 days after the launch of the BitJournal channel, Ruslan earnings amounted to 500 thousand rubles. Later, the site about Bitcoins was opened.

Ruslan Sokolovsky now

At the beginning of 2020, the media spread rumors that Sokolovsky is looking for Ramzan Kadyrov. In his rollers, Ruslan denied this information.

Now Sokolovsky remains active in all social networks - in "Instagram", in Vkontakte, in Twitter and Facebook, where the accounts have previously been registered.

In May 2020, Sokolovsky became a member of the new project of the TNT Channel "Island of Heroes." Eight most popular Russian video blocks went to a uninhabited island. The island of my Panama's pearl archipelago was chosen as a place of filming.

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