Vasily Sigarev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Vasily Sigarev - Russian playwright, film director and screenwriter, whose projects received international recognition. The author's plays go on the best scenic sites of the world, and kinocarthines bring prestigious awards. Theatrical critics call it a "live genius", but Sigarev himself is far from being alone: ​​during the creation of another work, he is not alien to the periods of self-namedness and doubt.

Childhood and youth

Vasily Vladimirovich Sigarev was born in January 1977 in the Urals. In the upper saldo, his children's and youthful years were held. Father worked at the factory, mother - on the poultry farm.

Literature early entered Vasi. At first he wrote small works, sketching scenarios. In dreams, the guy saw himself as a writer, was going to storm the Moscow IT4st Institute, but did not go to the capital because of his parents: they would not pull financially finance the studies of the Son.

At the end of the school, Vasily Sigarev went to Nizhny Tagil, where he entered the Pedagogical Institute. But he studied here only until the 3rd year. The future director and playwright realized that he was not his expensive.

In the same 1997, Vasily Sigarev becomes a student of the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute, where he chooses the specialty "Dramaturgia". He fell on the course to the actor, the script and the playwright Nikolai Kolyada.


Bright creative biography of Vasily Sigarev began in the theater university. During these years, he writes his first scenarios and plays, which are published in the magazines "Modern Dramaturgia", "Ural" and other publications, which are not only in Russia, but also in the West. Evidence of the talent of the young playwright is the fact that his works are immediately translated into many languages. Sigarev's plays go in English, German, French, Serbian, Polish. It is noteworthy that according to the scenarios and plays of the ascending star of Russian dramaturgy, foreign directors put performances.

Finds Vasily Sigarev recognition and homeland. In 2000, when the screenwriter studied at the last year of the theater university, he was awarded the debut premium for his play called Plasticine. In the same year, she was set at the festival "Lyubimovka". The director of the production was Cyril Serebrennikov.

At the end of 2000, the production received a number of national literary awards, among which the largest "antibuker" in the nomination "Three sisters". And after 2 years, Plalin Cygarev was awarded Russian Award "Eureka" and "New Style", as well as the British Theater Prize Evening Standard. Moreover, the last award was presented as "the most promising playground."

In the UK, the name of Vasily Sigarev is becoming more famous. His play, put by the English director Alan Rickman, goes on the stage of the famous Royal Court Theater London Theater and enjoys a huge success.

Almost simultaneously "Plasticine" is placed in France in the framework of the East - West project.

In 25 years, Vasily Sigarev is a widely recognized Ural genius. Piece "Plasticine" turned out to be a happy ticket to the world of success and world celebrity. Few people from Russian playwright managed to start with such transcendental positions and prestigious world awards.

After entering the light of the first plays, the young playwright does not stop. From under his pen there are another 2 dozen bright and demanded works, among which the most famous plays "Family Vurdalak", "Yama" and "Locking Well". According to these works, directories of the whole world - from Yekaterinburg to Broadway - they put performances. Sigareva generously shower prestigious awards.

In 2013, another performance was raised on the work of Vasily Vladimirovich under the name "Black Milk". The production immediately received the prize "Nadezhda" at the 7th International Festival of Contemporary Kolyada-Plays Dramaturgies.


It so happened that Creative career of Vasily Sigarev began in the theater, although the drama believes the cinematographer. Sigarev argues that the theater failed to catch him into its networks. He says that his plays look like ready-made scenarios for cinema, not the theater. Yes, and "Plasticine" thought for cinema, but accidentally hit the theater. Vasily planned shooting. The French producer Jean Louis Piel has already been connected to work, who collaborated with Wong Car-Wai, Peter Greenueem, Nikita Mikhalkov. Locations were found, but the project was broken by reasons independent of Sigarev.

Vasily Vladimirovich, who received extremely prestigious awards for theatrical productions, somewhat shocks fans of their talent when frankly admits that in the theater it is bored. This feeling visited him even when he came to the premiere of his own drama.

Satisfaction from the work of the Ural playwright received when films began to emerge on their scripts. In 2005, the first film project of Sigarev "For sale a lie detector", in which the author's play was used as a script. Director Vladimir Nazarov created not just a film, but a real comedy musical, in which Evgeny Lose played, Artem Nazarov, Lyubov Rudenko.

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Two years later, shooting short films "Sugar" was followed, in which Sigarev spoke not only by a screenwriter, but also director and operator. The film became the first work of Yana Trojanova's actress in the cinema.

The debut full-length ribbon of Vasily Sigarev as the director became the drama "Wolf". This picture, where the talented actress Yana Trojanova was again emerging, brought Sigarev at least popularity than a few years earlier with Plasticine's play. The actress itself was not sure of his abilities and asked the director to take a more experienced performer for a possible replacement.

