Alice Dotsenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Dancing" on TNT 2021



Alice Dotsenko - Russian dancer, participant in the projects "Dancing without rules", "all" dance, "Dancing on TNT", founder and head of the largest dance school "without rules", which is valid in the south of Russia in Krasnodar. The girl went to his success, overcoming many obstacles. Today, she is rightfully considered a universal dancer who equally well owns many styles of modern choreography.

Childhood and youth

Alice Aleksandrovna Dotsenko was born in February 1992 in Sunny Krasnodar. According to the sign of the zodiac, the newborn was aquatic. In the Alice family was the youngest of two children, so there was a bathed in the attention and care of parents, and sometimes their excessive care. Alisa began immediately, as learned to walk. Mom took the baby - then the daughter turned 4 years old - to a dance school. In addition, the girl managed to visit and acrobatics.

Alice Dotsenko quickly mastered the lessons who gave teachers. Mom realized that further stay in the selected schools would be a walking in place, so I found other schools, where Alice could teach a new one.

As Alice Dotsenko later told, the dances occupied absolutely all his free time. The girl had 4-5 workouts per day, while dance schools were in different ends of the city. We had to have time to go through everywhere. Therefore, the young dancer led the "nomadic" lifestyle. The girl taught the lessons and snacks in the car. Rested, moving from one school to another, there. But such a life was liked Alice, and Dotsenko no longer imagined how to exist otherwise, without dances and competitions.

Alice Dotsenko is rightfully considered a universal dancer. The girl mastered almost all directions - from break dance to ballroom dancing. Sports acrobatics took an important place in the life of the dancer. But to combine and systematize the acquired skills Alisa Dotsenko succeeded in the studio "Todes" Alla Duhovova. Here the girl began to study from 11 years old.

After graduating from the secondary school, Alice decided to continue their studies at the University of Kuban. Here, Adesenko was improved in dance, honing skill.

Dancing and television

Popularity came to Alice Avtsenko after participating in the television show. The first such project was the 2nd season of "dancing without rules" of 2008. Then Alice was 18 years old. It is noteworthy that the casting Alisa did not come to the casting itself, but with a tiny daughter. 2 months before the start of the television show Alice gave birth to an adorable girl Anfisa. Participate in the competition shortly after delivery turned out to be a difficult task.

But the dancer from Krasnodar managed to quickly regain her former shape. After all, up to 7 months of pregnancy Alice has worked as a fitness instructor. The work returned 3 weeks after the birth of the daughter.

The project "Dances without rules" Alice passed with ease. It was a difficult test, but the dancer sustained him adequately, hitting the finalists. Dance Biography Alice Dotsenko began with participation in this television show.

Dotsenko felt confidence in their own forces, and also realized that he could earn independently, while not parting with her daughter. Upon arrival in Krasnodar Alice Dtsenko, together with his brother and parents, managed to open his own choreographic school. At first there was taught Dance Hall. It was a new direction, which in Krasnodar until then was not. Alice went without tired of various cities of the country, visited the seminars and improved the dance technique. The girl was not easy, because at first Alice worked as a teacher alone. Soon the Dance Hall was added another style - Vogue. Then Pole Dance, Contemporary, Classic and Modern. Alice School Dotsenko called "Dancing without Rules."

Soon the Alice School of Dotsenko became the largest in the south of Russia. 2 branches opened in which more than 30 teachers are now working. Experienced dancers teach 32 destinations to hundreds of students. Education in an educational institution takes place on an enhanced program: reportable concerts are organized twice a year, in which each student demonstrates its skill of solo and group dance.

In 2013, Alice Dotsenko participated in the 6th season of the project "Dance everything", which was held in Kiev. Here, the young dancer managed to reach the top 6, stopping literally in a step from the final. Krasnodar asterisk demonstrated skill and incredible versatility. Some judges called Alice Dotsenko the most technical dancer with a brilliant future.

An even greater success was waiting for Alisa Dtsenko in Russia. At Casting Alice, Dtsenko made a number in the style of "VOG". The actress held on stage confidently, artistically, showed dance techniques and body ductility. The judges missed the girl in the next round. Alice Dotsenko entered the group of Miguel mentor.

