Mikhail Rogolukov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Growth, Actor, Films, Wife, Buff Theater 2021



Mikhail Zagokorukov - the Russian actor of the theater and cinema, in his spare time he loves to conduct holidays, anniversaries and corporate parties, where you can find many worthy people. The favorite genre of the artist is a comedy, he believes that now people are especially needed fairy tales that adults love even more than children.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zagokorukov was born on August 9, 1962 in Leningrad. In his youth, he entered the State Institute of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgafeta, a classmate of the actor was Schangist Vitaly Shpönkov, also a young man was friends with Igor Burakov, Igor Popov and Igor Fr. He became a master of sports on weightlifting, in 1984 there was a champion in a light heavyweight, entered the Leningrad national team and put records in his category.

At the same time, from school age, participating in amateur activities, rogging was fond of creativity. After the army, he graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography and realized that the acting biography attracts him more, although the love of sports retained for life.

Theater and films

In 1989, Mikhail began playing the comedy productions of the Music-Dramatic Theater "Buff" in Leningrad. In his performance, the audience saw Ligurio in the play of Niccolo Makiavelli "Mandragera", Sganarel in Don Juan, Rinaldi in the Kazanov Musicle in Russia. In the play "Sleeping in the Summer Night" on the play of William Shakespeare of the Rogolukov, appeared in the form of an actor flute, which, in turn, was reincarnated into the character named Fisba.

The path in cinema Artist began with film players from the "Tale of a fairy tale" cycle, one of them, the "Goblin Reserve", was put on the novel of the American science fiction writer Clifford Saimak. In 1993, the tape "Nastya" directed by Georgy Dellai came out. The shakesoruk played a friend of the main character, Shurik. Savelius Kramarov appeared in Kameo, which was sent to the image of a sideline from "Gentlemen of Good luck." Evgeny Leonov, Alexander Abdulov, Valery Nikolaev, Roman Madyanov also played the roles in the picture.

In 2001, the series "Mole" was released on the screens, which struck the audience with gloomy and cruelty, in one of the scenes of a man in the subway car was beaten by Skinheads, and then pulled out the window. Mikhail played Bandit Wovwan Savelieva, he was engaged in the plot in the gym. Colleagues of Trekolrukova on the set were not surprised when the actor raised a heavy barbell, because he continued to train all these years under the leadership of Mikhail Kulikova, the world champion in Powerlifting.

Mikhail Zagokorukov and Anna Zakharova

In 2004, the German painting "Bunker" was published, nominated for the Oscar Award in the category "The best film in a foreign language", about the last days of Adolf Hitler, who was embodied on the screen Bruno Ganz. Thomas Krechman famous for the Russian viewer played the Communications officer Hermann Fabelin, Elizaveta Boyarskaya - Nurse Ernu Phlegel, Dmitry Schcherbina - Soviet soldier, and climbers - Sharfürera SS Muller.

In 2005, the filmography of the actor was replenished with the series "Gangster Petersburg - 7. redistribution", in which the rogolovakov appeared as the head of Nikonov's prison. Evgeny Sidikhin, Nikolai Chindykin, Jan Tsaznik, Alexander Bashirov were occupied on the project.

At different times, Mikhail was shot in films "About freaks and people", "sisters", "old songs about the main thing. Postscript "," Features of the National Policy ", the series" Empire under the blow "," Deadly Force "," Agent of National Security "," Streets of broken lamps "," Sea Devils ".

Personal life

The rogolovakov does not lead the pages in social networks and does not talk about the family and personal life. Once, in an interview with 2019, a man mentioned his wife, but did not name her name.

An actor's growth is about 160 cm, weight 80-85 kg.

Mikhail Ragging Now

The actor continues to serve in the theater "Buff", he is engaged in the role of Arkady Haptsev in the play "All the same forest", the trustee of the godly institutions of Artemia Filippovich Strawberries in the "Revolution", producer Lion Bolotov in Lily Silver and other productions. Mikhail, despite the stealth of nature, willingly communicate with fans and agree to make joint photos that the audience lay out in "Instagram".

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On June 23, 2021, on the channel "Russia-1", the show was started by the show of the series "His Alien" about the investigator's woman, a leading slaughter department. The rogolovakov played one of the colleagues of the main character that Maria Shukshin was embodied on the screen, Vladimir Epifantsev, Boris Kamarzin, Vladislav Reznik became their partners in the shooting platform.


  • 2002 - "Mrs. Victory"
  • 2004 - "Bunker"
  • 2005 - "Brutal"
  • 2007 - "Alien"
  • 2008-2009 - Dealer
  • 2009-2012 - "Special Purpose Agent"
  • 2010 - "Family House"
  • 2012 - "Military intelligence. North Front
  • 2013-2014 - "Team"
  • 2014 - "Shaggy trees"
  • 2015 - "Snow and ash"
  • 2015 - "Own Alien"
  • 2018 - "Melnik"
  • 2019 - "Linden Color"
  • 2020 - "Perfect Patient"

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