The film and his Creator were immediately shrouded in many awards, both Russian and world. In 2009, in Russia, the Wolf was awarded the Kinovydov Prize and film critics "White Elephant", as well as the first prize named after Gregory Gorina for the best scenario at the "Kinotavra".

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As for international recognition, then there is a deafening success. The painting "Wolf" was awarded a special mention of FICC at the 44th International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary, and was also awarded at festivals in Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, France, Georgia and Poland. The film received a reward from the International Federation of Kinopresses.

Inspired by the first success in the cinema, Vasily Sigarev in 2012 presented his second picture of the audience - a drama called "Living". And again made a screenwriter and director. He believes that only the one who wrote a script can best understand how to shoot a film on it.

The premiere of the "Living" painting took place in January 2012 in Rotterdam, where the International Festival was held. The auditorium after watching the film of the Russian director exploded to long-term ovations. The tape again received many awards, among which the main prize of the Russian festival "Kinotavr".

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Scenes to Sigarev scenarios draws from life, both own and close people. It is noteworthy that the paintings by Vasily Vladimirovich always have a deep meaning, are essential and dramatic in their essence. For example, the "top" - about the girl who threw the mother, and the film "live" - ​​about how to survive the death of the closest people.

In 2015, Vasily Sigarev pleased the fans of their talent with a new creation - the film "Country 03". The premiere of the picture took place in the summer of the same year at the 26th Festival "Kinotavr". And again the prize for the best scenario, as well as the award of the guild of kinendov and film critics "Elephant". The film came out on the screens in December 2015. In a censored version, it shown the TNT channel. Yana Trojanova and Gosh Kutsenko starred in the title role.

Despite the fact that Vasily Sigarev is just starting the director's path, he has already become famous as one of the most talented directories of modern Russian cinema. Critics specifically for Cygarev's creations came up with the term "new folk realism".

One of the latest works in the artist filmography is a short "Z" short film, which was represented by the viewer in 2017. The film is devoted to the topic of a zombie apocalypse, which happens in Russia. In the center of events - a mother with two children, which it is necessary to overcome all obstacles and to be in the city, protected.

Personal life

The meeting with the actress Yana Trojanova was for the playwright and director of the fateful. She became not only the wife of Vasily Sigarev, but also his muse. The artist starred in all his films.

An acquaintance took place in the walls of the Yekaterinburg Theater "Theatron", where I was served by Jan, and Vasily was invited to produce the play "Black Milk". The playwright strongly surprised the actress by the fact that was not an elderly man, but a stylishly dressed young guy. Communication and outside the theater walls were associated between the director and the performer.

Yana is the second "I" of the Ural genius. She was indispensable in his life, prompted her husband's story "Wolf". Her children's memories entered the script. In addition, Trojanova debuted into the films in the film.

For Yana and Vasily, this marriage is the second, though unregistered. From the first director the daughter of Elizabeth will grow up. They did not have common children.

The spouses lived in Yekaterinburg and were not going to move to Moscow. They had a civil marriage, the wedding did not play. As Yana says, they were afraid of "seal" his relationship: fear of unsuccessful legal unions remained. The main thing that connected a couple is love. In communication, Yana called her husband by last name, and Vasily her - Troshina.

Spouses believed that they had a joint hobby - the work to which they were extremely serious. On the set Trojanov and Sigarev - actress and director. During the creation of the film, they even lived in different rooms. Together, having prepared the material, went on shooting, after which the period of the prime minister began, presentations of the new project. Creative activity Lovers combined with rest.

In the free clock, Vasily offers a computer: the playwright loves to create new sites. At the same time, Sigarev does not lead a personal "instagram", but his photo often appeared on Yana fan pages.

In February 2021, in an interview with Yuri Dudu, the director confessed: he does not live with Trojanovaya since September 2020. According to him, the actress said that they sobbed the chosen as a man. Sigarev was seriously worried about this moment, even attended a psychologist. Now they remain friends.

Vasily Sigarev now

In recent years, playwright pays more time to social work. In the middle of the summer of 2019, he was invited to the Festival of New Cinema "Gorky Fest", which takes place in Nizhny Novgorod. Sigarev took a member of the jury together with the actress Darya Ekamasova, Igor Gryakin's film operator and producer Nikolai Larionov. Also, the film director visited Sakhalin, where the festival "Morning Motherland" took place. Together with Vladimir Menshov, Evgeny Sidichene and Irina Gorbacheva, he entered the jury.


  • 2007 - "Sugar"
  • 2009 - "Wolf"
  • 2012 - "Live"
  • 2014 - "# Krymnash"
  • 2015 - "Country Oz"
  • 2017 - "Z"

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