Kirill Nagiyev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Son Dmitry Nagieva. With such a "label", it is certainly not easy not only in everyday life, and numerous interviews Kirill Nagiyev, in which he talked about childhood, that confirmation. The heir of the film and televiser has repeatedly proved that he is an independent creative unit and does not force his father to blush for him. True, there is a difference between the eldest and younger: Kirill is still not used to the mad rhythm of the life of Dmitry, which "trains do not have time."

Childhood and youth

Kirill Nagiyev was born in August 1989 in St. Petersburg under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin. At the time of his appearance, Mama Alla Selishchev was not yet a cult radio broadcasting Cher, and Papa Dmitry Nagiyev studied at the 3rd year of the Leningrad State Institute of the Cherkasov Theater. Cyril is lucky to grow in the family creative and bright, where each of the parents was a strong personality and a potential star.

Fame came to the father of Kirill, when the boy studied in the middle class schools. As Nagiyev-Jr. recalls now, Papine popularity was a heavy cross for him. Crowds of persistent fans and the question of classmates about what the next transfer of the "windows" will end, which Dmitry was done - this is a hundredth share of the unpleasant moments that have crumbled children's and youthful years of Kirill.

It cannot be said that Kirill Nagiyev since childhood dreamed of becoming an actor. Grandfather and grandmother, mother parents were greatly influenced on the guy. Grandfather was interested in the grandson of Istria and sowed in it the idea to learn at the archaeologist. And grandmother infected the desire to become a surgeon. The decision to go in the footsteps of the artist's father came to Nagiyev-younger at the last moment.

At the end of the school in 2007, the 18-year-old Nagiyev Jr. went to Moscow and entered the MCAT Studio School, where Kozak and Dmitry Brusnikna came to the Roman's course. But he studied in the capital only 2 years. When Roman Efimovich moved away from the case, Cyril simply put out the institute without explaining the reasons. Well at least suggested to translate into the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art. A young man returned to his hometown and continued his studies, and in 2011 he received a diploma of higher education.


Cinematic biography Kirill Nagiyeva began early. He was still a schoolboy, he starred in the episode of the series "Caution, asshole!", In which the main role was performed by his father. In the 2000s, Kirill Nagiyev continued to be filmed mainly in the series.

If not loud thank glory, then the recognition to Kirill Nagiyev came in 2012, after entering the screens of the criminal tape "Brigade: Heir". The actor played Philip, a close friend of Ivan Belov, the son of the legendary Sasha White.

Next, in the filmography of Nagiyev, the junities, projects were followed, which can no longer be called passing or poorly spare. He appeared in the paintings of the "trap", "Anechka" and "territory of Ja". In 2015, the film "Prince Siberia" came out on the screens. This comedy tape was broadcast on the CTC channel. The plot unfolded in the beloved city of Kirill St. Petersburg and in the outback.

According to Nagiyev, Jr., with Vlad, whom he played, he has nothing in common. This is a gigolo, dishonest and concerned exclusively by money. But it is always interesting to play a negative character. Yes, and the audience are so remembered better. In the same period of 2015, another film was released on the screens, in which the son of Dmitry Nagiyev was involved. This is a criminal diamatic mini-series "Spaniard".

In the Drama "Hammer", Kirill, together with Sergey Chirkov and Ivan Vasilyev, starred in the role of the friends of the main character, a fighter of mixed martial arts, for which every fight can become the latter.

Personal life

Kirill always has an example of a father who lives on a full coil, "with such energy and self-dedication that you can connect the wires and illuminate the palate of the villages." Son tries to keep up:

"Now I am shooting a lot, and I started running in the morning, I go to the mountains, I play football and rehearsing with the music group - I play the bass guitar and sing. And I happen three months in a row without weekends at all! ".

In the list of interests of the actor also hockey, freeride (a kind of snowboard), mountain skiing. Nagiyev, the younger would be happy to play in the theater, but the amount that is paid there, considers humiliating, because in the intervals between shooting in the cinema earns a living by DJing. The press wrote that a young man develops his own business in Karelia called Glamping. This is a new tourist holiday format for those who are accustomed to urban comfort.

Kirill is growing above Dmitry on the head (186 cm against 173 cm), but retained the external similarity, also decorated the body with tattoos and does not like secular parties and other manifestation of publicity. Therefore, the personal life of a young man whose career is developing rapidly, interests journalists.

It was rumored that he had fun in the company Alyona Doletskaya. A man who starred on a yacht in the company of the former editor-in-chief of Vogue Russia and Interview Russia was calculated just on the tattoo on the back and shoulder.

From social networks it is known that Kirill is not married, but not free. His girl Julia Melnikova - the former GO-GO dancer was also born in St. Petersburg. It is a graduate graphic designer and works in the specialty.

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The media found out that the lovers met in 2010, after 5 years began to live together, and the first photo of the elects appeared in the "Instagram" of the artist only in 2018. Kirill and Julia have a lot in common. They both adore dogs and hold two Staffordshire Terriers in the house. Julia loves snowboard and with understanding refers to frequent tours of Nagiyev-Jr.. Friends note the similarity of the girl with the mother of Alisa Cher. Choosing a son, they say, approved the famous dad.

There is children about whether the couple is reliably unknown, although Dmitry Nagiyev in a conversation with a representative of the NTV channel hinted that he had already become grandfather.

Kirill Nagiyev now

In 2019, Kirill completed shooting in the "Holop" picture, in which the aristocrat of the late 19th century played. The protagonist of the film is the son of the oligarch, the efforts of the Father who did not get to prison, but not wanting to change the careless lifestyle.

The company Nagiyev-Ying in the Thriller "Text" was a representative of another creative family Ivan Yankovsky. I was filmed by the Cold Calopa Creator Klim Shipenko, Christina Asmus and Alexander Petrov also participate in the acting ensemble.

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In the director's chair Maratrama "Marathon of Desires" - clipmerecer, composer and singer Daria Charusha, the collaborator of the scenario was the former Cavensk Alexander Gudkov. Aglai Tarasova here is the main role of a girl stuck at the airport, which hero Kirill Nagieva takes the last ticket.

Comedy project "Save Kolya!" Again, breathed on one site of the father and son. Dmitry plays a loving father of an adult daughter, arranging cruel tests to applicants on her hand and heart. Cyril got the role of the second plan.


  • 2008 - "Traffic police, etc."
  • 2009 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2009 - "Merchant"
  • 2009 - "Russian Cross"
  • 2010 - "Capital of Sin"
  • 2011 - "New Dress Queen"
  • 2011 - "Run"
  • 2012 - "Brigade: Heir"
  • 2013 - "Anya"
  • 2014 - "Territory of Ja"
  • 2014 - Prince Siberia
  • 2014 - "Spaniard"
  • 2014 - "Forgive me, Mom"
  • 2016 - "Hammer"
  • 2019 - "Hop"

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