Igor Bochkin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Wife, Filmography, Anna Lezhilova 2021



Igor Ivanovich Bochkin - Russian actor and movie actor, theater director. People's Artist of the Russian Federation, known for his brutal characters.

Childhood and youth

Barrel born in Moscow. He had no relatives in the theater or cinema. Yes, he himself did not dream of the actor profession. It happened by itself. Once in the foyer of the cinema to 15-year-old Igor, an unfamiliar woman came up with an assistant director of the paintings "lights". According to external data, the guy looked like a character of a future film. So began the cinematic biography of the artist.

After the first role of mischievous guy, Kuzki Zhuravleva Bacrel played the second - Misha Basharin in the children's picture "Red Sunny". Both tapes came to the screen in 1972.

The artist himself considers the first samples in the cinema with frivolous and unconscious. The actor did not experience either euphoria, no satisfaction from the shooting process. But the idea that it can become a profession, still appeared.

Documents in Gitis The young man brought after the service in the army. A pale and excited applicants trembled, trembling from thought about the failure of entrance exams, fussed around it.

Steel calm showed only the senior sergeant of the barrel, behind which there was a service in a tank line of increased combat readiness.


After the end of the guitis in 1981, Igor Ivanovich was adopted in the troupe of the Moscow Drama Theater named after Nikolai Gogol, where he took part in the production of the "landing area is unknown", "shore", "flying over the cuckoo nest."

Since 1990, the actor served in the Moscow Drama Theater named after Alexander Pushkin, where he played in the play "Terrorists", "Warsaw Melody", "Travelers in the night", "last summer in Chulimsk", etc.

Almost after 30 years of cooperation, Bachchkin left the theater named after Alexander Pushkin. According to Igor Ivanovich, because of the routine there it became uninteresting him, there is no place for creativity, and with the advent of the new artist Evgeny Pisareva Theater became "Khrenov".

In 2020, the artist put the entrepreneurial performance of the "Formula of Happiness" according to the plays of Gerald Sibleras and Zhanna Delle, in which the main roles play the barrel and Elena Varkochkin himself.


Large work in the cinema, after which the barrel was noticed, appeared in 1988. The painting "ChP District scale" had the effect of a broken bomb. Here, the actor had 2 extremely frank episodes, which at the time called Chernuha. It was after this that the 30-year-old artist began to offer the main roles in films.

In 1990, the actor played a terrorist in the sensational picture of the "whiser bus", filmed on real events. The hero of the barrel took the departure of schoolchildren and looked inhumanly cruel and cynical. The real glory came to the artist after the exit of the series "Goryachev and others". According to Igor Ivanovich, it was difficult for him to appear on the street or even on the staircase. The annoying fans attacked everywhere, drove into hotel rooms and baked letters with bags.

After this series, the actor was filled with suggestions to film. It was his starry years. Pictures "Personal life of the Queen", "Popa was a dog" and "reportage", in which the main roles played by the barrel and Marina Mogilevskaya.

For work in the criminal comedy "Barghanov and his bodyguard" Igor Ivanovich was awarded the Prize of the Film's Festival.

In a detective, "Mady", the barrel starred in the role of a policeman engaged in the case of drug dealers, because of whom was forced to quit. Irina Nizina played his daughter, who went in the footsteps of his father and earned the nickname mad.

The shooting of a dismanting tape "The report of fate" began in Tunisia, there was a suitable entourage, because the action on the scenario unfolds in Afghanistan. Hero Bochkin, a veteran of the Afghan War, now a simple legal adviser, saw in the release of news on the TV of a friend, whom he considered the dead, and set out the goal of returning him to his homeland.

The series "Adventures of Notary Neglintseva" is unusual for the barrel at least because the actor plays not superman in him, but a notary-notary, unacceptable pile of papers, driving his nose where they do not ask. The principle and honesty do not give a lawyer to earn, assistants go from him. But at the same time, he notes the details, invisible surrounding, and does not allow to accomplish the lawlessness.

In 2016, the barrel embodied the image of the mayor of Sergey Lupareva in the Russian-Ukrainian melodraman "When the past ahead." In the melodrama "Love Network" Heroes Igor Ivanovich and Natalia Vddovina show that believe in love and radically change their life is never late.

In 2017, Igor Ivanovich played the main character in the militant Petrovich. The artist embodied the image of a former riot police officer Ivan Petrovich Kalugina, who wished to take revenge on the bandits. In the same year, with the participation of the actor, the melodrama "loyalty" with baroche and Elena Polyansky became published in high roles.

