Ia Savvina - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Iia Savvina - Soviet actress, who managed to break well-established stereotypes and become one of the recognized kinodivs of his era. Without acting, fragile beauty with an angelic eye and an inflexible character conquered the public and directors with their abilities. It was called "steel violet", "drop of dew", "northern star", and the magnitude and power of the talent were compared with the inimitable Fainan Ranevskaya.

Childhood and youth

People's Artist of the Soviet Union, the laureate of many premiums, Savvina, was brought up in the family, where the girls ended 4 grade of church school, did not know how to write and read. She was born on March 2, 1936 in Voronezh in the family of the Don Peasants, Russians by nationality. As Mama Vera Ivanovna Kutepov, her daughter was told her, her daughter, so the woman wanted to call her Svetlana. But, thinking that the hair would be darkened with time, she gave her daughter the name of the name, which in Georgian means "violet".

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Mama II went to learn an adult: after Rabafaka entered the medical institute, graduated and was the only doctor for several surrounding villages. Father Savvina knows little. Parents broke up in front of the war. Then the mother got married for the second time for the military. Began endless crossing from place to place.

Frequent crossings did not prevent them from getting a gold medal at school. She wanted to enter Philfak MSU - since childhood he loved literature and dreamed of learning children, but only in Moscow. The girl was late - the reception of medalists on the philfak has already ended, therefore she filed documents at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. At one place at the university, 13 medalists were claimed, Oia passed.

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She studied with pleasure, but did not forget about theatrical passion. Savvina came to the student Theater of Moscow State University. She had no appropriate formation, but the theater became a colossal experience, which was more expensive in his further career.

In 1958, Iia Savvina graduated from Zhurfak and in his youth successfully combined journalism with acting profession. On her account there are many articles about the work of cinema and theater stars and theater - Mikhail Ulyanova, Nina Urgant, Faina Ranevskaya, Love Orlova. And the essay about Sergey Jurassic was recognized by theatrical critics of exemplary.


Her theatrical career began in the years of study in Moscow State University. She played in the formulation of Rolan Bykov "Such Love," but spoke from the stage so quiet that the audience did not hear in the first row. After the performance, the director told her that the artist was needed by the viewer, I also remember this phrase for life.

In 1960, she was invited to the Mossoveta theater. She played on stage with the greatest actors of that time: with the love of Orlova, Fainen Ranevskaya, faith in Maretsky. Her debut in the main role in the play "Nora" was successful. Love Orlova sent a savory basket of flowers. In the Moscow Theater, she also played other bright images: Marmeladov's Sonchka in the Petersburg dreams, Masha in Leningradsky Avenue, Fairry in Strange Mrs. Savage.

In 1977, Oleg Efremov invited the actress to MCAT, where she served for many years. For the first time at the Mhatsky stage, Savvina appeared in the role of Mary Lvovna in the play "Dachniks". Then there were many diverse work. For the production of "Christmas dreams", the actress received a prestigious Prize "Crystal Turandot".


Her career in the movie began with the main role in the film "Lady with a dog". Director Joseph Heifitz was looking for an actress and listened to the recommendation of Alexei Batalov, who saw Savvina in one of the productions of the student theater and was impressed with her game. Milkartine was rated not only in the USSR. It was represented abroad in Cannes, from where the artist brought special services. After showing the film, the performer received an approving letter from Faina Ranevskaya.

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Myself, Sergeevna, with gratitude, recalled the work of the director: Thanks to his tacty and professionalism, the actress was able to lie to the cinema for life. Successful start influenced the development of a creative biography of actresses in the cinema. She noticed directors.

The filmier developed dynamically: Ia Savvina managed to embody a lot of female images on the screen. Her heroines with different fates and characters have always caused a warm response in the hearts of the audience. The repertoire AI Sergeyevna was replenished with works in the movie "Sinnitsa", "call, discover the door", "in the city of C". Special actress considered the role of Asi Klyachina in the film "Asino Happiness" Andrei Konchalovsky.

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The director did not want to take Savvina, said that he needed a rustic girl. Yes, and I myself doubted that she would get to play with simple people, because most performers were villagers and collective farm workers. The shooting ended in 1967, but 20 years the film lay on the shelves.

In the 60-70s, Savvina had many classic roles. She starred in the film "Lika - Big Love Chekhov," where he played the sister of the writer. The plot tells about the history of the creation of the famous Piece "Seagull". In 1973, the series "The investigation is conducted by experts" came to the screens, where Savvina played Maya Baghrov.