After 18 release, where Alice performed in a duet with choreographer of the project Alexei Karpenko under the music composition "Quest Pistols" "Different", the ratings of the dancer jumped. The performance of the dancers impressed the jury of the audience, the video looked at 2 million people.

On the show, the girl professionally became close to the project leader Vitaly Savchenko, with whom he made several times during the season. Dancers put stylish, sometimes passionate numbers with which Alice and Vitaly coped brilliantly. It did not cost without provocative moments: in the room from the 19th issue, Dotsenko demonstrated a fun kiss with a colleague Julian Buccol. This show with water flows on the stage was recreated during the dancers and her colleagues Oleg Klevakin under the song Tina Karol "Time like water".

As the dancer remembered later, its performance was influenced by the decision of the organizers to bring family and daughter to the project. Communication with parents as if reloading a girl, and she managed to reach a qualitatively new dance level.

On the project "Dances on TNT", the dancer fell into the superfinal of the 1st season, which was held in 2014. The 4th place Alice went to the girl rightfully. Alice was recognized as the best of the girls dancers of the season.

In the show "Dances. The battle of seasons ", the premiere of which took place in 2016, the couple Alice Dotsenko and Vitaly Savchenko appeared before fans with the number" May there be sex! ". The performance passed under the musical composition Leonard Cohen - Nevermind, the number director became Alexey Karpenko. The choreographer noted that Alice and Vitaly comfortably with each other, young people easily implement the most bold ideas. In the teleconcourt, the girl lasted before the third release, after which the project was left by the results of the audience.

Personal life

The personal life of Alice Dotsenko began to interest the fans of a dance television show after the participation of the dancer in the Ukrainian project "Dance everything". Here Alice met the Belarusian dancer Anton Panufnik. Over the novel of young people watched the whole country. The dance of Anton dedicated to Alice was unforgettable.

After the Panuf flew out of the Ukrainian show, the dancer stayed in Kiev and supported his beloved before the final. Alice reached the top 6 and dropped out, then the dancers together went to Krasnodar. Some time the couple lived together. Anton taught in Alice's dance school and found a common language with the daughter of the girl anfisa. But then the young man returned to his homeland.

Again the couple met in Moscow at the show "Dancing on TNT". Together, young people danced 3 times (once in the composition of the trio), both performed in the Miguel team. Spectators with great attention watched this pair, waiting for the continuation of a beautiful novel. It remains incomprehensible, whether it is set in it or ellipsis. Couple kept silence and masterfully kept intrigue.

From 2015, Alice Dotsenko meets with a dancer Danil Zhelibo. Young man younger girl for two years. Danil owns the dance technique in the "Popping" styles, Hip-Hop, House, participates in the support group of the Kuban Lokomotiv Basketball Club. Young people are familiar since 2012, from the moment when Danil got a teacher to the school of Dance Alice Dotsenko.

Alice Dotsenko now

Now Alice will continue to develop his own dance school, where also teaches. A regular dancer lay out photos and video of student's work on a personal page in "Instagram". The girl never ceases to repeat, which is proud of the success of the wards.

In 2018, the festival of classical and modern dance "choreography" was held with the participation of the dancer in Krasnodar, which made many children's and youth teams of the edge. Alice Dotsenko on the project ranked in a judicial chair. After a time, the artist was invited to the jury of the regional competition of choreographic art among individual performers "Best of the best", which was held in Veliky Novgorod. On the day of the premiums, the winners of Alice conducted classes on the dance styles of Contemporary and Vogue.

In April 2019, Alice visited the Festival Kavkaz 2019 International Vocal and Dance Competition, which was held in the capital of Moldova. Initially, the festival was created to expand the cultural borders of the Caucasus in Moldova and on the contrary. Then the framework of the events were expanded: applications for participation in the competition were received from 10 countries of near abroad.

During the event, Dtsenko shared experiences on individual and group classes, participated in the assessment of the skill of participants. In addition to Alice, the jury was included a former soloist of the Tutsi Group Lesya Yaroslavskaya, President of the World Union of Choreographers Wuc Arman Gukasyan.


  • 2008 - "Dancing without rules"
  • 2013 - "Everybody Dance"
  • 2014 - "Dancing on TNT"
  • 2016 - "Dancing. Battle of seasons »

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