Alexander Milocheko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Alexander Milochenko - TV presenter Show "Magazin" on the TV channel "Friday!". For several seasons of this show, which is devoted to the quality of goods and service checks in city markets and in network stores, as well as in the outgoing accessibility points. At the end of the release, the TV presenter summarizes the pros and cons of the outlet and reports to the audience, whether it deserves confidence or not. The film crew travels around the country, covering the checks in the metropolis, tourist and simple provincial cities.

Despite the fact that many Internet portals write about Alexandra Milochenously as a radical Muscovite, in fact he came from Kazakhstan. Sasha was born in a festive May Day day and lived in Astana and Atyrau for a long time. By the way, the milk is its real name, and not a pseudonym at all. Alexander with humor recalls that because of such an unusual last name in school years, there had many nicknames, for example, a kefirchik and even the cream of society.

TV presenter Alexander Milochal

From early childhood, the boy attracted creativity. He always loved poetry very much, and now it is able to read the many poems of gold and silver centuries, as well as modern authors. I did not disregard Sasha and school performances, and concert programs.

Theaters and films

Immediately after graduating from school, Alexander Milochenko went to the capital of Russia and entered the course of acting skills in Gitis. His artistic director was Alexey Sheinin, who examined the young man of a good challenge of the dramatic actor in a young man and invited the Institute of the Russian Theater to the Theater Studio, where he also taught. The most vivid episode on this scene for Milk was part in the formulation of the Bulgakov play "Zoykin Apartment".


But Alexander Milochenly became popular with the viewers only after tied his own creative biography with the TV channel "Friday!". After Furrora, produced by the Verizorro program with Elena Break, which became a thunder of domestic restaurants and hotelians, the channel management "Friday!" It has come to a common opinion: they need a similar project to light service in stores and in the markets of Russia.

The new show received the consonant name "Magazin", and Alexander Milochenko became permanent leading. A young man along with the project team circles city markets and major supermarkets and finds out who from sellers really deserves the attention of buyers, and to whom and at all should not go.

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Since October 2015, the name of Alexander Milochenly gave her rumbling horror on the unfair owners of outlets, as the young man knows how to confidently and competently defend the rights of buyers. As the leading, the main goal assures is to make it so that every employee of the trading industry professionally performed duties entrusted to him and conscientiously approached their work. Watching the transfer with TV presenter, I want to believe that it will succeed.

Today, the Magazino team has already visited more than 20 cities in Russia, reports on these trips, filmed in a fascinating form, the viewer has the opportunity to watch each Saturday on the "Friday" channel.

Personal life

Alexander Milochko is still young, so it has not yet created a family, but the TV host consisted of serious romantic relations with a young girl named Mariam, which, according to social networks, is the graduate of the Institute of Contemporary Art.

Alexander Milocheko and Mariam

In March 2016, information appeared in the media that Alexander is found with the famous Russian figure skater of Adeline Sotnikova. These rumors quickly found confirmation: Alexander Milochenko and Adeline Sotnikov met. But in the summer of the same year, the star couple broke up, and the parting of the TV presenter and athletes was accompanied by a scandal.

An intimate correspondence has emerged in the press, which Alexander led with the model and designer Melik Mirzainanova. According to the TV presenter, this random connection was interrupted before a man seriously began to meet with Adeline. But Malik told about the relationship to journalists, the press swelled the scandal, and the figure skater went, without preparing the stream of negative. Alexander explains the deed of Malika Jealistic and the desire to get black PR.

The TV preset long remained alone. With a new girl, Alexander met on the Black Sea coast, where the film crew came to work. New chief TV host - personality is not media. Alexander Milochaka described the penal whaleter as "a girl in a blue dress." The mysterious stranger lives in the center of Tbilisi.

Alexandra Milocheko and Adelina Sotnikova

In a conversation with journalists, Alexander Milochenously stated that this is not a resort novel, and that it is satisfied with the relationship. But at the beginning of 2017, the press stopped writing about the TV presenter and his girlfriend. Alexander Milochenko began to tell journalists again, which is free, and the TV presenter fans continued to attack his suggestions about the meeting on social networks and in "Instagram".

But Milk quickly disappointed the girls in love. Alexander said it hopes to resume relations with Adeline Centoo. The guy admitted that he had repeatedly spoke Adeline, which could not forget these relationships and misses, but did not reciprocate. But Alexander does not lose hope.

TV presenter's life is not only a love relationship. Alexander is tied to his loved ones - parents, a little sister, as well as grandmother who has invested a lot of strength in the upbringing of her grandson, and today, when the TV presenter lives in Moscow, the grandmother tries to visit a young man as often as possible.

Alexander Milocha

Free time The rising star prefers to spend actively: engaged in a pool shooting of sports and combat weapons, travels around Russia and abroad, one day to visit Antarctica, as loves winter and snow. Another cherished desire by Alexander is to take a parachute jump.

Alexander Milocha now

In 2016, the second season was released on the televised show about the stores and shopping centers. In early February 2017, the film crew "Magazin" began to repeat the fate of "Auditorro", which served as the basis for this show. As well as TV presenter Elena Banya, Alexander Milochenously faced discontent and aggression of owners and workers of verifiable points.

Teleproject conducted a re-checking of outlets in the city of Orle. The film crew went into the Popular Atoll Shopping Center, which did not receive a recommendation sticker a year before. The staff promised to eliminate the shortcomings and fulfilled this promise, the TV presenter praised the institution, when the head of the guard broke and attacked Alexander. The incident fell on video and to the release. As a result, the conflict was allowed, and the shopping center even passed the check.

Alexander Milochenko and Elena Bat

In March, Alexander Milocheko again fell into trouble. The film crew arrived in Tambov, a communal street, to the local indoor market. In the TV presenter department found overdue products, but the director of the point ran away from the film crew. Alexander found the director's office, but the guy twisted the guards. The TV presenter had to call "ambulance", on the road Alexander lost consciousness. Subsequently, the victim was diagnosed by the crank and brain injury, concussion, as well as the break of the ligaments and injury. Alexander Milochenko wrote a statement to the police.

Nevertheless, the dangers did not frighten the TV presenter. In the fall of 2017, the audience saw the third season "Magazin", and Alexander remains the face of the program on the official website.


  • 2015 - "Magazin"
  • 2016 - "Magazin. Season 2 "
  • 2017 - "Magazin. Season 3 "

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