Elena Hang - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Elena Hanga is a journalist, television and radio support, which is familiar to viewers on popular programs of Russian television. In addition, she is famous as the first Soviet journalist, which was invited to Boston to Boston, where the host fell to work in a solid American newspaper Christian Science Monitor.

Childhood and youth

Elena Abdulaevna Hanga was born on May 1, 1962 in Moscow. TV presenter cannot answer the question of what she has a nationality. The roots of the genealogical tree of parents diverge in different and completely unexpected parties.

The father of Abdul Cassim Hang was found from Zanzibara, grandfather was imam. A African American Lee Young, who lives in Los Angeles today became the adoptive father of Hanga. The mother of the famous TV presenter Lia Oliverovna Golden was born in Tashkent. Her father Oliver Golden was an African American, and the mother of Berta Bialik - the Polish Jewish.

Elena Hang in childhood

Elena Hangu brought up mother and grandmother. Like Leah Golden, she was doing tennis and even played for the CSKA team. Grandma spoke with a girl in English, so that as soon as possible mastered the language in perfection. Elena went to a special school with in-depth English, and after graduation, he entered the Moscow State University for Journalistic Faculty.

After graduating from Moscow State University, the journalist was internship in New York and Harvard Universities. Soon, the girl decided that he wanted to get another higher education, and entered the psychotherapist at the University of New York.

Journalism and television

After internships in America, Elena Hang began to work with Dmitry Zakharov, Vlad Leaf and Alexander Lyubimov in VID television company. In 1993, she was invited to the NTV channel to work as a sports correspondent and make reports about the Olympiad passing in Atlanta.

Elena Hanga in youth

In 1997, the TV presenter appeared in the new program of Leonid Parfenov "about it." First, Elena Hanga refused, as it was a transfer to very frank and risky topics, but Parfenov convinced her that the program was doomed to success.

With the transmission of "about it", the takeoff in the television career of Lena began: she entered the book of records, and the New York Times newspaper wrote about it. But after 3 years, the program "About it" was closed, as it completely exhausted itself.

Soon, Elena waited a new offer. In 2001, she was invited to become the leading transfer of the "Dominic principle", which she led first with Elena Schecheva, and after with Dana Borisova. The program in which it was said that a person surrounds in this life was quite successful.

In addition, Elena Hang - the desired guest of fashion events. For example, in September 2017, the TV presenter appeared on a cocktail in Crocus City Mall on the occasion of the opening of the Corner of Italian clothing Garage Nouveau Italian designers Massimo and Eliza in the fashionable boutique of Kharizma Lab.


Woman tried herself as an actress. She made the first steps in cinema still in childhood - the first role of Elena Hangi happened in 1970 in the film "Black Sun".

In 1981, Lena was waiting for the role in the Most of the Film "Invisible Man". Later, she appeared in the tapes "New Tales of Shahryzada" and "Last Night of Scheverzade". Hanga also starred in the detective TV series "Evlampia Romanova - 3: Forecast of the mood for tomorrow," where he fulfilled the role of the Ngyvani MBOU virologist.

Elena Khanga and Romualdas Ramanauskas

The last work in the filmography of the TV presenter was the film "Park of the Soviet period" directed by Julia Gusman. The paintings have starred Russian cinema stars - Alexander Lazarev - Junior, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Mikhail Efremov, Nina Usatov, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin and others. Elena Abdulaevna was invited as Kameo.


Already in his youth, she had an idea to write a book about his own genealogical tree. For this, she carefully studied his story, which began with Africa, America and England. In 1992, Hanga published a book called the "History of the Black Russian-American Family. 1865-1992. " The work became a bestseller in many countries, it was even translated into several languages.

In 2001, Elena Hanga issued his second book, which was called "about everything about it." TV presenter dedicated her mother and Gennady Gerasimov, who calls his mentor from the times of work in the Moscow news. In this work, Hanga argues about the topics affecting the transmission "about this", she also wrote about himself and his family.

Personal life

According to Elena Khangi, she always differed in love, the first romantic sense of TV presenter experienced at the age of 9, having acquainted at a tennis competition in Tartu with a guy from the Estonian team. In his student, she had a worker named Vasily, who belonged to a girl with care and tenderness, and his friends called Elena Boniemech.

Elena Hang and her daughter Elizabeth Anna

Hanga tied his life with another person. Elena's husband name is Igor Montusov. Selected TV presenter - political scientist. Future spouses got acquainted in the student years in Moscow State University. In 1988, Igor made Lena offer, but the girl refused, because she had plans to travel around the whole world, make a career. Lovers on time broke up, but soon they met again, and Igor made a sentence for the second time. Elena Hang agreed.

In January 2001, a wedding of a TV presenter and a political scientist took place. The event was held in America, in Los Angeles, where the majority of Khangi relatives live. To the wedding, lovers were preparing for a long time and flirting, only wedding dress was sewn year. Elena says that her husband loves to travel, but he wants to live in Russia. TV presenter is proud of Igor and considers her husband a very clever man.

On October 25, 2001, the daughter was born, which was called Elizaveta-Anna in honor of Elena coach in tennis - Dmitrieva Anna Vladimirovna. Daughter is the only heiress of Elena, there are no other children from the TV presenter. Since 2016, Elena Hang has stopped his career on television. The TV presenter explained his choice all the time to devote family and daughters.

As far as the press is known, Elena does not lead a personal account in "Instagram", but the photo with a popular TV presenter lay out other star users of this network using the Ramal Hesteg.

Elena Hang in 2019

A woman is known to her addiction to vintage clothes. Many costumes and dresses she acquired in the US in flea markets in special stores. Despite the indifference to sports training, Hang is able to keep themselves in the form due to healthy nutrition. Elena claims that he monitors the magnitude of servings and does not allow himself to overeat, especially in the evening day. Also, the journalist resorts to the services of professional stylist.

Elena Hanga now

Now Elena Hang is again preparing to appear on the air. This time, the TV host begins to master the media space of Estonia, where she was invited as the co-host project "its truth" on the ETV + TV channel. The company on the screen will be Elena Talen. The first releases of the current show TV viewers saw in September 2019.


  • 1997-2000 - "About it"
  • 2001-2006 - "Domino Principle"
  • 2009 - "Cross Talk"
  • 2011-2014 - "With a remote control"
  • 2011 - "In search of truth"


  • 1970 - "Black Sun"
  • 1974 - "This is a sweet word - freedom!"
  • 1981 - "Eighth Miracle of Light"
  • 1984 - "Invisible Man"
  • 1986 - "New Tales of Shaherazade"
  • 1987 - "Last night of Shahryzada"
  • 2005 - "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ..."
  • 2006 - "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads a dilettant "
  • 2006 - "Park of the Soviet period"

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