Sergey Filin - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", a large theater, poured with acid 2021



Sergey Filin is the famous Russian ballet artist, soloist and artistic director of the Boat Theater. In addition to numerous performances in prestigious scenes, the dancer is sadly known as the victim of a terrible attempt, which happened in 2013. But he did not break down and after 2 years he released Kremlin Gala "Stars of the XXI Century", where he invited the premiers and approximate world theaters.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Yuryevich was born and grew up in Moscow in a family, which had nothing to do with the art as a whole, nor to the ballet in particular. But Sergey, and the younger sister Elena, having passed a complex creative way, became popular figures in Russian classic choreography. Dancing Filin began at a young age in the song ensemble and dance named after Vladimir Loktev, and this came out somewhat random.

The fact is that in childhood he had a passion for rolling games, as well as a dangerous hobby - to breed fires in the courtyard at home. The charter from the constant complaints of the neighbors, the mother decided to send the energy of the Son to the useful course and led the child to the swimming section. But just that day the pool was closed, so I had to record Serezhu in the dance circle.

After 2 years, Filina has a chance to change the direction of activity - the boy was invited to shoot a children's movie "The Sun in Avoska", where Sergey collaborated with the stars of the Soviet pop - the Clown of Oleg Popov, the Focuscript of Amaika Akopyan, actresses Natalia Krachkovskaya and Elena Zaplakova. But the young dancer did not succumb to temptation and continued to be thoroughly ballet.

In his youth, Filin entered the Moscow Choreographic School, at the end of which in 1988 it was instantly adopted in the ballet troupe of the Bad Theater. Already then in the young dancer, the leaders saw prospects for the world star.


Sergey's professional career began in the corpsorette, and the first solo parts in the cult performances "Giselle", "Bayaderka" and "Swan Lake" performed only in 5 years. A creative union has become a big breakthrough with Prima Ballerina Galina Stepanenko. The joint batch of dancers in the ballet "Sylphide" and a duet in the "Sleeping Beauty" produced a Fouron far beyond Moscow.

Behind the batch of Prince Desire in the last formulation of Filin was awarded the prize "Benoa de la Dance", which became the first, but far from the last reward. The creative biography of a young artist became intently followed by fans of ballet art. Later, Muscovite was awarded the "golden mask", and the Italian magazine La Danza recognized Sergey the best dancer of the year.

In 2002, the artist's talent was noted by theatrical critics of the magazine "Ballet", which awarded him the prize "Dance Soul" in the nomination "Dance Star". Repeated performances with the participation of Sergey Filina were broadcast on the TV channel "Culture".

In 2008, Filin finished his dancer's career and adopted an invitation to the Moscow Academic Music Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko to take the post of artistic director. In this position, Sergey Yuryevich worked for 3 years, after which in March 2011 returned to his native theater and became the art of the ballet body of the collective.


On January 17, 2013, an attack was made at Filin in the courtyard of the house. The criminal poured the balletmaster with acid, which caused irreparable damage to the vision - the star of the Russian ballet dazzle. The face of the prime minister suffered. The best forces of physicians were thrown on the salvation of the dancer. During the semi-annual treatment in Germany, Sergey suffered more than 30 operations. Doctors restored not both eyes immediately, but alternately, transplanted stem cells and donor tissues.

In 2015, Philin became the guest of the "Direct Ether" program, where she shared with the studio details of what happened and complex rehabilitation after the operation. In fact, a criminal case was initiated on the attack on the arts of the ballet troupe, a criminal case was initiated, according to which there was a considerable number of employees of theatrical team, since from the very beginning the investigation found that the motive of the crime was the desire to dismiss Filin from the position of the ballet head.

It turned out that the customer of the attempt was the soloist of theater Pavel Dmitrichenko, who hired a neighbor in the country. Previously convicted Yuri Zarutsky and became a tipper of a terrible car. Both guilty suffered criminal pricing and were sentenced to imprisonment in a strict regime colony.

In 2016, Paul was freed by conditionally and returned to the big one, but there he was only allowed to rehearse. In prison, he conducted a diary, on the basis of which he planned to write a book about this story. In 2018, the team of the theater elected Dmiticko Chairman of the Creative Trade Union of Workers.

Sergey Filin and Nikolai Tsiskaridze

In court on the side of the accused were the former teacher Dmitrichenko Nikolai Tsiskaridze and a friend Pavel ballerina Angelina Vorontsova. The ex-prime minister said greatly as the balletmaster insulted women that his student and Filin had conflicts on professional soil, and characterized the latter as "distinguished by the hysterium of a provocateur that sweeps other people."

Sergey Yuryevich himself, after prolonged treatment, returned to the execution of responsibilities in the best. In 2016, the new General Director of Gabta Vladimir Urin refused to Filin in the extension of the contract. In the same year, he was appointed an articulated of the Bolshoi Theater Youth Ballet Program.

In addition to this work, the star of the ballet was engaged in different projects. The bright "brainchild" of the ex-dancer was the Festival of Russian art, which Filin organized in French Dovial. The event was devoted to the work of Sergei Dyagilev and gathered the best artists of Russian theaters. In 2019, the ex-prime minister opened the Academy of Dance for Young Givenings. A year later, Moskvich became the chairman of the jury of the "New Generation" contest.

Personal life

Personal life of the former premiere of the larger attitudes and secrets. The program "Stars agreed" Filin admitted that he was married not once. Some sources call the first spouse of the dancer of his partner on performances Galina Stepanenko. Marriage with Ballerina Inna Petrova presented Sergey Parabinet Daniel. However, the creative union lasted for a short time.

In a short time, the dancer was fascinated by the young Ballerina Maria Spilly. A stormy novel began between them, which lovers thoroughly hid and even tried to break the relationship several times - after all, the choreographer was incomplete. But, without fails to overcome passion, Kryukru's greatly moved to the new lover. The couple lived together 19 years before the moment she finally decided to register the Union officially. The marriage process with Inna was delayed for several years.

During this time, two children appeared in the family - Sons Alexander and Sergey. Both inherited artistry from parents. Sasha in 2016 became a member of the children's vocal show "Voice. Children, "where Dima Bilan got into the team and reached the final. In 2019, it came a turn of the younger. Mentor Serge was Svetlana Loboda.

Sergey Filin dispends stereotypes that in everyday life are helpless. He independently follows the state of the apartment where he lives, is able to fix broken techniques with his own hands and even make repairs. On the news in the life of the dancer, fans will learn from his instagram account, where he regularly posts photos and video.

Sergey Filin now

Now Sergey Yuryevich works in full force, as much as the state of health allows. Physical exertion is prohibited. Filin continues to act as artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater Youth Ballet Program. The figure of the former premiere does not cease to be in the center of attention of the press.

So, in March 2021, the longtime "rival" of the ex-dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze in the new release of Yutyub-show Vasily Konov Kon Off said that Filin exceeded his authority, paying increased attention to the student of Nikolai Angelina Vorontsova. This eventually led to the scandal and forced the ballerina to leave the troupe of Big.


  • People's Artist of Russia
  • Prize winner "Golden Mask"
  • Winner of the Prize "Benoa De La Dance"
  • Laureate Prize "Dance Soul" magazine "Ballet" in the nomination "Star of Dance"

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