Anna Nevsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Anna Nevsky - Russian actress of theater and cinema, familiar to the viewers on a number of roles in melodrama and comedy TV shows. In addition, it is known as a participant of cult musicals. The range of the roles of Nevsky is very wide, but in most cases it is trusted to be embodied on the screen of women who destroy stereotypes possessing decisiveness, a business grip with a certain amount of arrogance.

Childhood and youth

Anna Viktorovna Nevsky did not want to become an actress at all. Yes, and in the family of people art was not. Mom worked as an engineer-technologist, dad - a pharmacist doctor. Nevsky - pseudonym, surname of Prababushki. The present who gave parents, the actress does not call, it is sad that it is too difficult.

In 15 years, Nevsky has formed a coloratura soprano, and the girl began to participate in musical competitions and festivals. In 1994, she won the Grand Prix of the Novgorod Festival "Volkhov Zori". A year later, a new victory at the music field: the Grand Prix of the International Competition in St. Petersburg.

In the graduation class, Nevsky seriously thought about his own future. It was not easy to make a decision. After all, in addition to wonderful vocal data, Anna had considerable abilities to study languages.

Soon Anna was already a student of the Novgorod Pedagogical University. But the successes did not please the girl, she more and more understood that he was going on, which was not interesting. Foreign language, however, English, not a favorite French, "reminded" about himself years later, on the set of the series "Physics or Chemistry" with a young gel Money.

Throwing the institute in the year, Nevsky went to Moscow, entered Rati-Gitis. The course was experimental: prepared artists of the musical. At rehearsals and concerts of an unusual young replenishment came to see the entire university. Gennady Khazanov also visited, who over time took the release of Anna to his theater. Troupe existed for two years.

The unemployed actress was thinking of returning to Gitis, at the Production Faculty, but saved the fashion for musicals in Russia. She received the role of a vampire mistress in the formulation of "Dracula", then performed by the party Fleur de Liz in Notre-Dame de Paris.

Nevsky demonstrated a considerable skill, so she was offered a major role in the musical "Incemic Witches". The image of the Witch Suckoo opened a new talent in Anna - comedy. Here the artist realized that it was quite convincing in this genre.

"Humor is a very thin thing and a matter of taste, to write good jokes - this is a gift. The main thing is that it does not fall below the belt and did not go to insult. I can not stand when you begin to insult and move on personality. I love when everything is fine, intelligent humor ... "

On the step above the career staircase, the girl rose after the performances of the "Oboronoff" and "Captive Perfume" of the Center for Dramaturgies and the Directors of Mikhail Roshchina and Alexey Kazantseva. For the last work, she was awarded the Seagull Prize.

Personal life

The popular actress had several novels, but Anna does not like to remember them. She argues that in his youth, she was repeatedly burned in search of his halves. Six years Nevsky lived with a handsome classmate, Egyptian Mohammed Abdel Fattah. Broke up loved friends.

Nevsky's personal life has improved after a meeting with a businessman and actor Dmitry Klepacksky. I must say, the first impression of the meeting in Nevsky was not the best. The actress seemed that in front of her a person was arrogant and even arrogant.

The cause of this output was the phrase in English, told by a businessman. As it turned out later, Klepacksky lived in the US in the United States, so the English words and expressions have broken automatically. Acting is rather a Hobby Dima. He takes invitations to play in the cinema only when the roles like him. Main work - Production.

The proposal of the hand and hearts from Dmitry sounded in the restaurant of the French city of Antibes. The pair legalized the relationship in January 2013. The marriage ceremony took place in one of Moscow restaurants. The young decided not to go to the registry office, but made an exit registration. At the wedding there were only the nearest relatives and friends.

Contrary to rumors about divorce, with the time Anna and Dmitry became closest even more, even tastes coincide. Both adore a domestic pet - a dog of Spitz breed, free time prefer to spend on travels or at the cottage under the Belikov Novgorod.

To the news about the success of each other, artists are delighted, there is no professional jealousy, rather an understanding of how employment increases. According to Nevsky, the experience of her husband in Hollywood helps. Combines a common dream - to visit the Cannes Festival as participants.

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There are no children from the pair yet, but in an interview with the spouses declare that it is not at all against the replenishment in the family. Anna claims that he does not consider acting career to achieve in life and is ready to devote all of himself to future children and her husband.

Anna has a beautiful, but not model appearance (an actress of 172 cm, weight 53 kg). Playboy magazine persuaded her to play in a frank photo shoot. Photos with almost bare actress in translucent underwear instantly scattered over the Internet. Now Anya is not averse to demonstrate a slim figure in a bathing suit on the Instagram page.

