Pavel Globa - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Horoscopes 2021



Pavel Globa is an astrologer with a world name. Fame he brought predictions and horoscopes in which future events are predicted. Their accuracy is high, and the content causes a resonance in society, so the predictor is considered to be a Russian Nostradamus of the XXI century, and many modern astrologers learn for numerous books.

Childhood and youth

Globa born in 1953 in Moscow. Father Pavel Filippovich - Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Nina Ivanovna's mother was healing.

Make up holotal cards and find in the human name the secret meaning of Paul has taught his grandfather as a child. Ivan Gantimurov, an astrologer, a doctor and man of encyclopedic knowledge, handed the grandson of ancient books, from which he also draws information today.

In his youth in the foreground, the Globa was an education. At that time, the science of the influence of stars on fate and events seemed to him entertainment. But, when the predictions began to come true, Paul decided to carefully examine the library inherited the library in which the rarest sacral manuscripts were written by the ancient Zoroastrians.

At the end of the school, the future astrologer entered the Moscow historical and archival institute, after he worked in the central historical archive. For the unofficial reading of lectures on astrology in the capital's universities, the globa was fired and in addition were attracted to administrative responsibility. The young man had to get a night guard.

Personal life

Personal life Paul - Mystery for seven seals. The media write that he was married 4 times, but with children confusion. The man is attributed to daughters Anastasia, Eve and Irina and Maxim Son. Moreover, once in an interview with the globe, it was mentioned about the first two, then the rest does not say a word. On the Internet, their photos are not found.

As for the growth and weight of Paul, this information is also approximate - 175 cm and 80 kg. Probably, the predictor looks slimmer, because in the morning makes jogging, goes into the pool and skiing.

What a wife for an astrologer became Tamara, unknown. At the time of acquaintance, both were not free, but later they said that they felt a sign that signals the co-continued path.

"The place and time of the meeting cannot be changed. But the main thing is to be ready for this meeting. Because meetings are predetermined, but how we behave at these meetings are already a personal choice of each, and what we get in the end, depends not from stars, but only from us. "

The firstborn of the spouses died on the 10th day after birth. Later Bogdan's son was born. The young man does not support relationships with the Father.

Tamara Globa became the Adept of the Higher School of Astrology, co-author of a number of husbands of her husband, but the common interests did not save marriage. Parting of the spouses was difficult, however, the parties returned respect for each other and continue to communicate as friends.

Mysterious and inexplicable accompanies astrologer and when choosing a hobby. Paul collects posthumous masks. The meeting has already over 200 copies. The collection of the globa considers it an important cultural heritage for Russia, since the historical basis lacks materials about real characters.


The first Horoscope Paul appeared in the early 90s. At the same time, his book "ON, ONA and ... Stars" came out, and the author was invited to television. Soon the globe founded the first Astrological Institute in Russia. The educational institution has an official website. In Ukraine and Belarus, an Avestian Astrological School began to work in Ukraine, where everyone who wants to study from scratch.

Glory to Paul Globa came after the publication of the book "What is silent of the moon". The Eksmo Publisher has released a series on the signs of the zodiac and their famous representatives. Success made it possible to make a career methodically. Nostradamus XXI century provided private services and collaborated with periodic print publications as a consultant.

Every year, the priest publishes the Zoroastrian calendar, which indicates astrological trends for every month of the upcoming year. His books became "letter" for many followers.

Since 1997, Paul's biography has acquired a steady astrological course. He worked as a TV presenter of the project "Global News", the "Executive" program, which was later transferred to the Retro FM radio path.

The astrologer was noted in the cinema - played in the films "In the footsteps of the Beast", "Russia after 2012".

Forecasts Globes come for 80%. He predicted the resignation of Boris Yeltsin and coming to power Vladimir Putin, an accident at the Chernobyl NPP and an earthquake in Armenia in 1988, the terrorist attack in New York on September 11, 2001 and the split of Ukraine in 2014.

True, the writer-astrologer was mistaken when I considered that Hillary Clinton would become president of the United States, and Yulia Tymoshenko - Ukraine, that Saddam Hussein will be saved, and Fidel Castro lives for many more years.

The reason for the incomprehension of forecasts with the reality of Pavel Globa explains that only charlatan gives a 100% prediction warranty. Life can go on another scenario, which contributes to a number of indirect causes that are difficult to reach attention.

Pavel Globa now

Now the astrologer is engaged in the preparation of individual forecasts for the week, month, year and 5 years. On the website of his institute, you can find out what should be done on this day, and from what actions will refrain, order a medical, career guidance horoscope, on the selection of a name or based on the interaction of stars and minerals. Paul is invited to television as a consultant in various projects.

At the end of 2019, the world globe shared his thoughts about the coming year. In 2020, the astrologer believes, will be lucky by representatives of such signs as the lion, Gemini, Scorpio and Capricorn. The network appeared ascribed by the prediction of the imminent joining of the LNR and DPR to Russia. However, even those who do not believe in the stars are convinced that Paul has nothing to do with it. It is unlikely that a person who calculates every step in advance will make loud statements that risen to bring completely unpredictable consequences.


  • 1991 - "He, she and ... Stars"
  • 1991 - "What is silent of the moon"
  • 1992 - "Brief predictive astrology"
  • 1993 - "Popular Astrology"
  • 1994 - "Miscelions of Star Astrology"
  • 1994 - Fixed Stars »
  • 1996 - "Moon Astrology"
  • 2000 - "Mithra - Lord of Dawn"
  • 2005 - "Astrology named"
  • 2006 - "Lot White Rus"

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