Lars von Trier - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In an interview, this Ksenia Sobchak in the spring of 2019, Lars von Trier admitted that he loves manipulated by people. Each film director is not a mascult and not mainstream. This is a paradox, destruction of boundaries, shock, delight and provocation. If the movie does not cause emotions, it makes no sense."I did all my life so that the nearest surroundment was more difficult to appreciate me. The subject of creativity can be anything. All that can be imagined can be embodied in art. But this artist says in me. And in ordinary life I am not so democratic. "

Childhood and youth

Lars Trier was born in the spring of 1956 in the capital of Denmark. In Copenhagen, his children's and youthful years were held. Here the triumphal career of a talented director began, whose name is often accompanied by scandals.

Parents of Lars were not human people. Inger and Ulf Trier worked in the public service. It is noteworthy that the mother adhered to communist glances, and his father considered himself a social democrat.

The son brought up in the spirit of complete freedom, as a result of which he had to throw a school: Lars could not "fit out" into tough disciplinary rules of the educational institution. But he learned independence.

Interest in the cinema has arisen from Triele early. At 11, he removed a tiny cartoon duration of a few minutes. The child's passion supported Mom - gave the camera. Her native brother and uncle Lars Burg Höst is a famous Danish film consuming. On the old films, which he brought from work, the future innovator of genres and moral approaches studied by mounting.

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At the age of 12, Lars Trier made his debut as an actor in the film "Secret Summer". But the actor did not fond of the teenager, where the technical side of the filming process was more interested.

At the age of 17, Trier tried to become a student of Copenhagen film school. After failure, he did not retreat and managed to get into the Association of FilmGrupp-16 Cointers. Uncle helped the nephew to become the editor in the Denmark Cinefond. Here in the late 1990s Lars Trier managed to remove two short ribbons. Then he made the first act of provocations - came up with a commercial extremely erotic content for the Yellow Tabloid Ekstra Bladet. These works and became the foundation on which the creative biography of the director was built.

The youth Lars dedicated to the search for himself. The young man believed that the Jewish blood flows in his veins, since Father Ulf is half a Jew. Trier even attended the synagogue for some time. But a few years before the death of Mom admitted that his true parent is the German Fritz Hartman.


In the Titres of Short Films, taken during the period of operation in the Danish Cinephance, Lars began to add to his name the aristocratic console "Background". Meakingifying the alias, the director likes to point out the founder of the Swedish theater, the playwright of August, Strindberg, who signed some documents is not different as the king (REX). The noble titles were used by Hollywood filmmakers Sternberg and Strogeam. David Bowie, who surrounded his own personality of myths, equivalent music became a sample of the self-selfiard. So appeared Lars von Trier.

The official debut of the young Danish director in the cinema took place in the late 1970s. It was a short tape, which, however, did not leave the mark in the memory of the audience. However, the diploma project paid attention to critics. He was called the "Liberation Pictures" and won the main prize of the film festival, held in Munich in 1984.

Doors to Big Cinema Lars von Trier opened a full-length picture "Element of Crime." This film has won the awards at once with three film festivals - in Cannes, Chicago and Mannheim. It is noteworthy that in this project von Trier spoke not only as a director, but also as a screenwriter, operator, and even the actor.

The "epidemic" and "Europe" paintings have brought wide fame. Together with the "element" they are combined into a trilogy. All three projects were removed in different styles and do not have a general plot, but they passed the topic of some disaster that swept to Europe and similar to the apocalypse.

With "Europe", Lars arrived in Cannes in full confidence that the main prize belongs to him. But the "branch" was taken by the Cohen brothers. Offended von Trier insulted the chairman of the jury of Roman Polansky and promised to continue not to appear on the azure coast.

The next major success came to the Danish directory with access to the screens of the film "Capturing Waves". In the plot line of the drama, a woman's self-sacrifice is told about the shame and expulsion because of love for a paralyzed husband. In this film, the debut of the young actress Emily Watson took place. The picture received the second largest award of the Cannes Festival - the Grand Prix of the jury. Lars himself kept the word and filmmaking ignored, sending instead of himself a photo on which he is closed in Scottish kilt.

If the trilogy has made the name of the director recognizable, then the popular Lars von Trier began after the exit in the mid-1990 series "Kingdom", called the "European answer" to the American "Twin Pix". The multi-sieuled tape was so fell in front of both sides of the Atlantic that the von Trier was forced to release a 280-minute cowner of the tape.

The mid-1990s was marked by the fact that Lars von Trier and his compatriot Thomas Winterberg wrote the sensational manifesto called "Dogma 95". The idea of ​​the document is the gap of the part of the tradition of new cinema, among which are growing to the transcendental heights of film budgets, bright special effects that replace or eclipse the semantic load of the plot, and support in the famous stars with millions of fees.

As part of Manifest, the director removed the picture "Idiots", which caused a loud scandal. This is a film about the group of young people who simulate mental retardation in order to overcome public taboos. Special resonance caused an extremely natural scene of group sex. The film shown in the Cannes Festival remained without awards.

Treier von Treier treated calmly. It is concerned that, returning to Denmark, he made his own Zentropa studio with the first European film company engaged in the shooting of porn class hardcore, the more strengthened the reputation of the provocateur. Tape "Pink Prison" - Allegedly, part of Lars filmography, although only role performers are listed in the credits, and there is no word about the director. Zentropa bought the rights to the comedy "Cafe Dons Plam" with Leonardo di Caprio, which the star of Hollywood would be happy to forget, but did not come out.

