Igor Vozyarovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Igor Vyacheslavovich Vyanarovsky - the Russian actor and movie actor, the performances with the participation of which today successfully go on the stage of the "Workshop Peter Fomenko" theater. In the movie he was lucky to work with such directions as Valery Todorovsky and Roman Jerunov. Igor realizes his singing talent, speaking at the concert venues of Moscow and participating in the recording of soundtracks.

Childhood and youth

When the famous artists Operetta Igor Yuryevich Vozyarovsky and Nina Ivanovna Simonova grew up her son, it was obvious that he would go in the footsteps of his parents. It happened - over time, Vyacheslav Vyacovarovsky became a popular opera tenor and popular artist of the program "Curve Mirror".

When Vyacheslav and Olga's spouses, also the actresses of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater, the son of Igor was born, then the parents were not surprised by the decision of the young man to continue the family dynasty, which began four generations ago. Embed from this path only Sister Igor Anastasia.

The fact that the grandson will be an actor, the first told his grandmother on the paternal line: as a child, the guy loved improvise, reincarnated into the images of his favorite heroes. Most often, the main character of his monospectacles was Elvis Presley, whom he parodied with a microphone in his hands.

After school, the Varovarovsky junior was enrolled in the theater school named after Schukin, where he studied in the workshop of the rector of this university, the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Evgeny Knyazev. At first after the Institute, Igor paid attention to exclusively cinematic activity, but in 2007 he entered the acting the "Master of Peter Fomenko" theater, where it still serves.

At the stage of this theater, Igor appears in demanding productions: "RhinoNog" on the play of Ejena ionesko, "Fairy Tale of the Ardennes Forest" on the work of Julia Kima. A mansion in the creative biography of the artist is the choreographic performance "The Rooms", delivered by the director Oleg Glushkov. There, Igor Varianarovsky demonstrates not only acting and vocal talents, but also the art of plastic.

Igor Vinarovsky and Julia Vinar

Once again, the actor will return to the dance in 2016, when he takes part in the anniversary season of the "Dancing Stars" rating show. Here Igor learned to dance ballroom numbers and demonstrated skills in a couple with a professional dancer Julia Vinar, for which this is the third appearance on the project.

Together with the father of Vyacheslav, Vyacarovsky Igor participates in musical concerts, including on the stage of the "workshop of Peter Fomenko". In the execution of an artist in the final of the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games in Sochi, the song "Inspiration Song" sounded, the music to which Dmitry Zakharov and Denis Zabyaka wrote, and the text - Natalia Rushkin.


Igor Vozyarovsky immediately debuted at the movie immediately after the end of the theater Institute. The actor starred in episodes at the same time in two TV shows - Samara-Town comedies and the adventure militant "Truckers". Then there were interesting works in the filmcomy "Bachelor party, or a large sex in a small town" together with Dmitry Kharatyan, a melodraman "Happiness you are mine" with Nikolai Karachentsov and the Thriller "Tisks" with Fedor Bondarchuk.

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The actor received broad fame after participating in the shooting of the musical "Styles" about the life of adolescents in the 50s. According to the father of the actor Vyacheslav Voynarovsky, his son Igor received this role by a happy coincidence of circumstances: in the walls of his Schukinsky school, where the student selection was selected to participate in this project.

The guy was approved, but with one condition: Igor had to gain 20 kilograms of weight. Later, the artist could not get rid of the excess weight for a long time, as evidenced by his photo on the pages of the media, but for the sake of the new interesting roles of Varnarovsky was able to overcome difficulties.

In the "Styles", the actor first showed the vocal data and sang the song "Bugi-WGOG every day." Excess weight did not prevent Igor to perfectly fulfill the dance number. His relatives were amazed by the choreographic guy talent. In addition to Varovarovsky, the main roles in the film played the stars of the new wave - Anton Shagin, Oksana Akinshina, Maxim Matveyev, Evgenia Brik, Ekaterina Vilkova.

Work on the film was carried out for 3 years, the shooting took place in Minsk and Moscow. The director Valery Todorovsky was thoroughly developed by the concept of musical and dance accompaniment of the dramatic line of the painting. Konstantin Meladze became the composer of the project, the musical consultant - Evgeny Margulis.

Once again, the talent of the singer Igor Vozyarovsky was in the drama "Winter Way", where he performed Aria Demon from the Opera Rubinstein. It should be noted that it was an unplanned improvisation of the actor, but the directions of the picture did this scene liked this scene that the frames inserted into the final version of the film.

