Georgy Burkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



The public considered George Borkova by the artist People on the vocation, and not according to the official title. He himself did not regret that he did not receive "crusts", giving the right to be called an actor. Moreover, the jewelry accuracy in this matter considered the beginning of the end."The main in the work of the artist should be his life, his creative behavior, and not skill (I understand this term as a dexterity, the ability to use the theater techniques, words, etc.). Therefore, unprofessionality is the main thing in art, "wrote the genius of the episode in private diaries.

Childhood and youth

Georgy Ivanovich Burkov was born in Perm on May 31, 1933 in the family of ordinary workers. Father George had a very friendly and soft character. The Sr. Burkov worked in an old factory district, which was called Motovilich, first the usual workers, and after some time Ivan Grigorievich was raised to the main mechanic. Maria Sergeyevna Gogolev, the Mother of the Artist, was engaged in the education of the Son, for which he was always the best friend. Besides George, there were no more children in the family.

Burkov barely died in childhood. Six-year-old Georgy traveled with his parents on the ship on the Volga and at the end of the swim fell ill. Doctors diagnosed abdominal typhus. Then it was decided to immediately conduct an operation, but the surgical intervention was unsuccessful. Perm specialists fought for the life of a child, but his condition has deteriorated.

The future actor made six operations, and in the end it was announced that the baby could be saved. However, Mother George Borkova decided to pick up the son home. The boy was treated for a very long time with healing herbs, and finally, this painful disease retreated.

Georgy grew in Perm, loved to go to the theater and read books. After graduating from high school No. 49, successfully passed the exams and was able to enter the Perm State University, at the Faculty of Law. However, love for the theater was strong, so in parallel with the study, the young man decided to sign up in the evening studio of the Perm Dramatic Theater.

Burkova had a kind of speech defect - some inadvertent pronunciation. For this reason, he was filmed four times in the reception of theatrical universities. But the actor as a purposeful person constantly worked on himself, trying if it was not to get rid of him, then at least to decline.


In 1954, Burkova's dream was carried out, the young man became an actor of the Berezniki Drama Theater, and after the work began in the regional theater, then moved to Kemerovo. Once, George said Moscow theater critic, on arrival in Moscow he immediately spoke about the talented actor to the chief director of the Theater named after Stanislavsky Boris Lvov-Anokhin, who contacted Borkovoy and invited himself to audition.

So began a new stage in the creative biography of the brilliant actor self-taught. However, Permyak almost destroyed his career, without going to the metropolitan scene in the debut performance on a banal reason - on the eve of touched with a friend. Lviv-Anokhin gave Georgia the second chance, yes, moreover, he paid him a salary from his own funds, while there was no free bet in the troupe.

In the 1970/1971 season, Burkov played in the "contemporary". When Kryuku Oleg Efremov went to MCAT, the actor returned to the previous place. But the main thing in the theater named after Stanislavsky was the director from the Perm Theater, who did not gave Georgia departure to Moscow. Roles have noticeably dressed. The artist who was afraid of downtime, endured, but then chose to go after the other.

Efremov never found out why Burkov left MCAT in 3 years. According to the stories of the wife of the actor, a certain colleague in front of foreign touring appealed to him asking himself to behave there decently, they say, they were instructed for him before the party leadership. An insulted George, who did not perceive the ideas of the Communist Party, simply quit and until 1987 he performed on the stage of the Pushkin Theater.

"And never the Communists presented the interests of the working class. Never. These are mostly fragments and losers from all layers of Russian society. They destroyed the basis - the peasantry and intelligentsia. Now they can be persuaded, to dismiss to leave the historical scene, but not exterminate, not to pay for the deed. It is not true that these are other people. These are ideological children of those first, demons .... All prerequisites have been created for unhindered access to power - through the party! - Frank fools and criminals. "

In 1988, Georgy Ivanovich became an artistic director in the center of Culture named after Shukshin, dreamed of creating a theater and acting school with it. One of the brightest roles for which he earned the recognition of directors and the love of viewers - a row in the play "Anna". In the Moscow Regional Theater Burkov put "in the country of Liliput" on the works of Jonathan Swift.


For his bright creative life, Georgy Burkov starred in more than 60 films. He played in a wide variety of genres - in comedies, psychological dramas, detectives, ribbons of social orientation. For the first time on the screen, the actor appeared in 1966 in the film "Zosya", playing an episodic role. In the second kinocarthine "Choman", created in the same name of the work of Vasily Shukshina, George managed to embody the image of the main character.

