Ilya ancient - Photo, biography, personal life, news, films 2021



The name of Ilya of the Tree is more often mentioned in connection with Maria Poroshina, the husband of which he was for 17 years. But also the actor's own creative biography also attracts the attention of viewers and theaterons. Many bright roles on the screen and theatrical scene affected the popularity of the artist. Despite the fact that today Ilya is less removed into the cinema, the entrepreneurship of performances with his participation go with the anchelages.

Childhood and youth

Ilya anodnov - Native Moskvich, was born on October 3, 1977, under the sign of the zodiac scales. His parents are not connected with the theater or movie. Father worked as a telephonist engineer, often around the border, the mother worked with the seamstress-motor. The family also brought up the younger sister of Ilya.

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In childhood, the boy became interested in fencing, he planned to tie his fate with this sport. In the last classes, the guy began to do progress in mathematics. Parents offered him to think about economic education. After the won Olympiad, Ilya had the opportunity to get an education in the American college specializing in banking.

However, after graduating from School, Ilya, yielding to a sentence of classmates to draw up a company on the entrance exams in theatrical, filed documents into several creative universities. As a result, the graduate of the eldest did not receive, and the guy was ready to take two institutes in the ranks of students. Ilya chose the Shchepkinskaya school, where he studied in the workshop of Nikolai Vereshenko.


Ilya anodnov first starred in the cinema in 1999 - played adolescent-rapist Vadim Pashutin in the film "Voroshilovsky shooter". The picture perfectly perceived the audience, and critics. A negative role, oddly enough, made Ilya a popular actor. Next, the actor's filmography was replenished with a comedy "On love and other troubles", the film "My mother is a Snow Maiden", where the character of the eldest was in love with the heroine of Mary Poroshina.

In 2012, the audience saw the series "Hot Figures - 2", where the poultry and ancient times were filmed together. The actor said that he was easily working with his wife, because they were on an equal footing on the set, listen to each other.

In 2015, the actor appeared in the leading criminal-recidivist Grigory Arkharov, named Beast in the Criminal Drama "On the trail of the beast." A year later, Ilya Aldodov appeared in the lead role in the melodrama "Wings". The actor played Pianist Konstantin Evgenievich Rafaylovich.

In addition, the actor returned to the role of Professor Sergey Vitalevich Schulz in the criminal drama "Claw from Mauritania." In 2017, Ilya Aldodov played a secondary role of Sergey in a mystical thriller "Wake me up." The main heroine suddenly receives a gift - prophetic dreams. The foresight of the future allows the girl to take not the last place in the criminal world. The film puts the eternal question: is it possible to change your own destiny.

Personal life

Maria Poroshina and Ilya Alders met in 2001 in the audience bed "Lenkom", where both came, taking advantage of the counterclaims from friends. After the performance, the actors talked for a long time at one table of the buffet. The acquaintance was followed by courtship, joint campaigns, theater, and soon began to live together. Ilya says she fell in love with Maria at first sight.

A few years after the birth of the first joint daughter, the couple legalized the relationship. Ilya ancons by nationality of Tatar, and for the religion of Muslim. According to the paternal line in his family were the servants of Islam. The spouses went on a compromise and did not carry out religious rites either in Orthodox, nor in the Muslim tradition. Also, the actors immediately decided the question about children and faith. If the boy is born - it will become a Muslim, a girl - will surround the Orthodox rite.

In total, Ilya and Marya four children. In 2005, the daughter of Seraphim appeared in the family, in 2010, Agraphen was born and in 2016 - Glafira. Mary has a senior daughter from marriage with Gauche Kutsenko. The girl is already adult, but when her mother met Ilya, she was a teenager. The ancient says that it easily found a common language with Polyna, and the girl refers to his mother's new husband as an elder friend. The actor believes that the child can not be two dads. By the way, with Kutsenko he has good relations - passion has long been lightened.

The family lived in his own apartment, which I bought on the mortgage and for five years I was waiting for the end of construction. Free time, the actors spent in a village house near Kineshma. Ilya anodnov does not like to drive a car, prefers a motorcycle, unlike Mary, which feels confident driving.

In August 2018, the media appeared in the media that 44-year-old Maria Powder is pregnant with the fifth child. A month later, the press learned about the discrepancy in the family. Despite its position, the actress decided to part with her husband after 17 years of marriage. Spouses preferred not to spread about the troubles in personal life, but the close environment of the pair confirmed the information. It turned out that at the beginning of the summer, the poultry was submitted for a divorce, after some time the court was a marriage.

Later, the actress commented on parting with Ilya, hinted that he was not at all became the father of the baby. Solva attributed a poroshina novel with a colleague on the acting shop Yaroslav Boyko, with whom the artist plays for several years in the entrepreneurial production "Unknown Roman". But soon it turned out that a resident of Spain became chosen actress.

In January 2019, Maria gave birth to Son Andrei, after which he appeared several times in public with a stranger. In April, Ilya Aldodov filed a claim to challenging fatherhood. Since in the documents, the artist does not indicate the name of the child, he returned the papers for correction. What happens in the relationship between ex-spouses, the actors do not report. And if the name of Mary periodically flashes on the pages of the media, then the ancient categorically refuses to give interviews.

Ilya anodnov now

Despite the breakdown between the poroshina and ancient, the actors still communicate on the workstation. The couple plays in the entrepreneurial play "The perfect wife", with whom tours in the cities of Russia. Photos of the announcements of the production were posted in the accounts of fans in "Instagram". Ancient himself does not use social networks.

Now in filmter Ilya creative break. With his participation in production there is only a detective thriller "Reflection of rainbow", in which Andrei Merzlikin will also appear, Igor Mirkurbanov, Alexander Bortich, Alexander McOn.


  • 1999 - "Voroshilovsky shooter"
  • 1999 - "Kamenskaya"
  • 2001 - "Moscow windows"
  • 2002 - "Adventure Maga"
  • 2003 - "The Best City of the Earth"
  • 2003 - "Northern Sphinx"
  • 2004 - "Farewell, Dr. Freud!"
  • 2005 - "Star of the Epoch"
  • 2006 - "LAVE"
  • 2007 - "Experts"
  • 2007 - "My Mom - Snow Maiden"
  • 2007 - "Network"
  • 2008 - "Joy time"
  • 2011 - "Thin Edge"
  • 2013 - "Legends about Circle"
  • 2015 - "Claw from Mauritania"
  • 2016 - "Wings"
  • 2017 - "Wake me up"

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