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The episodic role of Varovarovsky played in the comedy project "Papashi", in which it went on the relationship between the main character and its two fathers, who returned from the places of detention, and the receiving - lieutenant colonel police. In the repertoire of the artist, the picture of Dmitry Petruny "Revelations. Revenge".

Little viewers also got the opportunity to get acquainted with Igor Vozyarovsky. His voice sounds in the animated film "Arkady locomotives in a hurry to the rescue", for which the actor recorded the title song.

From other popular films with Igor, it is worth noting the screening of Roman Sergey Minaeva "Spirie", whose main character was the successful top manager of the Moscow company Max Andreev (Danil Kozlovsky). A businessman spends time on making money and use them to acquire attributes of glamorous life.

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Surrounded by a young careerist, a student of Julia (Maria Andreeva) appears, the leader of the "Free Radikals" movement. The girl helps Max to look at what is happening under a different angle of view. Igor Vozyarovsky appeared in front of the audience in the image of the hero by the name Parhomenko.

In 2016, the premiere of the romantic comedy "Status: Free" with the participation of Igor Varnarovsky took place. In the film we were talking about a couple of Nikita and Athens in love (Danil Kozlovsky and Elizabeth Boyarskaya), which is experiencing a break. The girl goes to another. To return the beloved, Nikita takes many attempts. A consultant of a young man in love affairs becomes his friend - a friend of Vadik. In the artist filmography, this film is listed by one of the latter.


In addition to the cinema, Igor Varnarovsky is busy by theatrical projects. In August 2017, at the stage of the "workshop of Peter Fomenko", the demonstration of the Aventure Roman of Theophily Gautier "Captain Frakass" was started, who put the artistic director of the theater Evgeny Kamenkovich. In the play, we were talking about the stray of theatrical troupe of the Day of the reign of Louis XIII, to which the impoverished Baron Ogasten de Sgonyak joins (Alexander Michkov).

Igor Vozyarovsky received the role of a comedian scapene. The partners in the scenic artist of the artist were colleagues Mikhail Krylov, who fulfilled the role of Pedant, as well as Elena Voronchikhina, who reincarnated in Duenhu.

In October of the same year, Igor Voynarovsky, among the artists, the workshop "workshop Peter Fomenko" participated in theatrical battle against actors of the Roman Viktyuk theater. Experienced artists gladly plunged into the atmosphere of the competition, the tasks for which were reminded the practice of the first courses of theatrical institutions to create etudes.

The competition took place in the foyer of the theater in the southwest. On T-shirts of the actors of two teams, Portraits of Roman Viktyuk and Igor Varovarovsky, talisman team "Workshop Peter Fomenko" were concerned. The jury of the competition included Professor Gitis Mikhail Skandarov, Actor Boris Galkin and the teacher on improvisation Anastasia Imamov. In the competition, the winners were the actors "workshop."

Personal life

Igor Varovarovsky is categorical with regard to information about personal life, family and children and carefully avoid talking on this topic.

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According to information from social networks, the heart of the actor is not free, but by whom his wife is, the general public remains unknown. The married couple will grow up daughter.

Igor Vozyarovsky now

Now Igor Varovarovsky is passionate about theatrical career. In June 2019, on the workshop stage, the Musical "Execution of Charles Adams, or the House of Seven Hungry" was introduced on the workshop. The play was based on the history of the Creator of the "Family Addams" Charles Samuel Addams. Music for setting wrote participants of the group "Slot".

In the spring, the actor took part in the creative experiment. Together with many stars of cinema, theater and television, such as Sergey Polunin, Alexander Gudkov, Nikita Kukushkin, Vitaly Borovik, Nikolay Berman, he starred in the Musi Totibadze video on the song "Snow out." According to the story of the roller, the heroes during the classes in the gym sangs the text of the hit. According to the singer, she was shocked by the courage of performers who agreed the day of shooting video to spend on a treadmill for 14 hours in a row.


  • 2004 - SAMARA-Town
  • 2004 - "Truckers - 2"
  • 2005 - "Bachelor party, or big sex in a small town"
  • 2005 - "You are my happiness"
  • 2007 - "Things"
  • 2008 - "Stirsters"
  • 2012 - "Winter Way"
  • 2012 - "Spirieless"
  • 2016 - "Status: Free"

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