Gregory Siyatvind - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Gregory Siyatvinda is the Russian actor and film of Zambian origin, familiar to the audience on comedy serials and a number of humorous performances, Honored Artist of Russia and the winner of the State Prize of Russia. There is a profession in which it is not like that, vital. And in this sense, Grigory Siavinda made a completely right choice by joining the acting path. Although in his life it could have a lot to work out otherwise.

Childhood and youth

Grigory Siyatvind was born in the interracial family, so it has an unusual appearance that causes questions about nationality from fans. Mom actor - Native Siberian, Father - Medic Student from Zambia. Parents got married and lived in Kharkov, but Gregory was born in Tyumen, the hometown of the mother. After 2 years, his father David graduated from a university and, together with his family he went home.

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In Africa Grisha lived up to 5 years and all this time was granted to himself: the parents constantly disappeared at work. Siyatvind himself believes that if he had remained in Zambia, it would probably have got into a bad company, but his mother missed her house, on the basis of her relationship with her husband, and they divorced.

Departure for the mother with a child in the Soviet Union turned out to be difficult: the boy was not released from the country. But the father of Mom, the former Frontovik, appealed to the USSR Ministry of Defense, where he promised to help. The remaining childhood and youth Grigory passed in Tyumen. The guy since childhood showed leadership qualities and responded to study.

After graduation, he entered the industrial institute in order to master the programmer's profession. After the 1st year, according to the laws of that time, for 2 years he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

After the demobilization, Grigory did not return to the university, and settled to work as an assistant director on the TV channel "Tyumen", and at the first opportunity left to Moscow. The future actor entered the school named after Schukin to Alla Kazan.

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From the point of view of the figure and the complex of Gregory did not differ from the other arriving (the growth of Siyatvind 168 cm with a weight of 67 kg), but the skin color of the future student instantly attracted the attention of teachers. When the examination commission asked the dark-skinned attorney, which roles Gregory plans to claim in the future, he did not climb in the word in his pocket and answered:

"Othello, Pushkin and in general, all Hannibalov, well, Mowgli can!".

The witty response identified the future creative biography of the actor.


Of course, the specific appearance of the actor implies the role of a certain type. As Gregory says, he does not even have to go to castings, and he had only once over his career. Before shooting melodramas "Impossible green eyes", he was asked to play actress, applying to the main female role. But usually the director names are Siytvinda, when it is necessary to create an image of a specific type.

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However, there are always funny exceptions. For example, in the scenario of the comedy "Zhmurki" his character is registered as a very dark-skinned person. Therefore, Gregory Siyatvind, who wanted to play Bangzhan's bandit in this picture, had to go to the solarium for a couple of weeks to darken. The actor has been remembered for many years with a laugh, which perplexity of the workers of the salon caused the appearance of and so a dark-skinned man.

The artist played in serious dramatic films, but the viewer loves Grigory in comedy roles. Such pictures as "All Inclusive, or all inclusive" and "big rzhaka" were able to reveal the talent to mix people in Siavord.

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It is impossible to bypass the party and the Cuisine Sitter, in which Grigory played one of the funniest characters - the hotel manager Mikhail Jackovich, which is in constant confrontation with the chef. Duet Gregory Siyatvind and Dmitry Nazarova turned out, in the view of the fans of the series, incredibly cheerful and incendiary.

This image in the TV series "Eleon Hotel" received even more disclosure. Now Grigory Siyatvind performed a major role and received a huge amount of screen time.


In 2003, Gregory Siyatvind tried himself as a TV presenter. On the NTV channel, the actor, together with Olga, the rustle led the program "Morning", and went out in direct ether. But because of the planned theatrical tour, the contract with NTV had to be broken after 3 months. However, Siyatvind did not regret it, since in his chronotype refers to the owls, and then I had to go to work at 4 am.

Gregory Siyatvind and Elena Leonova (Frame from the Ice Age show)

After 4 years, Gregory again fell on television, but already as a participant in the entertainment show "Ice Age". To get on skates and demonstrate the difficult elements of figure skating, he made a pair with professional figure skater Elena Leonova. True, before the final, the couple could not walk, giving way to Alice Grebencher.

Personal life

For a long time, Grigory Siyatvind was a lonely man, but did not consider himself a convinced bachelor. According to him, he was looking for a "his" man. Only when a man was 37 years old, he met a soul mate. The future wife of Siyatvind turned out to be Balletmaster Tatiana, with which he met on the film from the film "Film Festival". True, at that time Gregory did not decide to offer a girl to meet, but after six months, Tatiana and Grigoria crossed again.
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Soon the lovers got married, and the wedding was played in the style of minimalism: only the marriages themselves and witnesses themselves were invited. Siavinda explains such a solution to his own closedness. The actor wanted to spend this solemn day in an intimate circle. But the rest of the holiday was organized on the highest category - limousine, wedding dress, favorite Italian restaurant. There are no children in the family yet, but as spouses in an interview are launched, they have Ficus Fyodor.

Gregory from the first years of living together with Tatiana did not bother her daily cooking. Bachelor years taught a man to household tricks, so every day Siyatvind is ready to delight the spouse with a new dish. Tatiana itself is preparing only on holidays, but as an artist assures, it turns out excellently.

Gregory Siyatvind does not lead an account in "Instagram". This in his profile warns fans of the actor of his spouse. Tatiana warns fans and calls not to believe fraudsters who lead fake pages. Nevertheless, Gregory photos appear on the social network on the accounts of his fans.

Already in the mature age of celebrities managed to find out about the father, who in his time left his homeland and left to live in London. In England, he had a new family, where consolidated brothers and sisters of the Russian actor were born. A man died in 2013, Siavinda at one time tried to contact his relatives.

Gregory Siythintinda now

In 2018, Siyatvind once again embalted on the screen the image of Mikhail Jackovich in the comedy TV series "Grand", which is plotted with the project "Hotel Eleon". He played one of the main roles in the film "Alien", where Andrey Smolyakov also starred, Anna Banchikov, Maxim Vitorgan.

In 2019, the artist appeared in the image of the American agent in the 2nd season of the popular spy television series "Adaptation", and also entered the main acting of the mystical drama "Sect", where the main heroine introduced on the screen Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Now the comedy melodrama "Diary of New Russian" remains in production, which the director of Farhshatov's fluus is removed.


  • 2006 - "Poor Crumb"
  • 2007 - "Paragraph 78"
  • 2007 - "Artists"
  • 2008 - "Champion"
  • 2010 - "Pil. Kuril. "
  • 2010 - "Retribution"
  • 2011 - "All Inclusive, or all inclusive"
  • 2012 - "Courier from Paradise"
  • 2013 - "All Inclusive, or all inclusive 2"
  • 2013 - "Simple Life"
  • 2013 - "The longest day"
  • 2015-2016 - "Kitchen"
  • 2016-2017 - "Eleon Hotel"
  • 2018 - "Grand"
  • 2019 - "Sect"

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