Lyudmila Chursin - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, movies, in youth, age 2021



Ice Queen. Improved intelligence. Impossible beauty. In these characteristics, they gave to Lyudmila Chursin, supported by numerous photos, there is not a word of untrue, with the exception of Lyudmila Alekseevna not at all "Ice", but an open and sociable person. The terms like the "legend" and "star" it does not take at all, considering their superficial.

Childhood and youth

According to the official version, the future star of Soviet cinema Lyudmila Alekseevna Chursina was born in Dushanbe (then Stalinabad). The unofficial sources say that the GeniseFe Ivanovna Chursina has happened in the train, when in June 1941, the family was evacuated from the city of Great Lukes of the Pskov region to Stalinabad. And the place of appearance of the future actress became the village of Gruzdovo, which is in the Pskov region. But to register the birth of a child only at arrival in Tajikistan.

The family went through the country for a long time, which was associated with the work of the Father. Alexey Chursin is a personnel officer. In Stalinabad, Chursins survived the War years, and then went on the road again. Polar, Chukotka, Kamchatka, Caucasus - they lived everywhere. For a while, the family stopped in Georgia. In Tbilisi, Lyudmila went to school. The girl quickly learned the tongue and local culture, gladly sang Georgian songs. The school studied well, preference gave to accurate sciences, especially physics and geometry.

Starting from the 7th class, Lyudmila studied in the Great Luki, where parents lived before the war. The actress graduated from school, and with a gold medal, and was going to get a higher education in one of the technical universities. As an option was considered the Aviation Institute. About the creative path and did not think, and even the complex for the high (177 cm) for a woman of growth. Although in the youth dreamed professionally singing.

Everything decided his majesty. Instead of attributing the documents to the scheduled university, Lyudmila Chursina for the company with a friend was served in theatrical. And not in one, but at once in three. It is noteworthy that the girl accepted in everything - Vgik, Gitis and Schukinskoye. Last Luda chose. But the girlfriend was not lucky - she failed exams.

While the teacher and actor Vladimir Etush, and the actor Vladimir Etush, were carried away, so much that he was going to throw his wife and young daughter. But the management of the school intervened, putting it before choosing: either a novel with a student or a career. The man chose a profession and family. Later he admitted that he was fighting, but he did not regret the novel with the "Russian Beauty".

In 1963, Lyudmila received the Diploma of the Theater School named after Boris Schukin.


At the end of the university, Chursin entered the service at the Theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov. In the troupe, she was invited by the artistic director of Ruben Simonov. On this stage, a beginner actress and debuted - first in the extract of the play "Princess Turandot", then in a small role in the "Russian Forest". But soon, Lyudmila has already offered more significant roles. In the play "Richard III", the actress appeared in the image of Lady Anna.

Mikhail Ulyanov and Mikhail Astangs were partners in the scene - already famous artists. In the theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov Lyudmila was detained for 3 years. For some time she gave exclusively movies. In 1974, Chursina returned to the theater again, combining shooting in new films and work on the stage. Then Lyudmila Alekseevna served in the Leningrad Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin (Alexandrinsky), where he performed for 10 years.

In 1984, the artist moved to Moscow. In the theater of the Soviet Army, she was offered a role that Lyudmila Chursin dreams for many years. For the sake of Nastasya Filippovna from Idiota, she was ready to change the theater and the city. About the actress made did not regret. The work in the way was exhausting, but extremely fascinating. Transfer the controversial character of the heroine, as if embodied all the existing vices and virtues, and at the same time be natural - Titanic work.

Lyudmila Alekseevna coped with this difficult task. Each time Nastasya Filippovna was different in the presentation of Chursin. Each time something was added and transformed in this image, causing the empathy of viewers and the strongest emotions from what he saw. Other images followed by the heroine of the novel of Dostoevsky: Baroness Stand from Maskarada Mikhail Lermontov and Ernestina Tyutchev in the formulation of "farewell light". Characters who have got actress have always been complex and multidimensional.

To play them, bother in the proposed images, Lyudmila Chursina had to spend many soul forces. But the result was obtained by storm. Now the artist continues to play the scene of the theater of the Russian army. Theatrians were in admiration from her heroine Yves from "God, King's King" on the work of Somerset Moem. This performance of Leonid Heifitsa was kept in the repertoire of the theater not one ten years, but each statement was accompanied by the full hall of the audience.

Chursina could also be seen in the formulation of a "duet for soloist", where she played the world-famous violinist Stephanie Abrahams, chained to a wheelchair. The entire spectacle of the heroine is sitting in the Psychoanalyst office, with whom he has been conversation. Make a monotonous play breathtaking so that the audiences are in suspense, this task was ranked only for a talented actress - such as Lyudmila Chursin.

Lyudmila Chursin and Alena Vodonaeva (similarity)

The work of Lyudmila Alekseevna in the projects "Empress" and Paul I "is worthy of attention. Here are the heroines of women majestic and royal. Ekaterina II and Empress Maria Fedorovna in the performance of the artist looked naturally, because aristocracy is a congenital trait of the Chursina itself.