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It was no less convincing in the role of a surgeon traumatologist in the picture "Every day of Dr. Kalinika". In 1975 she had the main role in the film "Diary of the School Director". Later Savvina appeared in the Drama "Alien", where he played a pair with George Zhrynov. But most of the Soviet spectators, the artist was remembered by the role of director Eldar Ryazanov's filmcoming "Garage". She played Lidia Anikeev, Deputy Chairman of the Garage Cooperative, in the hands of which all power is concentrated.

The film, which was starred by Leia Ahacedzhakov, Svetlana Nevolyaeva, Valentin Gaft, Georgy Burkov, Vyacheslav innocent, looked at almost 30 million Soviet spectators. The director himself with delight responded to the work of AI Savvina. She became one of the few actors that managed to quickly adapt to the unusual shooting technique - at once three cameras from different angles.

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In the 80s in the work of Savvina, she was a decline - her filmography was replenished with only 9 paintings. Nevertheless, the artist managed to distinguish between the main role in the drama of late love "Stretched, have been running out, charm ...", where Oleg Efremov delivered her partner. In 1987, she appeared in the main cast of the film Pavel Chukhraya "Remember me such."

In the 1990s and the 2000 actress continued to be filmed, but among her roles there were no main, more episodes or roles of the second plan. In 2003, the audience saw Savvin Savvin in the avant-garde drama Kirill Serebrennikov "bed scenes", where she played the mother of one of the main characters. The latest works of actress were the roles in the pictures "Do you hear me?", "Listening to silence", "place under the sun" and "List of the Russian Federation".

Personal life

Her first husband is a geologist's scientist Vsevolod Shestakov, Head of the Department of Geology. The couple met when she was a student MSU. Both were in love with the student theater, they rehearsed together. Vsevolod was listed on a good account in the team. The directions of performances were listened to his advice.

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After rehearsals, all the composition gathered at the apartment at Shestakov on Frunzen Embankment. Father Vsevolod served in the government, occupying an important post. There were always many guests in their house. A few years after the familiarity of the young played a wedding.

The trouble came, from where she was not waiting. Son Son Sergey was born with a diagnosis of Down syndrome. Doctors offered parents to put a patient boy in a special number - the actress categorically refused. Since 1958, she combined the care of the seals with the shooting. I prepared the son of dietary food, drove into doctors, made massages. Help her mother-in-law, which for the sake of his grandchildly left the job.

There were no families with Vsevolod for a long time, but for the sake of the Son and the Savrov, Savvina lived with him for 16 years. Sergey Ros, he studied well, after school graduated from the university and worked as a translator. He began to write still life - his personal exhibition took place in Moscow.

Despite the fact that the actress paid a lot of attention to the upbringing and development of the Son, her personal life was not standing in place. Shortly after the divorce, AI Sergeyevna began relations with the director Peter Shatte, who turned out to be under her for 11 years. The novel lasted for a long time: the matte was carried away by another passion. In 1979, she became acquainted with actor Anatoly Vasilyev.

The first meeting of artists took place during a tourist trip to Solovetsky Islands. It turned out that Anatoly and Ia nourish a passion for fishing. During vacation, they almost did not part, and in Moscow they continued to meet. Soon Vasilyev became a full member of the family of the actress.

Later, the actors bought a house in the town of Dorofeevo, where they spent their free time in solitude. They lived in a civil marriage for almost 30 years and officially signed two weeks before the death of the actress. Her husband was the guardian of Sergei Shestakov, when Iia Savvina died. Later, a man confessed that his spouse was afraid to have children, as she assumed that other kids would suffer like a paradise that Sergey. The woman did not give Vasilyev heirs.


In 2008, doctors diagnosed Melanoma in Savvina. The tumor was removed from chemotherapy she refused. In 2011, the actress had a stroke. She was operated on, but another trouble happened - oncology began to progress, metastasis appeared.

In July 2011, an accident occurred on the road Yaroslavl-Vladimir, in which two passengers were injured: one of them was Savvina. The accident provoked a complication of the actress's disease, which was the cause of her death. August 27 of the same year it did not.

Civilian Panihid took place in Mkate, during the funeral of the coffin with the body of the screen of the screen ended under the applause of those present. The grave of AI Sergeyevna is located at the Novodevichy Cemetery, next to the burial site Evgenia Evstigneev, Oleg Borisov and Evgenia Leonov.


  • 1960 - "Lady with a dog"
  • 1967 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 1967 - "Asino happiness"
  • 1968 - "served two comrades"
  • 1973 - "Every day Dr. Kalinikova"
  • 1976 - "Ask yourself"
  • 1977 - "Missing feelings"
  • 1979 - "Garage"
  • 1980 - "Find me"
  • 1987 - "Remember me such"
  • 1991 - "Plot for two stories"
  • 2003 - "Hello, Capital!"
  • 2003 - "Bedding scenes"
  • 2004 - "Place under the Sun"

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