Romola Garay - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Emma Romola, Diego Moon, Actress 2021



The British actress with the unusual name of Romola Garasy carefully chooses the roles: most films and TV shows with her participation are highly appreciated by the audience and critics. The actress itself, despite popularity and professionalism, is distinguished by modesty and does not like to let outsiders in their lives.

Childhood and youth

Romola was born on August 6, 1982 in Hong Kong in Marriage Adrian and Janet Garay. Soon after the wedding, the parents adopted the boy Ralph and the girl Rosie, and then two common daughters appeared in the family: Romola and Roxy.

Later, the numerous family moved to Singapore, and after 3 years - to the South of Great Britain, to the County of Wiltshire, where Romola visited a private school. Already in childhood, the girl was distinguished by artistry, played in school performances and dreamed of an actress career.

Romola Garay and Diego Moon

At 16, Romola moved to London and went to the women's school. In parallel, the girl worked as a model and performed on the stage of the National Youth Theater. Having received secondary education, Garai entered the University of London Queen Mary, where he chose the branch of English literature. After the acting career went up, Romola threw her studies at the university and moved to remote classes in Open University.


In the cinema, Romol was debuting for 18 years. An attractive blonde was noticed on the street and invited the "Last Blonde-Beauty" comedy on an episodic role. In his youth, a beginner actress was periodically filmed in the television show, then it became increasingly appearing on the movie screen.

Already 2 years after the start in the cinema Romol, the main role in the melodrama "I am capturing the castle". For this work, the girl nominated as the most promising debutant on the BIFA Award, but the award got another artist.

Romola Garay - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Emma Romola, Diego Moon, Actress 2021 2010_2

But the next two films of the garay are difficult to call successful. The continuation of the "dirty dances", where Romola fell out the main role together with the Diego Moon, failed at the box office, and the screening of the Roman William Techkeea "Vanity Fair" was encrapeted with critics.

Rehabilitated in front of the audience and experts of Romol after a year, playing the main role with James McEevoy and Stephen Robertson in the film "And in the soul I dance." The acting skills of Garasy noted the nomination of the BIFA Prize and the promotion of the London Community of Film.

In 2007, the actress portrayed the chief character of the Angel Delerell in the Cinema of the book Elizabeth Taylor "Angel". After the premiere of the melodrama, the Independent's daily Internet edition called the "actress of the year" romol, and the film itself was nominated for the Golden Bear of the Berlin Film Festival.

Meanwhile, Garai continued the replenishment of the private filmography with paintings, which received a high audience rating and praise critics. In 2009, in the All-Russian film Emma, ​​on the work of Jane Austin Romol, got the main role. For the first time, the actress was nominated for the "Golden Globe - 2011" for the first time, but Claire Danes who played in the biographical tape "Temple Grandin" received a reward for the best female role in the mini-series or televil movie.

Romola Garay - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Emma Romola, Diego Moon, Actress 2021 2010_3

A year later, the situation was repeated, and the award escaped from the hands of Garay. This time, it was nominated for the "Golden Globe - 2012" for the series "Hour", in which Romola played the main character Isabelle Rowley, and its partners on the screen were Ben Wehow, Dominic West and other actors. Then the actress bypassed Kate Winslet with a role in the Mildred Pierce drama. Ironically, it was with this performer Gararay that compared the director Stephen Poles Three years earlier.

After in the professional biography of Romol, there were several more iconic roles in films and serials, as well as on the theater scene. For example, Garasy played in the "King Lear", "Seagull", "Three sisters" and others. In addition, the actress tries himself as a director and screenwriter. So, she took off the short film in the 2012th and the horror movie "Amulet" in 2020 about the homeless soldier in the ominous London House.

Personal life

In the early 2000s, on the set of the film "Dirty Dancing - 2: Havana Nights" Romola got acquainted with the Mexican actor of the Diego Moon. Young people portrayed a passion on the screen, and the spark between them ran into real life. Between Garay and the Moon, a stormy novel was faced, which lasted about a year.

It was then no longer known for a long time about the personal life of the performer, and in 2011 Romol met British actor and director Sam Hoar. Lovers did not meet for a short time, after which they began to live together, and in the spring of 2013, a daughter appeared at the pair. A year after the birth of the baby, the actors got married, and later Romola gave her husband a second child.

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Garay does not like to advertise the details of private life and believes that trying to like unfamiliar people - it's terrible, so the photo actresses can be found only in fan instagram accounts.

Garay Garay Growth Growth 174 cm, weight 71 kg.

Romola Garai now

Now Romola continues to be filmed in the cinema and admits that she would like to devote more time to director. In 2021, the actress played Queen Maria I Tydo, known as Mary Bloody, in the series "Formation of Elizabeth".


  • 2003 - "I am capturing the castle"
  • 2004 - "And in the shower I dance"
  • 2007 - "Angel"
  • 2007 - "Atonement"
  • 2009 - "1939"
  • 2009 - Emma
  • 2011 - "Hour"
  • 2013 - "Having you"
  • 2015 - "Suflower"
  • 2017 - "Miniature"
  • 2017 - "Born to kill"
  • 2020 - "Miss Marx"
  • 2020 - "Children of Windermir"
  • 2021 - "Formation of Elizabeth"

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