The play "The game on the keys of the Soul" was put by Alexander Burdona specially "under Chursin". The actress played the role of the famous pianist, who after the death of the son became a closer. Once a unfamiliar girl came to take her lessons and told the main heroine about the deceased young man much more than what Mother knew. And the feeling of guilt was added to the loss pain, and then hate to everything that his son took her understanding.

Now the actress is occupied in the performances "Game on the keys of the Soul", "Elinor and her men", "this madman Platonov" and "Autumn Story".


Since the 1960s, Lyudmila Chursina began to appear on the screens. It cannot be said that from the very first films an incredible success was collapsed. In 1968, a movie came from 4 films "Shield and Sword" came out. Lyudmila Chursina appeared in the 1st episode "without the right to be ourselves" as a Freylene-Efreitor.

Nevertheless, Ludmila Alekseevna turned out to be one of the youngest actors who received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. It happened in 1981, when she was 40 years old. But before that, the actress had to play a lot of roles. She made his debut in the tape "When the trees were big" in 1961.

The young actress did not upset that the role had been tiny. The main thing is that she was able to appear on the screen in the film, where the real stars were filmed, such as Vasily Shukshin and Yuri Nikulin.

But the first serious role went to Lyudmila Alekseevna in the film "Donskaya Tale". Her heroine Daria had a strong character and sultry temper. According to the script, she is the unprecedented wife of the Red Armyman Shibalko, who played Evgeny Leonov. In the performance of Chursina Daria, it turned out such as the director was found: bright and memorable. After accessing the ribbons, the actress covered the wave of popularity.

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And then there were the main roles in the paintings that rightfully occupy a place in the Gold Fund of Soviet Cinema: "Virinia", anfisa in the "Ugryum-River", "Zhuravushka", "Olesya". In the historical drama "Love Yarovaya" partner, the actress was Vasily Lanova - a beautiful couple of young people caused sincere admiration of the audience.

For these projects, the artist received the first awards and titles. The film "Zhuravushka" brought her international glory and Grand Prix at the Film Festival in San Sebastian. Lyudmila Chursina prize was awarded Audrey Hepburn herself.

Lyudmila Alekseevna Chursina struck the Western spectator so that he had received invitations to Hollywood. She was offered a contract for 3 years and work in 15 films. An obstacle to the "Dream factory" turned out to be ignorance of the language and the unwillingness of the authorities to let the star of the communist power in the cradle of the "bourgeois cinema".

In 1981, appeared in a swimsuit in the drama "on the pomegranate islands". The actress reincarnated in Catlen Gaby, a French journalist. Its partners in the court became Cyril Lavrov, Alexander Soloviev and Vladimir Sedov.

Attention to the artist turned out to be more than stronger. For work in the film "Dossier on a Man in Mercedes", Chursina was presented by the KGB award. In 2002, a slab with the hands of Lyudmila Alekseevna appeared on the "Alley of Glory" in the capital.

In 2008, the premiere of the comedy "Anniversary" took place, where the actress played Anna Sergeyevna Granovskaya, who came from abroad to note with the daughter and son of a significant date. Adult children get a surprise from mother for Christmas in the form of truth about their fathers.

Lyudmila Chursina and Vasily Lanova in the film

In the XXI century, the actress in priority live communication from the theater scene, but also in the movie she is sometimes removed. The star of the screen played the main roles in the serials "Goryachev and others", "House on the English embankment", "Margosha" and "Interns".

In the military drama "Fights" appeared in the image of Soviet intelligence officers, the first in the world who served to the title of colonel. In the youth TV series "Closed School" played disguised Nazi, employee of the secret laboratory.

Then the actress filmography was replenished with a comedy "to death beautiful", the Biographical Ribbon "Orlova and Alexandrov", Sitkom "Two Father and two Sons". She also participated in the program "Wife. Love story".

In 2015, the transfer with Julia, the little "alone with all" Chursina again confirmed that the image of a strong woman reflects its real character. According to Lyudmila Alekseevna, "Seryost is interested in anyone, and the best defense is an attack."

In an interview from 2012 to the question of a journalist about how the actress is proud of the most, the one replied: "By what is still alive!"

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In 2016, Chursin became the heroine of the "Perfect Repair" program. Designers had a difficult task - the actress prefers the classics and a minimum of details. Especially for a one-room apartment developed furniture with a special coating according to an individual sketch. The only room has turned into a bedroom-living room, designers increased the area of ​​the room by attaching the balcony.

In the same year, the actress was invited to the transfer of "my hero." In an interview with Tatiana Ustinova Lyudmila Alekseevna spoke about his hard path to glory, on which Chursin was accompanied not only difficulties in the profession, but also tragedies in personal life.

