Maria Belonenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Maria Belonenko - Russian actress of the theater and cinema, which is known for television and film projects, as well as on performances of one of the leading theaters of the capital. The performer and today continues to delight fans with reincarnation into dramatic and romantic images.

Childhood and youth

Future actress was born in March 1986. She is a radical Muscovite. Her parents were not artists, and Masha herself did not cherish the dream to get along the other side of the screen. But the artistic talents at the girl were present. Mary discovered a good rumor, and parents gave daughter to a music school, where she studied to play the piano.

In 11 years, Belonenko began visiting the dance section, where he improved its choreographic data in different directions of dances.

It cannot be said that Masha has never thought about his future as an actress. But the same dreams from the discharge of "blue" is experiencing hardly every schoolgirl, observing on the screen behind the heroines of romantic melodram. And in real life it is customary to do pragmatic, choosing more "landed" professions.

So Received Maria. At the end of the secondary school, the girl attributed documents to the metropolitan college by choosing a quite promising specialty "Economist-Lawyer". After graduating from College, Masha decided to go further by enrolling in the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. But the farther Maria was on this path, the more clearly understood that this path does not attract it. Moreover, he is stranger.

In 2008, Biography Belonenko made steep and for many of her native unexpected turn: Masha entered the Schepkinskaya school.

Personal life

According to the fans of the actress, its true age is very difficult to determine. The parameters of celebrities played their role in this: with a height of 169 cm and weighing 53 kg Belonenko looks like a fragile teenager. In the images of girls who quite recently crossed the threshold of the majority, Maria looks organically.

Personal life Belonenko for seven castles from prying eyes. It is known that the actress is not yet married, but the name of Masha in the media regularly appears next to the colleague on the shooting area of ​​the film "Transaction" by Alexander Soldykina. In some media talk about the novel that broke out from the acting couple on the set of the project. But neither Masha nor Alexander comment on rumors.

Under the name Belonenko, an account in "Instagram" is conducted. The page is filled with picturesque photographs of landscapes, rare selfie and photo actresses. Masha loves to travel through southern countries, so pictures in a swimsuit on the sea coast she regularly lays out in his profile. Here the artist publishes the latest news from creative life.

Theater and films

Maria Belonenko studied at the course of Viktor Korshun. In 2012, having received a diploma of the university, the artist was immediately adopted in the troupe of the Central Academic Theater Theater of the Russian Army (the holder), in which she, while still a student, was already debuted in the production of "labor bread".

Later in the theater she played in the play "Nightingal Night", "Long-time", "Sevastopol march", "Tsar Fyodor John", "Ma-Mure". The acting skills of Mary grew, respectively, and the proposed roles turned out to be more larger.

The cinematic biography of Belonenko started in 2011. Masha made his debut in an infrared melodrama "Transaction" Andrei Silkin, when she studied at the last year "Pike". In the image of Tanya, the ulanova artist was convincing. It is noteworthy that the first role turned out to be one of the main ones.

Masha was lucky to play with such recognized artists as Alena Yakovlev, Vsevolod Boldin and Anastasia Panin. For Mary Belonenko, work in this picture was especially pleasant, because a film about dancers. And with Rumbja, Jiva and Samuba Masha has long been "on you."

Wake up to the famous actress Maria Belonenko was able to see the popular series of the popular series of Sushan Gligorov in the 2nd season, Alexander Boguslavsky and Andrei Komarov "Survive after", published on the screens in 2013. In the series, the actress played the major role of Kati.

The effect of fantasy thriller unfolds in Moscow, which is closed on quarantine due to biological catastrophe. Because of the strange ejection, some people turned into cruel and dangerous creatures - Muradi, who hunt for people and roam the capital in search of victims. The project has become a significant page in the filmography of the Artist. In the acting ensemble with Evgenia Rozanova, Ivan Makarevich and Sergey Godin Mary later appeared in the 3rd season of the series.

No less attention and spectator love caused the sports drama of Sergei Korotheev "Shot" about biathletes. This is a dismanting tape about sports "kitchen", about intrigues and a hollow struggle for a place under the sun was warmly accepted by television shooters. Maria Belonenko played a heroine Masha, biathlon, whose fate in sports was quite tragic.

In a 12-serial psychological detective "Maya", published on the screens in 2016, Belonenko played the main character. This is a story about the difficult fate of a teenage girl, filmed by the director of the popular project to "survive after Dusan Gligorov. As a child, Maya experienced a psychological trauma - the death of the father saw his own eyes. Since then, she dreams of becoming a detective, find killers and revenge.

In the new school, Maya becomes a witness of strange events. In the school yard are bloody scraps of clothing of the informal queen class, and the main evidence goes to Maya - the phone of the missing. While the police are slow, the girl begins his own investigation.

Maria Belonenko now

Now the artist is actively building a career on theatrical scene. In the theater of the Russian Army, it plays in the performances of "forever living", "the will of the chaste woman,", Odnoklassniki, "Distant" and others. In 2018, the film "Waiting for you", in which Maria starred, received the main prize of the International Film Festival in Spain. This is a short film director Evgenia Yustus about the relatives separated during the Spanish civil war.

In 2019, work began on a new project, which was called "Meeting". In the film, the actress will appear on one screen with Violete Davydovskaya, Ilya Yermolov, Tatyana Tashkova, Elena Koreneva.


  • 2011 - "Kaby I was the queen ..."
  • 2011 - "Transaction"
  • 2012 - "emergency (emergency)"
  • 2014 - "Shot"
  • 2015 - "Survive after-2"
  • 2016 - "Survive after-3"
  • 2017 - "Waiting for you"
  • 2016 - "Maya"

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