Alexey Likhnitsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Comedy Club 2021



Alexey Likhnitsky - humorist, showman, former resident "Comedy Club". His career began with participation in KVN games, then continued on the TNT channel. Alexey, together with another participant in the creative duet, Roman Yunusov took his own niche in the Russian show business. Artists and today are toured a lot and appear on television.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born in 1981 in Vladikavkaz in an intelligent family. His parents were interested in art. Uncle's great influence on the boy was a professional musician Viktor Kuznetsov, the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, the head of the Nizhny Novgorod orchestra of folk instruments.

From early childhood, parents directed the Son in the creative direction. Lesha studied at the Saxophone's music school, was a member of the school orchestra, was engaged in dancing. At one time, Likhnitsky dreamed of becoming a pop musician, another desire was a veterinarian profession.

Since the young man went well in high school and received excellent knowledge on natural sciences, he decides to do certainly in the capital's university. In Moscow, Alexey Likhnitsky's choice fell on the ecological faculty of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, which he graduated, having received a diploma of agronomist. In this university, the guy met the future partner Roman Yunusov. This meeting identified the further creative biography of future humorists.

In student years, the young man worked in a variety of areas, for example, was a tanker and a security guard. And his free time, the guy dedicated to the student team KVN. From there, a reverent attitude toward the artist's profession, which for Lichnitsky eventually became the main thing. After the appearance in the student league, the young man paid attention to the Moscow team of the Higher League "Rosnou", with which he spoke on the main stage of the club fun and resourceful. From KVN, Alexey stepped into a new television project.

Television and radio

In 2003, Showman Garik Martirosyan invited Alexei Likhnitsky well-known to him in the casting of a new TV show. Listening to Alexey went without difficulty and became a resident then no one else is a well-known Comedy Club show. For the speech in the framework of the project, Likhnitsky needed a partner. For a few days, he considered a lot of candidates, but as a result, she accidentally ran into familiar from the student times by Roman Yunusov.

So the duet of Zaitsev's sisters was born, which had just incredible success and contributed to the mad popularity of "Comedy Club" on the expanses of Russia and the CIS. High (Growth of Alexey - 185 cm) and large buildings The actors literally exploded the hall already the first joke. The name itself was invented by chance, before the first yield of a creative duet on the stage. Then the scenic name of Alexei Likhnitsky - Tatiana appeared.

The most famous numbers performed by the duet are those in which the actors depict the leading news Tatiana and a special correspondent of the novel. These miniatures of Lichnitsky and Yunusov were shown for 5 years, but then decided to refuse them. During the career on the TNT channel, the duet participants "Sisters Zaitseva" not only appeared in the "Comedy Club" ether, but also toured a lot around the country. It happened, in a month they gave 20 concerts with Anchelas.

In addition to Comedy Club, Alexey Likhnitsky, together with the novel, Yunusov led the morning show on the radio "Maximum". In addition, the duo has created a humorous project "The Destroyers of Proverbs", in which, by analogy with the American scientific-popular program, the "Destroyers of Legends" argued or, on the contrary, showed the absurdity of folk winged expressions. The transmission was filled with many interviews and interesting reports and contained the traditional for comedians unpredictable humor.

In February 2016, Roman Yunusov and Alexey Lichnitsky became leading new entertainment show "Moscow Region". This program is a fun party that the stars of Russian culture, sports and other industries are going to and, crashing for teams, participate in games and competitions. The showman Ivan Urgant became the producer of the show and the main star of the first release. The show was broadcast throughout the year in the first channel.

Movies and music

Alexey Likhnitsky's creative interests are not limited to humorous sketches and scenes. In 2013, he tried himself as a film actor and starred in the film "What men are creating", which, naturally, refers to the comedy genre.

The view about the picture was divided into two opposing camps: if the film critics left predominantly negative feedback, the audience gladly walked to look at the Filiar Acting, where, in addition to Likhnitsky, they entered Dmitry Nagiyev, Roman Yenusov and Tair Mammadov. According to the results of the cash charges, "what men are creating" became the leader of the rental.

In 2014, Showman participated in the voicing of the Russian fantasy cartoon film "The Snow Queen - 2: Rebarozka". Also, in the late 2000s, Alexey remembered his children's passion for music and began to professionally act as a DJ. He regularly touring in Russia and becomes a nail of the program in the most prestigious nightclubs.

Its track list includes remixes on the famous compositions of other performers and their own essays. From a musical point of view, Likhnitsky prefers such directions as Progressive and Techno. By tradition, on his speeches, it is often possible to witness the scenes in Stand Up style.

Personal life

With the future wife of Olga, a humorist met in Moscow. They entered one youth party, and initially both each other did not really like it. Young people constantly "poded" each other, as the artist says in one of the interviews, joked in a fairly tough form. But then on one of the parties they got close to and since then inseparable.

Alexey Likhnitsky and his wife Olga

Likhnitsky takes care of its households, so it does not advertise a personal life. Photos His spouses will not meet in the official account of the humorist in the "Instagram". Alexey and Olga brought up Timothy's son. There are no other children from the marriage couple. The showman family lives in Moscow, and dad and son often arrange hiking along the capital. Together they love to attend art exhibitions or other cultural events of the city.

Alexey Likhnitsky now

Now Alexey continues to the musical career, speaking in the nightclubs of the capital and other cities with his own show. Together with the novel, Yunusov, Likhnitsky appears in the national concerts of "Comedy". Thus, in 2018, humorists took part in the release of the "one comedy", in which many residents of the club of the first years of its existence appeared.

In May 2019, the "Sister Zaitsev" made a new program "Concert with a steep name" on the stage of the Moscow State Estrada Theater.

Also, the artists became the participants of the Anecdote Show program Vadim Galygina, where they fought against the group "Ivanushki". On June 1, 2019, the duet was invited to participate in the intellectual show "Who wants to become a millionaire?". Other release players were the singer Glory and designer Igor Glyaev.

In addition to the acting career, Likhnitsky tries himself and in the produce. In 2018, he presented a short comedy "Hand", in which Igor Chripunov, Svetlana Levicheva, Maxim Lagashkin starred. The director of the project was Igor Marchenko. The film was presented at several national and international film festivals.


  • Comedy Club.
  • "Destroyers of proverbs"
  • "Moscow Nights"


  • 2012 - happy together
  • 2013 - "What are men doing"
  • 2014 - "Snow Queen 2: Restash" (voice)

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