Haters believe that for their age a woman is suspicious. However, the confirmation of the fact that Nevsky resorted to the plastic, no. The artist says that attractiveness is obliged to bike, mountain skiing, Thai boxing and yoga. It is selective and in food, prefers fusion cuisine, loves Japanese dishes, from sweet - apple strudel.


Anna Nevsky's cinematic biography began at the Institute. The girl made his debut in the "Siberian Barber". And the star role came in 2006 together with the comedy Sitkom "Who is the owner in the house?" and the lonely businesswoman, Darya Pirogova. It must be said that more mastic actresses Maria Shukshina, Ingeborg Dapkunay, claimed this role, Maria Mironova.

Creative producer of CTC Fedor Fedor Fedor, famous for the execution of the role of Sawyer's role as a child, called Anna to his own director's project "Eighties". He put the first 3 seasons of a multi-sieuled picture, in which the actress reincarnated to the wife of the official of the Ministry of Culture. Sergei Yushkevich appeared in the image of the latter.

In 2016, Anna Nevsky in the role of journalist and TV presenter Ingi joined the acting of the comedy series "Two Father and Two Sons". At the same time, the actress played the role of Natalia, the mother of the main character of Niki (Anastasia Zenkovich) in the melodrame "she hit the pilot."

A woman agreed in the detective militant "Joker", deciding to diversify the role, not still koking and giggle on the screen. In the project, Nevsky reincarnated in the prosecutor.

"Call Dicaprio!" - Satyric tape of the owner of "Niki" and the "Kinotavaur" premiums Zhora Kryzhovnikova. The main characters in the face of Andrei Burkovsky and Alexander Petrov - brothers, besides the actors. Anna played a girlfriend, and at the same time the producer of one of them.

In 2018, the Nevsky filmography was replenished with a melodrama "A decent family will hand over the room." Here, the actress with colleagues with the love of Germanic and Diana Schulmina embodied on the screen of representatives of 3 generations of one family.

In the spring of 2019, the shooting of the sports comedy "Dilda" started, which became the most successful TV series for the STS channel for 3 years. Producers presented it to foreign purchases at the International Content Festival in Cannes.

Pavel Derevilko is assigned the main role - a rude and non-advisory coach of volleyball players. For the next misconduct, the hero is sent to work with a provincial team. He dreams of returning to the Higher League, but on this path they are building a goat characters Darya Ursulak and Anna Nevsky. The prototype of the central character was the Honored Coach of the Soviet Union, the Hero of Labor, the mentor of the "Uralochka" club and the national volleyball team Nikolai Karpol.

Between filming in the film actress finds time for theatrical performances. Anna plays with Dmitry Miller and Igor Livanov in the musical performance "not joking with love," with Anatoly Bely, - in the "Captive Spirits" play, with Elena Biryukova - in the English Comedy "Clinical Case".

Anna Nevsky now

In the spring of 2020 on the "Super" channel and in the online cinema "Start" there was a premierer "257 reasons to live". The film was divided with the "Dead Lake" award of the Festival "Movement" in the category "Movement. Towards. " Polina Maksimova, the Star of Sitkom "Deffchonki" executed the major role. In the acting ensemble, in addition to Anna Nevsky, Roman Mayakin, Sergey Godin, was entered, Daria Rudenok.

Comedy "Girls with Makarov" is the fruit of the work of Comedy Club Production, an analogue of the American "Police Academy". In the center of the plot, the paintings - the hero Pavel Makov, the head of the criminal investigation department, which a vengeful colleague gives partners of inexperienced graduates of the Academy. Anna played one of the novice rates.

And in October, the premiere of the series "Guests from the Past", in which Anna played with Mikhail Trojin, Evgenia Mikheev, Alexey Makarov and other Russian cinema stars.


  • 1998 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 2006 - "Who is the owner in the house? "
  • 2006 - "Sky color"
  • 2007 - "Christmas tree, rabbit, parrot"
  • 2008 - "Crowdow Dolls"
  • 2009 - "Phoenix Syndrome"
  • 2011 - "Physics or Chemistry"
  • 2012 - "New Year's marriage"
  • 2012 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2013 - "Eighties"
  • 2014 - "Moscow never sleeps"
  • 2014 - "Surprise for Love"
  • 2016 - "Two Father and Two Sons"
  • 2016 - "She hit the pilot"
  • 2017 - "Createness"
  • 2018 - "Call Dicaprio!"
  • 2018 - "A decent family will pass the room"
  • 2020 - "257 reasons to live"
  • 2020 - "Guests from the past"

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