Igor Bochkin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Wife, Filmography, Anna Lezhilova 2021 20129_1

In 2018, the gallery of strong images of Igor Ivanovich added the head of the ROVD from the series "Shutchiks. Continuation". This is a continuation of the story of 5 girlfriends who survived in the "Liche 90s" due to the fact that at the time of total deficit dotted in foreign markets and imported all sorts of goods to Russia. The barrel starred in the role of Kavalera heroine Irina Rozanova, ready for all for her beloved. And she, surviving the death of his son, is going to go to the monastery.

In the militant "retirement. Call sign "Broadcasting", also released in 2018, the actor appeared in the role of Lieutenant Colonel Zhukovsky on a pension. After meeting with the former boss, General Terentyev, Yuri Petrovich goes to the military unit to investigate the death of an ordinary deserter. To find out the whole truth about the incident, the former special forces will have to deal with the criminal side of the life of the garrison. Anna Tabanina, Leonid Raven, Alexander Aravushkin, and PR, became colleagues in Igor Ivanovich on the set.

In 2020, the artist's filmography was replenished with a drama "in step from Paradise". The plot talks about the members of the usual family, who unexpectedly won a huge amount of money into the lottery. In the life of ordinary people, all the attributes of gorgeous life appear, but in their relationship something irrevocably changes. The cast of 16-serial tape includes barrel, Yaroslav Boyko, Maria Mironova, etc.

Personal life

The artist admits that he is freedom-loving and loving person, he does not even take counting how many women were in life. In yellow editions, many wrote a lot about his novels with partners on the set and scene. Some of these rumors have a basis. Personal life Igor Ivanovich is as stormy and successful as the acting.

For the first time, the artist married his youth on Côtess Alis Znagagina, the granddaughter of the general atommaker. As the barrel himself says, he put an eye on her even during the receipt of Gitis. But the student marriage broke up shortly after the end of the university. Not only the notorious lovingness of the actor, but also the jealousy of the spouse to his glory and in demand, contributed to the collapse of this union. Alice in the profession never took place.

With the second wife, Igor Ivanovich met on the set of tape "Such a tough game - hockey." Svetlana came from a family member of the CPSU Central Committee. At the time of the meeting, the woman worked at the fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev. In this marriage, the only daughter of Artist Alexander was born. The family collapsed shortly after the birth of the girl. Sasha lives together with his mother and stepfather in Spain, does not support the father of relationships.

14 years old Artist lived with the third wife of Svetlana Zubkov. But again something went wrong, and in 2002, Zubkov replaced the actress Anna Lezhelyov, which is the younger than 12 years old. Together, colleagues often appear on the screen and scene. Igor Ivanovich claims that Anna Aleksandrovna from those few wise women who understand the male nature and tolerant belong to the disadvantages of men.

In April 2018, the artists together came to the transfer of "the fate of a person with Boris Korchevnikov," where in an interview with the leader they talked about their acquaintance.

Lovers 10 years have dreamed of children and in 2016 became parents. The appearance of Ivan's son Igor Ivanovich and Anna Aleksandrovna managed to hide 3 years, recognition sounded when a happy father was 62. In 2019, Lezhalova published a photo of the baby with his page in "Instagram", also happy parents together with her son appeared in the program "Once ... »On the NTV channel.

Igor Bochkin now

In 2021, the premiere of the Godrama "Dormant Soul" of the director Anatoly Mateshko took place. The 4-serial tape tells about the future physician of any kulik. Replacing a mother that works by the housekeeper in the mansion of Dmitry Petrovich, it becomes a witness conflict between family members. She also realizes that her mother is due to the owner of the house, which is deadly sick. Premenhenev after rape, the heroine is forced to abandon his love for a scientific leader. In addition, the student will have to deal with the secrets of the House of Sviridov and its own parents.

Now in production is the series "Hidden motives", in which Igor Ivanovich played the next retirement - lieutenant colonel of the Militia of Sazonov. His daughter performed by Svetlana Kolpaykov, too, the investigator, like son-in-law. But the last sazonov and dislikes, considers a muddy careerist. Father intuition does not fail: Kirill Safonov's hero accidentally notice where he should not be, and even in the company of a foreign woman.


  • 1988 - "ChP District Scale"
  • 1992-1994 - "Goryachev and others"
  • 1995 - "Report"
  • 1996 - "Barhans and his bodyguard"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2006 - "Ostrog. The case of Fyodor Sechenov "
  • 2007 - "Diversian. END OF WAR "
  • 2008 - "Adventure of the Notary Negrintsev"
  • 2011 - "Report of Fate"
  • 2011 - "My last first love"
  • 2012 - "Crackled"
  • 2015 - My Sister, Love "
  • 2016 - "When the past is ahead"
  • 2016 - "Portrait of a loved one"
  • 2017 - "loyalty"
  • 2017 - "Createness"
  • 2018 - "Shunchitsa. Continuation"
  • 2020 - "In step from paradise"
  • 2021 - "Doggy Soul"

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