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The first significant role in the artist received in 1967 - it was a comedy "Zigzag Good luck" Eldar Ryazanov. In it, the actor fulfilled the role of alcoholic Petit. After this role, the burkov played in other films Ryazanov. In the comedy "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry", Georgy appeared in the image of a company guy, in the "Garage" film "Garage", "Traitor Motherland" Fetisov, still the actor appeared in the film "Lonely Melody for Flute" and "Sleep the Poor Gusar."

In 1971, the Drama Sergey Solovyov "Egor Bulychev and others" was released on the screens, filmed on the plays of Maxim Gorky about the establishment of Soviet power in the ancient Russian cities. Georgy Burkov was transformed into the character of Alesha. At the same time, Eldar Ryazanov created another comedy "old-robbers", in which the actor got the role of Militizer Fediaeva. The phrase "nonsense, gangster bullet", pronounced by the hero Georgy Ivanovich, became a winged.

One of the best works of the artist had roles in the projects that Vasily Shukshin put his friend. These are the films "Stoves-shop", where he played the "designer" of Victor, and "Kalina Red", in which George became the ruthless killer with the lippall. Burkov brilliantly showed the characters in the dramatic films "Bed" and "Pranma". The tapes went to the screens in the early 70s and immediately won the love of the audience.

In 1974, the director Vasily Ordiny completed the work on the screening of the work of Alexei Tolstoy "Walking on the flour" about the family of intellectuals, whose lives changed the revolution and civil war. The main roles were performed by Irina Alferova, Svetlana Penkina, Yuri Solomin, Mikhail Kozakov. George Burkov appeared in the form of Sergey Sapozhkov.

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In 1975, Georgy Ivanovich received a major role in the Military Epopea Sergey Bondarchuk "they fought for their homeland." The actor reliably handed over the character of the ordinary Alexander Kopytovsky, the participant of the Stalingrad battle. At the end of the 70s, in the film "So began the legend" Burkov played Father Yuri Gagarin.

In the 1980s, thanks to the punching director of Sona Alibekova, in which the actor starred in a lyrical short film "Men and Women", assigned to him the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. And on concert bills wrote folk. In the last years of his life, Georgy Brekov took up the director. In 1987, the master took a comedy called the "Bay" on the script of Nina Semenova and played the main role itself.

Personal life

Burkova's personal life was closely related to creative. Georgy Ivanovich became acquainted with the future wife of Tatiana Ugricova in the theater named after Stanislavsky. There was no love from the first glance between the artists. In the youth of Georgy, a sutured, the thin man of medium height (178 cm), she looked like a librarian and Tatiana had a feeling of pity and maternal tenderness.

In June of the same year, Uharov and Burkov got married. Parents of the girl did not approve of their marriage. George was 32 years old, Tatiana is only 19, and the actor was from the province and without money. At first, spouses had difficulty. For performances, artists received little, but it did not bother family happiness. In 1966, the pair had a daughter of Mary, two more children of Uharov could not bear.

Georgy Ivanovich was an exemplary family man and a faithful husband, never allowed his wife to doubt the feelings. In addition to Tatiana and Mary, there was no one for Burkov. 10 years after his death, Uharov married the former classmate Evgenia.

The widow was published by the Book of the Book "Chronicle of the Heart" by providing it with archival photos. True, my daughter did not like that the mother included the jokes of George, which readers, not knowing all the maritous, will not understand.


In 1990, Georgia Burkovo offered a role in the Kinolent "Covenants". He thoroughly prepared for this work, but in the summer of the same year there was a tragedy. The burkov reached for the book lying on the top shelf of the home library, and fell, breaking the thigh.

Because of the fracture there was a tomb of Tromba. Thrombommbolia caused the death of the actor. Burkovo made an operation, and he even began to recover, but soon the well-being was worse. Unfortunately, the Great Artist failed to save. On July 19, 1990, his heart stopped. The funeral was modestly, in a circle of loved ones.

The grave George Ivanovich is located on the Vagankov cemetery in Moscow. In Perm, in memory of the famous native, a commemorative memorial plaque was installed with his image, the transmissions were released on television from the series "To remember", "how the idols left", "my silver ball".


  • 1968 - Zigzag Good luck
  • 1971 - "Old Rogue"
  • 1974 - "Kalina Red"
  • 1975 - "They fought for their homeland"
  • 1975 - "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry!"
  • 1976 - "Pranma"
  • 1977 - "Service Roman"
  • 1979 - "Garage"
  • 1980 - "Clear the word about the poor hussar.
  • 1984 - "Guest from the Future"
  • 1985 - "Winter Evening in Gagra"
  • 1990 - "Murder of a Witness"

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