The 2000th was marked for Lars von Trier of another wave of success. The picture "Dancing in the dark", where Katrina Denovev and Bjork starred in the lead roles, was awarded the Golden Palm Branch of the Cannes Festival. At the same time, the von Trier again united three projects ("Capturing Waves", "Idiots" and "Dancing in the Dark") to one, calling it the "Golden Heart".

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The singer, who received a prize for the best female role, stated that he worked with the background Trier in the first and last time, since she did not intend to tolerate chauvinistic attacks and a soulless attitude. Later, against the background of the unfolded campaign to combat Harasmente, Bjork will say that "a certain Danish director" has happened. He was discussed, it was not difficult to guess. Lars rejected accusations, and the producer of "Dancing" noted that the most unbearable and capricious on the set was just a Bjork.

In the early 2000s, Dane began to shoot a new trilogy called "USA - a country of opportunity." In the first film "Dogville" is involved in Nicole Kidman. She had to be held in the second - Merderley, but refused, and Bryce Dallas Howard replaced it. The third, final, tape of the trilogy was supposed to go under the name "Washington", but the von Trier threw a job, having lost interest.

Another loud project director introduced in 2009. He got the name "Antichrist" and was also shown in Cannes. And again the scandal. Creation of Lars von Trier accused Sadizma, demonstrations of too frank sexual scenes and using anti-Christian symbolism. The film even received Anti-Vagrade for mennamentalism, but at the official premiere of the hall exploded with applause. But the shock is the favorite style of the behavior of the Dane.

"I do not care. Personally, I, on the contrary, I consider myself a feminist. This was taught Mom, who was the chairman of the feminist movement in Denmark. I believe that men came up with a religion. Therefore, made an antichrist woman. Just because it opposes the religious male start. "Thembed from Getty Images

The resonance and ambiguous perception cause the following works of Lars. True, the film "Melancholy" with Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gensbar in the lead roles in itself is not so scandalous. Although the first call, after which it would be strained, ranked when Eva Green refused to take off - her agents were horrified by the script. And the author himself was made by the author himself, told at a press conference in Cannes about his German roots and commitment to the aesthetics of Nazism.

Lars agreed before he declared his understanding and sympathy to Adolf Hitler. The Board of Directors of the Film Festival announced the background of Triele Person Non Grata, and he was very proud of this fact - there was no such thing in history. True, in the same conversation with Sobchak, the director confessed that he went on a stick with Hitler.

The erotic drama "Nymphomanka", the premiere of which took place in 2013, caused a lot of noise because of the abundance of scenes of non-immulsed sexual acts taken with the help of professional porn actors. Separate critics are recommended for viewing not a well-stopped production version, but a complete director. What scares in the second case, and there is an emotional grain of the film, the Triirovsky method "Do not regret nobody", visually demonstrated in the dialogue of the chaos and order, subconscious and pure mind, female and male.

Personal life

The first wife of the famous Dane became colleague - the director of children's films Cecilia Holbek. In marriage with her, Lars was born two daughters - Agnes and Selma. The couple lived for 8 years and broke up in 1995. It is noteworthy that the personal life of the triier background was set up immediately after the divorce with his wife, you can even say - in the process, because the second spouse Bente Fröge is an educator of the eldest daughter. The proposal to marry it received when the younger was barely turned 3 weeks. In 1997, sons were born in the new family - Gemini Ludwig and Benjamin.

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Lars lives a hermit in the suburb of Copenhagen, visits the group of anonymous alcoholics. Growing children are at the father attendants. The director frankly said that it was afraid to fly on airplanes and be in a closed space, takes a bunch of antidepressants. All sorts of phobias were transferred to him from the mother, "but to do something unusual with the camera is definitely not one of them."

Lars von Trier now

"The house that Jack has built" is by no means a line from the English poem in the translation of Samuel Marshak. This film, performed in the recognizable style of Lars, at the same time shocking and, apparently, ingenious, if applause was again distributed at the premiere. True, the organizers of the Cannes Festival did not take risks to include it in the competitive program: the von Trier stepped over the next taboo - demonstrates the cruel killing of children and bullying bodies.

Now the director's thoughts are occupied by an unusual art performance, which involves the names of his paintings and precious stones - diamonds. The first exhibition Melancholia: The Diamond passed in February 2019 in Antwerp.

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Pharmitators Trier plans to please (or shock again) the project "Etudes", consisting of 10 short erases. He no longer wants to shoot in full meter - so much exhausted the process of creating a "house", after which Lars began to drink.


  • 1984 - "Element of Crime"
  • 1987 - "Epidemic"
  • 1991 - "Europe"
  • 1994 - "Kingdom"
  • 1996 - "Capturing Waves"
  • 1998 - "Idiots"
  • 2000 - "Dancing in the Dark"
  • 2003 - "Dogville"
  • 2005 - Merderley
  • 2006 - "MOST MAIN BOSS"
  • 2007 - "Everyone has its own movie"
  • 2009 - "Antichrist"
  • 2011 - "Melancholy"
  • 2013 - "Nymphomaniac"
  • 2018 - "House that Jack built"

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