Leonid Filatov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films, Poems



Actor, writer, screenwriter, director - Leonid Filatov was talented in everything. Each picture in his filmography causes a range of feelings and emotions. His characters are the bastards, heroes, philosophers, even sex symbols - were obtained by atypical, fascinating just with these negative or positive features, or rather, the combination of the first and second.

Childhood and youth

Leonid was born on December 4, 1946 in Kazan. Filatov's parents, Claudia Nikolaevna and Alexey Eremeevich, met during the war. Father worked as a radist, so the family often had to move from one city to another. When Leonid turned 7 years old, Claudia could not stand the nomadic life and divorced her husband. The boy stayed with his mother in Ashgabat, there he went to school, there made the first steps in creativity.

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At the age of 15, the Komsomolets of Turkmenistan newspaper published the Filatov Basinny and paid the first fee in his life. In the same period, Leonid Filatov seriously became interested in movies. He read all specialized magazines, did not miss a single film, even documentary. The young man firmly decided that he would study at the director of the Faculty of Vgika.

After the school of Filatov went to go to Moscow, I expected to do immediately - it did not work out. Then he filed documents to the Schukinskaya school, passed the selection and became a student. Leonid Filatov did not differ in approximate behavior: I missed the lectures that seemed to him boring, often visited the unofficial views of the movies disguised as disputes. He composed the plays for the shows and signed them with foreign pseudonyms. In general, lived on a complete coil, realizing that time is fleeting.


After Schukinsky school, Leonid Filatov served in the theater on Taganka. On listening, he read an excerpt from the play "On the bottom". Yuri Lyubimov, who led the theater at that time, received an actor in Troupe. The role of Filatov in the play "What to do?" I became one of the most memorable. The novice was charming and artistically on stage, immediately won the sympathy of the audience.

Leonid Alekseevich said that the theater in Taganka became his university, he was lucky to watch the play of Vladimir Vysotsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Sergey Parajanov. On this scene, he performed many bright roles. The artist played Horatio in the Shakespeare "Gamlet", Federija in the play "Life of Galilea", Kulchitsky in the "fallen and living". An unforgettable roles were in him and in the production of "Pugachev", "Master and Margarita", "House on the Embankment".

In the 1980s, Yuri Lyubimov was deprived of citizenship under a false pretext - an interview with a foreign press. Anatoly Efros came to the theater on Taganka. Leonid Filatov did not perceive the new leader, participated in his grass, what was heavily sorry. As a result, the actor quit and moved to the "contemporary". He returned to his favorite Taganka in 2 years, in 1987, becoming a popular film actor by that time.


For 10 years, Leonid was filmed in many paintings, but there was no interesting. The situation has changed after the first Soviet film-catastrophe "crew", filmed by Alexander Mitta. Initially, Oleg Dalya was approved for the role of Igor Skvortsov, but he refused. Filatovoy The image of a loving flight engineer who risked life for the sake of saving passengers of the airliner, brought not only popularity, but also dozens of proposals from directors.

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The bright project of the rearrangement era was the tragicomedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Forgotten melody for flute". Filatov starred as an official from the fictional control of free time, which chooses between the career and his beloved woman in the face of Tatiana Dogileva.

Another extraordinary, absurd phantasmagoria with the participation of Leonid - "Zero City" Karena Shakhnazarov. The picture in which, besides him, Oleg Basilashvili, Vladimir Menshov and Evgeny Evstigneev, was used, awarded the prizes of America's film films, Spain, San Marino.

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In 1991, Leonid Filatov played a bureaucrat in the Social Drama "Sukina Children", filmed by them on their own scenario. The film was created in record deadlines - in 24 days. The picture received a prestigious Prize of the Festival "Kinotavr".

During the filming of the "bitch children" of Filatov, he had a stroke on the legs, but continued to work. Crazy pace in which he lived, a few packs of cigarettes per day, the nervous overstrain undermined his health. The latest works of the actor were the roles in the film "Alice and Bukin" and "Charitable Ball".


In 1994, the first grant release was released on the screens. "To remember. The project was created to tell the audience about talented, but undeservedly forgotten actors. The transfer has become one of the most significant undertakings for Leonid Filatov.

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He led "To remember" 10 years, frankly and sadly telling the audience about the untimely emerged and unfortunately forgotten heroes of their time. Filatov released more than 100 copyright programs that were considered atypical for television of that time. His work was marked by the State Prize in the field of art.

Literary activity

In the 60s Leonid in collaboration with the actor and writer, Vladimir Kachan wrote songs, after 30 years, the plate "Orange Cat" came out. The first fairy tale "About Fedota-Sagittarius, deleted, well done" Leonid Filatov wrote in 1985. After 2 years, it was published a junior magazine.

