Larisa Savitskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, surviving in a plane crash, 5,200 meters 2021



Larisa Savitsky "buried" twice. For the first time - when a large plane crash occurred, as a result of which did not hoped to find survivors, and in the second - in a ridiculous error. In spite of everything, Larisa coped with all the difficulties and happy in life.

Childhood and youth

Larisa Vladimirovna Andreeva was born on January 11, 1961 in Blagoveshchensk. As a child, the girl was fond of ballroom dancing, skating, and after school he dreamed to relieve a doctor.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, the girl went to conquer the capital. She filed documents for the biological faculty of Moscow State University, but was late for part of the exams. I tried to enter the philosophical, but failing the entrance. After half a year, Larisa returned to his parents and in their insistence went to the Pedagogical Institute.

Personal life

With a future husband, students of Medin Institute Vladimir Savitsky, Larisa met, being a student. After a while, a young man made a girl a proposal, along the way, inventing the names of future children, and in the spring of 1981, a modest wedding took place surrounded by the parents and two witnesses of the bride and groom.

Wedding Travel Students-Newlyweds moved to the end of summer: there were sessions and practices on the nose. Initially, Savitsky planned to relax in the Crimea, but in the end we went to relatives of Larisa under Vladivostok, and then - in Komsomolsk-on-Amur to her husband's parents. Return to Blagoveshchensk turned out to be fatal: the aircraft with newlyweds broke on board, Vladimir died among the rest of the passengers, and Larisa remained disabled forever.

After the disaster, Savitskaya could not recover for a long time, due to the damage gained, it was not able to work and lived. In 1984, she gave birth to a son, whom Goshe called and who became her invented and meaning of personal life.

After Larisa, Larisa moved to Moscow. In 2008, Savitskaya met on correspondence with the psychophysiologist Timothy. She had seen only his photo and read the poems of his authorship, but fell in love with the first meeting in reality. Soon the man became her second husband.

Plane crash

Larisa and Vladimir Savitski bought tickets for the flight scheduled on August 24, 1981. The plane was half empty, so the stewardles asked for passengers to transplane forward, and the newlyweds, on the contrary, took the vacation places in the tail. There was less shaking, and Larisa instantly fell asleep.

At an altitude of 5,200 meters, the An-24 liner, on which the spouses flew and 36 more people flew, collided with a bomber. From the blow, the passenger board began to decay, with the result that the fragments scattered within a radius of 7 km.

Larisa awakened from the push and sharp drop in temperature. At first she hit his head, then flew out of the chair and lost consciousness. Waking up, the girl interposed from the passage to the near place and grabbed the handrail, without fastened. Later he recalled that that moment focused on his own survival under the cry of people around, but I didn't really know what was happening.

After 8 minutes, the fragment of the tail part along with Savitskaya planned on the thickets of birch in the middle of the taiga. She received many serious injuries: spinal fractures, ribs, limbs, brain concussion, lost almost all the teeth, but could move and turned out to be the only surviving in a plane crash.

Savitskaya built the shag's semblance to hide from the shower, which was continuously wounded and wrapped with polyethylene from insects. On the first night, a bear came to the improvised camp, and Larisa heard his growl. Later, the survival saw the plane of rescuers who took the girl for geologist and left in the wreckage.

On the third day, Savitskaya itself went to seek people, but returned to the camp with anything and tried to tell the fire. Then Laris finally found rescuers, surprised by such a miracle. An exhausting woman on a helicopter was taken to intensive care.

Despite multiple injuries and psychological injury, Savitski's moral support was not provided and subsequently did not appropriated official disabilities. Later the state of health deteriorated so much that the victim paralyzed, but she was able to dig up.

After the catastrophe, the survival received compensation - 75 rubles for themselves and 150 rubles for the deceased spouse and returned to the apartment, where he lived with him after the wedding.

Larisa Savitskaya now

Now Larisa is happy in marriage with a second husband, together they opened a firm for the production of polygraphs. In excellent relations, Savitskaya and the son of Gosha helps him bring up his granddaughter.

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