In the multi-metering criminal tape "Pure Moscow murders", published on the screens in 2017, Lyudmila Alekseevna appeared in the form of a harsh businesswoman with a tough grip that built his own empire. And the heroine of Chursina would have won on the laurels if she accidentally did not witness the crime.

A strong character did not allow to stay aside, and the police, in her opinion, would soon find a criminal. A woman turns into Miss Marple XXI century and meets a like-minded person in the face of Sergey Belyaeva. In 2019, the 2nd season of the series was released.

In 2017, Lyudmila Chursina appeared in the program "The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. The actress told that he was on the hair several times from death, told about husbands and about the fact that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Nikita Mikhalkov were cared for her.

The plot of the detective "Fishing Devil" is tied to the mysterious events that stretch for the picture of the Dutch artist for five centuries. It is believed that people like the characters depicted on the canvas are not dying with their death. The new owner of the masterpiece does not believe in the legend. In the film, in addition to Ludmila Chursina, Kirill Zhanndarov and Boris Khorushensky are involved. Polina Tolstuni was played by Polina, which, which was supported by Alice Freindlich's succession on the BDT scene named after G. Tovstonogov. The screening of the mystical novel Victoria Platova was presented to the court of spectators in 2018.

In the piggy bank, there is already a film about the works of painting - Based on the real events of the Thriller Renata Davletyarov "Pure Art", in which it appeared as art historian. The script of tapes about the fake paintings of Russian artists sold on world auctions was written by Journalist The Sunday Times Mark Francet, who has long been living in Russia.

At the end of 2018, the premiere of the film Olga Saturday "Alien Blood" took place. The audiences know the director for the projects of the "Capital of Sin" and "about anyFF", the latter is removed on the book of the secular diva Oksana Roby. In Melodrama, Lyudmila Chursina performed the role of grandmother of the main character.

The actress received a leading role in the picture "Miraculous", talking about the image of the Mother of God, kidnapped in the XVII century from the house of Morozovye industrialists. Icon miraculously appears in the XX century in the family of old-handers living in the Siberian wilderness.

Personal life

With the first husband, Vladimir Fetin Actress met when he played in the film "Don Tale". He was a painting director. Together, the spouses lived 17 years old, but in 1981 divorced. It is known that Vladimir Fetin had addiction to alcohol. Lyudmila Chursina fought for her husband for a long time, but at one moment the patience was dried.

It seemed that personal life was improved in 1983, when she met Oceanologist Vladimir Petrovsky. But family idyll lasted at all long. After 2 years, the spouses broke up.

The third spouse Lyudmila Alekseevna, the Son of the Secretary General Yuri Andropova Igor, was a diplomat. Together they lived from 1987 to 1991, and then divorced.

As the actress explained, they met people who were already able to change the habits and lifestyles late. And the freedom-loving character of Chursin did not have a quiet family life. Some preferences did not receive from high-ranking relatives actress, left the family with one suitcase. Chursina generally believes that the way the human biography will arise, depends on him itself, from how much soul and forces are invested. "The character is laid under 7 years old on the example of others. Therefore, it is important whether the child will receive such upbringing to understand that all his life must be improved, watch, try. "

Lyudmila Alekseevna has no children. As she says, at first their birth was postponed due to the lack of housing, then the appearance of a child was prevented by work. But the actress is not alone, she has relatives: Alexey's nephew, his wife and their children are cousins.

Artist carefully refers to his health. She carefully monitors and prefers prevention: drinking herbs, engaged in sports, takes vitamins, eats little and drinks purified water.

If possible, Chursin goes to the massage and imposes on the face of the mask. Plastic In practice, the actress was also - she corrected a little hung with age of eyelids. Lyudmila Alekseevna does not perceive diet, there has never been any problems with overweight.

Artist has no account in "Instagram", her photo lay out fans.

Lyudmila Chursina now

In the comedy "Save Kolya!" With Dmitry Nagiyev, the actress played a relative of the brave military commissar. The premiere of the film took place in February 2021.

Lyudmila Chursina is engaged in the filming of the series "Miraculous".


  • 1961 - "When the trees were big"
  • 1964 - "Don Tale"
  • 1968 - "Virinia"
  • 1970 - "Summer Love"
  • 1979 - "Race with persecution"
  • 1985 - "Rus Primary"
  • 1991 - "Countess"
  • 1994 - "Goryachev and others"
  • 2003 - "Other Life"
  • 2006 - "Vaccine"
  • 2007 - "House on the English Embankment"
  • 2008-2010 - Margosha
  • 2011 - "Fights"
  • 2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2013 - "To death beautiful"
  • 2016 - "Pure Art"
  • 2018 - "Fike Devil"
  • 2018 - "So does not happen"
  • 2018 - "Alien Blood"
  • 2019 - "Detective Million"
  • 2019 - "Ghosts of Zamoskvorechye"
  • 2019 - "Happiness is ... Part 2"
  • 2019 - "Pure Moscow Murders-2"
  • 2021 - "Save the Kolya!"

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