Quotes from this essay, which became a sample of acute satire and demonstrated the author's wit, and now describe, characterize events in politics, economics, cultural and social life of the country. In 2008, the "Tale" became a cartoon. Chulpan Hamatova, Alexander Revva, Sergey Bezrukov, Victor Sukhorukov, participated in the heroes voicing.

Further, the comedy "Love for Three Oranges" was published, which turned into a terrific radio spectrum, the ironic fantasy "Great Love Robin Guda", in something the biographical essay "I am a man's man", looks at the works of Aristophan Lisitratrate.

The tragifars "Dangerous, dangerous, very dangerous" was written on the reasons of the famous novel Skoderlo de Laklo "Dangerous connections", and the plot of "Cinderella before and after" echoes the fairy tale of Charles Perro. Filatovskaya "Muha-Cocotuha" - parody, inspired by the works of Chukovsky. "The new December, or the stories of the Plague city" - fantasies, born under the influence of the poems of the Italian poet and the Humanist of the Renaissance of Giovanni Brokeccho.

In the 90s, when the health of the actor was seriously shaken, the filadies devoted more time to literature - wrote poems, plays, parodies. His works are combined into a collection "Respect good luck." In the book "Theater Leonid Filatov" entered several plays. The literary talent of the artist is marked by the international premium "Poetry". But Filatov somehow confessed that "the disease has a property to cut out friends," even if you have succeeded in a literary field.

Personal life

Leonid Filatov was married twice. With the first spouse Lidia Savchenko, he met at the beginning of the 70s, soon they got married. In the family, everything was fine, while Filatov fell in love with the actress Nina Shazkaya, Wife Valery Zolotukhina. For three years, colleagues secretly watched each other, and then a passionate novel began. Nina and Leonid hidden relationships for 12 years. Not once, the lovers parted, but for a short time - they were uncontrollably pulled each other.

The divorce of both was painful. Leonid Filatov left the family, leaving Lydia an apartment. Only with Nina Shatsk, he gained real happiness. There were no joint children from the couple, but the actor belonged to the son of his wife from the first marriage as his own, advised to enter VGIK to the director and paid his studies.

Perhaps, Leonid Alekseyevich would have called grandchildren, since Denis Zolotukhin wanted to take the schoochidam name, but later changed his mind, called this decision to the sin of youth, betrayal and asked for forgiveness from his native father.

Valery and Leonid remained, according to Denis, irreconcilable enemies. If the first did the steps towards meeting, then the second did not strive to understand. Steyoka Filatova became a priest, at the 1st year of the spiritual seminary in violation of the charter, made a personal life (it was not allowed to do this before the 4th course) - married Waitress Alla, brings up the daughters of Tatiana, Olga and Maria and Alexey's son.


The actor recovered from the stroke and the kidney transplantation, joked, laughed, resided in a good spirit. Nina Shatza seemed that Leonid Filatov went on amendment. But he was cold and run. Doctors diagnosed bilateral inflammation of the lungs, which eventually became the cause of death: for a weakened organism, any infection could turn into serious consequences.

Ten days doctors fought for the life of Leonid Alekseevich. All this time of the Filatov was in a state of medication sleep. The miracle did not happen - on October 26, 2003, the actor did not. He was buried at the Vagankov cemetery in Moscow.

In 2006, a monument was established on the grave, created by the sketch of the widow. A part of the money was given to him, the part was gathered at the charitable evening of the memory of the artist, on which archival photos, footage from films were shown, verses written by filatov. Loves of the public are immortalized in the form of Horatio, a character from the "Hamlet".


  • 1978 - "Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov"
  • 1979 - "Crew"
  • 1980 - "Who will pay for good luck"
  • 1981 - "Women are joking seriously"
  • 1981 - "From the evening to noon"
  • 1983 - "From the life of the criminal investigation department"
  • 1983 - "Confession of his wife"
  • 1983 - "Partners"
  • 1984 - "European History"
  • 1985 - "Shores in the fog ..."
  • 1987 - "Forgotten Melody for Flute"
  • 1988 - "About Fedota-Sagittarius, Deleted Well done"
  • 1988 - "Joy Earth"
  • 1989 - "Zero City"
  • 1993 - "Charity Ball"


  • 1990 - "About Fedota-Sagittarius, Deleted Well done"
  • 1992 - "Sukina Children"
  • 1992 - "Big Love Robin Hood"
  • 1999 - "Poems. Songs. Parodies. Fairy tales. Pieces. Film "
  • 1999 - "No Juice without Good"
  • 1999 - "Love for three oranges"
  • 2000 - "And the year as a day"
  • 2000 - "Lysistrata. Pieces, songs and priesses, parodies, poems »
  • 2001 - "I am a man theatrical. Comedy and Tragifars »

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